- another speed improvement by only clearing cookies instead of closing browsers after each scenario (dewind)
- fixed memory leaks within the java process by clearing proxies (dewind)
- fixed syntax error when sending multiline lambdas (endor, langalex)
- removed separate development and continuous integration environments and replaced them with a single one (thilo)
- more webrat like step definitions (lupine)
- improve on stability issues (mattmatt)
- fixed RemoteBrowser#confirm called celerity remove_listener with invalid arguments
- extended communication protocol to be able to send procs as arguments and blocks
- default mail delivery method is now 'persistent', ActionMailer::Base.deliveries works again in features
- added javascript helper to make 'I wait for the AJAX call to finish' work reliably (langalex)
Lots of important contributions from a bunch of people. check the commit logs.