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File metadata and controls

531 lines (390 loc) · 25.9 KB

NIP-XX-1: Nomad --- DRAFT

draft optional


tag:n:import tag:n:metadata


The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

  1. Motivation
  2. Short Description
  3. Overview
  4. Preliminary Definitions
    1. Simple Identifier
    2. Simple Body
    3. Simple Path
  5. Nomad Syntax
    1. The n:import Tag
    2. The n:metadata Tag
      1. The predefined Metadata Identifier
      2. The internal Metadata Identifier
      3. The external Metadata Identifier
    3. Validation
  6. Nomad Semantics
    1. External Execution
    2. Internal Execution
    3. General Execution Procedure
      1. The internal / external Metadata Identifiers
      2. Dealing with Imports and Script Parameters
  7. FAQs
    1. Why do we need a Virtual Machine?
    2. Why is there no "version" in Nomad?
    3. Why use JavaScript?
    4. How is this "unstoppable" or "uncensorable"?
    5. Why is NOSTR used?
  8. Philosophical Musings


This proposal aims to provide a NOSTR-powered uncensorable, decentralized, and highly available application repository framework.

Short Description

A new event kind is reserved for the publication of JavaScript source code. Events of this kind can in turn declare other such events as dependencies, thus enabling behavioral composition. Additionally, they may have associated metadata, so as to tailor their interpretation by complying clients.

The code therein is expected to be executed in a secure, curated, and idempotent execution environment, a reference implementation of which is provided as part of this proposal.


First, we deal with some Preliminary Definitions.

Next, we present the Nomad Syntax, the mechanism by which users may publish code to relays to make it available to consumers.

Next, we define the Nomad Semantics: the expected semantics for code execution, importing, and metadata handling.

We follow with a series of FAQs, and close with some Philosophical Musings.

A couple of appendixes is included as well:

  • Appendix A deals with the predefined dependencies that conforming implementations need to provide to Nomad scripts.
  • Appendix B lists the standard global objects that conforming implementations need to make available to Nomad code.
  • Appendix C specifies the virtual machine interface proper, with all of its exposed functionalities.

Preliminary Definitions

In what follows, we'll define some terms to be used throughout the specification.

Simple Identifier

A simple identifier MUST be a string containing a valid JavaScript identifier name, satisfying the following regular expression: /^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/. Additionally, this value MUST NOT be:


Note that, in particular, identifiers as such defined MAY NOT start with an underscore (_) nor contain any dollar signs ($).

Note as well, that although JavaScript identifiers may contain any arbitrary Unicode code points or be specified by escape sequences, this is NOT allowed here.

Furthermore, the forbidden identifier names boil down to: AggregateError, Array, ArrayBuffer, AsyncFunction, AsyncGenerator, AsyncGeneratorFunction, AsyncIterator, Atomics, BigInt, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array, Boolean, DataView, Date, Error, EvalError, FinalizationRegistry, Float32Array, Float64Array, Function, Generator, GeneratorFunction, Infinity, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, InternalError, Intl, Iterator, JSON, Map, Math, NaN, Number, Object, Promise, Proxy, RangeError, ReferenceError, Reflect, RegExp, Set, SharedArrayBuffer, String, Symbol, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, WeakMap, WeakRef, WeakSet, abstract, arguments, as, async, await, boolean, break, byte, case, catch, char, class, const, continue, debugger, decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, default, delete, do, double, else, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, enum, escape, eval, eval, export, extends, false, final, finally, float, for, from, function, get, globalThis, goto, if, implements, import, in, instanceof, int, interface, isFinite, isNaN, let, long, native, new, null, of, package, parseFloat, parseInt, private, protected, public, return, set, short, static, super, switch, synchronized, this, throw, throws, transient, true, try, typeof, undefined, unescape, var, void, volatile, while, with, and yield.

Simple Body

A simple body MUST be a string consisting of valid JavaScript asynchronous function body code (ie. code that may legally be used as the sole argument to the standard-but-indirectly-available AsyncFunction constructor) under strict mode (ie. preceded by "use strict";), and most likely SHOULD contain at least one return statement. Alternatively, if body contains the prospective simple body, the following JavaScript code MUST NOT throw:

new (Object.getPrototypeOf(async function () {}).constructor)(`"use strict"; ${body}`);


Note that a simple body is not expected to be a Generator, thus, you MAY NOT use yield within its global scope. Incidentally, you MAY use yield in an internally-defined function within the body proper.

Furthermore, a simple body MUST consist solely of the following byte values:

  • 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0d, or
  • 0x20 to 0x7e.

