- const { fs_readTextFile } = require('sr_common');
- date_currentISO( )
- date_toISO()
- exists = await fs_exists(filePath)
- const {err,files } = await fs_readDir( dirPath )
- const {text} = await fs_readTextFile('.' + req.path);
- const {base64} = await fs_readBase64( filePath );
- const { items, errmsg } = await dir_itemList( gitPath ) ;
- str_head( str, lx )
- {part1, part2} = str_headSplit( str, lx )
- str_substrLenient( str, bx, lx )
- increment version number in package.json
- make sure new functions are exported from common-fs.js
- git add, commit, push to repo
- npm publish
- npm update in projects which use this package
Typescript definition of exported functions are found in common-fs.d.ts