# config/packages/lag_admin.yaml
# The admin name can be anything, but it should be unique. All the following configuration values are only
# applied to the current Admin. It overrides the values of Application configuration parameters. Those values
# are the default values
# The fully qualified path to the entity. If you use the Doctrine ORM data provider, this class should
# be a Doctrine entity
entity: App\Entity\Article
# Those are the default actions. You can remove or add your own action.
create: ~
edit: ~
list: ~
delete: ~
# You can use your own Admin class here. It should implements LAG\AdminBundle\Admin\AdminInterface
class: LAG\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin
# You can customize the route names and urls generated. It should contains "{admin}" and "{action}"
routes_pattern: lag.admin.{admin}.{action}
# You can override the default controller. Be careful, the bundle should not work as expected if your
# custom controller does trigger required events
controller: LAG\AdminBundle\Controller\AdminAction
# The maximum number of entities displayed in the list Action
max_per_page: 20
# Use the translation system. The translation pattern are used to generate the translation keys. It
# should contains the {key}
pattern: lag.admin.{key}
# Documentation in progress
form: ~
form_options: ~
pager: ~
permissions: ~
string_length: ~
string_truncate: ~
date_format: ~
data_provider: ~
page_parameter: ~
list_template: ~
update_template: ~
create_template: ~
delete_template: ~