These are the ASCII values of:


As is the case above, whereas JavaScript allows for arbitrary code points to be a part of a function body, we do NOT: if they're required, they can be built up from escape sequences.

Simple Path

A simple path MUST be a string consisting of one or more simple identifiers separated by slashes (/).

Nomad Syntax

A Nomad event is a kind:1337 event of the form:

    "kind": 1337,
    "tags": [
          "{recommended_relay_url}",                // optional
        ],                                          // optional
          "{arg[1]}", "{arg[2]}", ..., "{arg[n]}",  // optional
        ],                                          // optional
    "content": ...,

Note that 1337 is an enumerated kind, meaning it is a regular event: relays MUST store and return them to clients for an indefinite amount of time. Furthermore, kind:1337 events are non-deletable events1: upon receiving a kind:5 event targeting a kind:1337 event, relays MUST ignore it and not forward it.

A Nomad event's .tag field MAY contain any number of n:import or n:metadata tags.

A Nomad event's .content field MUST be a simple body; we'll call the .content of a Nomad event a Nomad script or simply a Nomad.

The n:import Tag

An n:import tag MUST have the following form:

  "{recommended_relay_url}",  // optional


  • {identifier}: This value MUST be a simple identifier.

  • {nomad_event_id}: This value MUST be a valid NOSTR event .id, consisting of 64 lowercase hexadecimal characters. This MUST be the .id of a Nomad event (ie. a kind:1337 event itself).

  • {recommended_relay_url}: This value, if present, MUST be a valid NOSTR relay URL.

If two instances of this tag have the same {identifier}, then they MUST have the same {nomad_event_id} field, but may differ in their {recommended_relay_url} fields. On the other hand, the same {nomad_event_id} MAY appear more than once, even on tags with different {identifier} values.

The n:metadata Tag

An n:metadata tag MUST have the following form:

  "{arg[1]}", "{arg[2]}", ..., "{arg[n]}",  // optional


  • {identifier}: This value MUST be a simple identifier.

  • {arg[1]}, {arg[2]}, ..., {arg[n]}: These MUST be zero or more arbitrary strings.

If two instances of this tag have the same {identifier}, then they MUST also have the same list of arguments (byte-by-byte equal, that is).

The {identifier} is expected to serve as a way of modifying the execution mode for the Nomad event it is attached to. The current specification defines the following metadata identifiers:

Future specifications may further define additional metadata {identifier} values in order to tailor how events are validated and interpreted.


In order to avoid future conflicts, it is RECOMMENDED that non-standardized n:metadata identifiers start with x-, so as to make absolutely apparent the fact that they're intended for experimental or non-standard purposes.

The predefined Metadata Identifier

A predefined metadata identifier has the form:

["n:metadata", "predefined". "{predefined_name}"]


See the general execution procedure for its intended semantics.

The internal Metadata Identifier

An internal metadata identifier has the form (note the absence of arguments):

["n:metadata", "internal"]

See the general execution procedure for its intended semantics.

The external Metadata Identifier

An external metadata identifier has the form (note the absence of arguments):

["n:metadata", "external"]

See the general execution procedure for its intended semantics.


In order for a NOSTR event to be a valid Nomad event, it MUST be a valid NOSTR event, and furthermore the following conditions need to be satisfied:

  1. The .kind field MUST equal 1337.
  2. For any two n:import tags in .tags with identical {identifier} parts their {nomad_event_id} parts MUST be equal (but their {recommended_relay_url} parts MAY differ).
  3. For any two n:metadata tags in .tags with identical {identifier} parts their arguments MUST be identical (byte-by-byte equal).
  4. For every n:import tag in .tags:
    1. Their {nomad_event_id} part MUST be the .id field of a NOSTR event that is itself valid according to these rules.
    2. Their {identifier} part MUST be a valid simple identifier.
    3. Their {recommended_relay_url} part MUST be a syntactically valid Secure WebSocket URL.
  5. For every n:metadata tag in .tags:
    1. Their {identifier} part MUST be a valid simple identifier.
    2. The event as a whole MUST be valid according to the validation rules the metadata definition for {identifier} establishes.
  6. The .content field MUST be a valid simple body.

Note that this is simply a syntactic validation: Nomad events may still be invalid by virtue of their dynamic behavior.

Nomad Semantics

Execution of Nomad event with id id (a string), querying relays (a list of strings), and parameters params (a mapping from strings to arbitrary values), comes in two flavours:

  • external: denoted as executeExternal(id, relays, params), it's the main execution form, used when executing a Nomad script on the "outer" scope.
  • internal: denoted as executeInternal(id, relays, params), used to execute imported and predefined scripts.

