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Lachlan McDonald edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 65 revisions

Brush Shaders

See: How to use Brush Shaders

Brick Brushes Generates alternating rows of bricks or tiles
Noise Brushes Generates different types of noise
Gradient Brush Generates different styles of gradients
Radial Gradient Brush Generates different styles of radial gradients
Grass Brush Generates generates randomly protruding lines of voxels with a constant distribution
Grid Brush Generates a grid pattern with variable thickness and spacing
Tiles Brush Generates a tile pattern
Puzzle Tile Brush Generates a puzzle tile pattern
Uneven Tile Brush Generates an uneven tile pattern
Diagonal Line Brush Generates parallel 45° lines of alternating widths and colors
Weave Brush Generates a weave pattern
Zigzag Brushes Generates zig-zag patterns
Truchet Brush Generates a truchet pattern
Treemap Brush Generates a treemap pattern

Primitive Brush Shaders

See: How to use Brush Shaders

Prism Brush Generates prisms, pyramids or tetrahedrons with straight or curved angles
Cylinder Brush Generates cylinders and tubes
Stairs Brushes Generates a slope of stairs
Greeble Brushes Generates greebles

Volume Shaders

Height-map Transforms a 2D height-map texture into a 3D volume
Erode Erodes selected colors using a noise texture
Grass Fit Generates generates randomly protruding lines of voxels with a constant distribution
Slices Removes a segment of the volume and shuffles voxels to fill its place
Case Surrounds/encases voxels
Pyramid Iteratively generate a pyramid
Sand Iteratively generate jagged voxels; i.e. piles of sand or cliffs
Outline Creates an outline where voxels meet a voxel of a different color
Soil & Cover Generates voxels above other voxels; i.e. snow or grass
Noise Randomly generates noise of a specified size within a range of colors
Random Randomly generates noise with a set threshold
Flood Generates a flood effect


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