Both of these are very similar, but differ in their handling the resulting value. To that end, we define the toJsonResult procedure first, that takes an arbitrary data parameter and proceeds as follows:

  1. Let result be the result of executing:

  2. If the previous operation threw, return FAILURE.

  3. If result is undefined, return FAILURE.

  4. Return result.

Now, we'll treat each execution procedure in turn.

External Execution

An executeExternal(id, relays, params) call proceeds as follows:

  1. Query relays for the event with id id, call the result e.

  2. If e is empty, return FAILURE.

  3. if e is not valid according to the validation procedure above, return FAILURE.

  4. If e.tags does not contain an n:metadata tag with an external metadata identifier, return FAILURE.

  5. If e.tags contains an n:metadata tag with a predefined metadata identifier, then:

    1. If id is not recognized as a predefined dependency by the executing agent, return FAILURE.
    2. Let result be the result of executing the predefined dependency.
    3. Return the result of calling toJsonResult(result).
  6. Let imports be a new empty mapping with string keys and arbitrary values.

  7. For each n:import tag in e.tags, call it t, do:

    1. Let name be t[1] (ie, the {identifier} part of an n:import tag).
    2. If name is a key in params, return FAILURE.
    3. Let iid be t[2] (ie. the {nomad_event_id} part of an n:import tag).
    4. Let rrelays be [t[3]] (ie. the {recommended_relay_url} part of an n:import tag), or [] if t[3] does not exist.
    5. Let value be the result of calling executeInternal(iid, [...rrelays, ...relays], {}).
    6. If value is FAILURE, return FAILURE.
    7. Assign value to imports[name].
  8. Let body be the result of prepending '"use strict";' to e.content.

  9. Let importedNames be the keys of imports, and importedValues their corresponding values.

  10. Let paramNames be the keys of params, and paramValues their corresponding values.

  11. Let result be the result of executing:

    await (new AsyncFunction(
      ...importedNames, ...paramNames, body,
      ...importedValues, ...paramValues,
  12. If the previous operation threw, return FAILURE.

  13. Return the result of executing toJsonResult(result).

Internal Execution

An executeInternal(id, relays, params) call proceeds very similarly:

  1. Query relays for the event with id id, call the result e.

  2. If e is empty, return FAILURE.

  3. if e is not valid according to the validation procedure above, return FAILURE.

  4. If e.tags does not contain an n:metadata tag with an internal metadata identifier, return FAILURE.

  5. If e.tags contains an n:metadata tag with a predefined metadata identifier, then:

    1. If id is not recognized as a predefined dependency by the executing agent, return FAILURE.
    2. Return the result of executing the predefined dependency.
  6. Let imports be a new empty mapping with string keys and arbitrary values.

  7. For each n:import tag in e.tags, call it t, do:

    1. Let name be t[1] (ie, the {identifier} part of an n:import tag).
    2. If name is a key in params, return FAILURE.
    3. Let iid be t[2] (ie. the {nomad_event_id} part of an n:import tag).
    4. Let rrelays be [t[3]] (ie. the {recommended_relay_url} part of an n:import tag), or [] if t[3] does not exist.
    5. Let value be the result of calling executeInternal(iid, [...rrelays, ...relays], {}).
    6. If value is FAILURE, return FAILURE.
    7. Assign value to imports[name].
  8. Let body be the result of prepending '"use strict";' to e.content.

  9. Let importedNames be the keys of imports, and importedValues their corresponding values.

  10. Let paramNames be the keys of params, and paramValues their corresponding values.

  11. Let result be the result of executing:

    await (new AsyncFunction(
      ...importedNames, ...paramNames, body,
      ...importedValues, ...paramValues,
  12. If the previous operation threw, return FAILURE.

  13. Return result.

Conforming agents MAY execute a Nomad event. This is done by spinning up a Nomad Virtual Machine, and submitting the Nomad event in question for execution, taking n:import tags into account. Any number of named parameters MAY be passed to it, and differing n:metadata identifiers MAY stipulate for specific parameter names to be passed in specific execution contexts.

Abstractly, a Nomad execution procedure interface looks like:

type JsonAble = number | string | boolean | null | JsonAble[] | { [_: string]: JsonAble };

declare function execute(nomadEvent: object, parameters: { [_: string]: JsonAble }): JsonAble;

Where the nomadEvent parameter receives a whole NOSTR event, and the parameters parameter receives a mapping from argument names to argument values. The arguments given MUST be serializable as JSON, so as to be able to be communicated to the Nomad Virtual Machine running the Nomad script proper.

General Execution Procedure

Upon a Nomad event e being submitted for execution, the following steps take place:

  1. Import Closure / Validation: the n:import tags found on e are scanned, the event ids therein mentioned collected, and this process is recursively repeated for every Nomad event mentioned; all collected events are themselves validated. If given, {recommended_relay_url} values MAY be used first (repeated {identifier} values with matching {nomad_event_id} values representing multiple relay URLs to query for the same import).

    If any of these collections fails (ie. because the relays used have no knowledge of the required event), execution as a whole fails.

    The result of this procedure is a DAG specifying all the Nomad events collected and related to each other via their import relations.

  2. Topological Import Sorting: the Nomad events collected in the previous step are topologically sorted, using the events' .id fields' numerical values as a tie-breakers.

    This will yield a linear ordering of all the Nomad events with e in the last position.

    Finally, every Nomad event already installed in the Nomad Virtual Machine is removed from this list, so as to only keep "new" events in it.

  3. VM Enclosure Creation: the Nomad Virtual Machine is able to isolate a set of Nomad events so as to limit their interaction with already installed Nomads. This step stipulates the creation of one such temporary "enclosure" so as to limit Nomad interactions during set-up.

  4. Dependencies Installation: all but the last event in the list (ie. e) are now installed into the created enclosure. Installation entails execution and caching of the result, so as to make it available to importing Nomads.

  5. Script Execution: now e is ready to be executed; based on e's n:metadata tags, the actual execution mode may change somewhat, but it will eventually entail asking the Nomad Virtual Machine to execute e's .content within the enclosure created above, and report the return value as the ultimate result altogether, passing any given parameters forward.

The internal / external Metadata Identifiers

An internal metadata identifier has the form (note the absence of arguments):

["n:metadata", "internal"]

This identifier is intended to signal that the result of executing this Nomad event's .content field is not JSON-able, and to be used exclusively as an import by other Nomad events in their n:import tags.

If the Nomad event being executed at the "top level" (ie. e above) contains an internal metadata identifier, the execution procedure MUST stop immediately.

Likewise, an external metadata identifier has the form:

["n:metadata", "external"]

This identifier signals that the result of executing this Nomad event's .content field is JSON-able.

If the Nomad event being executed at the "top level" (ie. e above) does not contain an external metadata identifier, the execution procedure MAY stop immediately.

Dealing with Imports and Script Parameters

When a Nomad event contains a valid n:import tag with {identifier} x and {nomad_event_id} i, the event's .content will be executed in an environment that contains a local variable named x, the contents of which will be the frozen result of executing the Nomad event indicated by i.

By mean of example, consider this Nomad event:

  "id": "0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101",
  "kind": 1337,
  "tags": [
    ["n:metadata", "internal"]
  "content": "return { hello: (x) => `Hello ${x}!!`, goodbye: (x) => `Goodbye ${x}!!` };",

Now, let's use it as a import in a new Nomad event:

  "id": "0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202",
  "kind": 1337,
  "tags": [
    ["n:import", "say", "0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101"],
    ["n:metadata", "external"]
  "content": "let sayHello = say.hello('foo'); let sayGoodbye = say.goodbye('bar'); return `${sayHello}...${sayGoodbye}`;",

Upon executing this second Nomad event, the result should be a single string:

"Hello foo!!...Goodbye bar!!"

Note how the variable say needed not be defined in the Nomad script's body, but was rather provided by the Nomad runtime. Note as well, how the first Nomad event is free to return whatever it wishes to, since it is merely being used as an import dependency, there's no restriction on its result being JSON-able; on the contrary, the second Nomad event is forced to return a JSON-able result, for it must be communicated to the host system via JSON encoding.

In a similar vein, certain n:metadata identifiers MAY require the Nomad runtime (or the framework using the Nomad runtime) to pass additional parameters to the Nomad event being executed. Parameters in this sense are always named: ie. named parameters are used exclusively, and each n:metadata identifier MUST specify the names expected to be used.

By way of example, consider the following Nomad event (nb. the x-with-current-time is merely an example and inconsequential):

  "id": "0303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303",
  "kind": 1337,
  "tags": [
    ["n:metadata", "x-with-current-time"],
    ["n:metadata", "external"]
  "content": "return currentTime.toString();",

Note how the variable currentTime is neither defined within the Nomad script's body, nor imported via an n:import tag, it is rather provided by the Nomad runtime because of the x-with-current-time identifier in the n:metadata tag.

There's more that can be done with the Nomad runtime as it stands today, and, this being a living standard, it is expected to evolve from its current status.



Why do we need a Virtual Machine?


Why is there no "version" in Nomad?


Why use JavaScript?


How is this "unstoppable" or "uncensorable"?


Why is NOSTR used?


Philosophical Musings



  1. There's a precedent for non-deletable events in NIP-09's "Deleting a Deletion" section.