Reports-server has multiple methods for installation: YAML manifest and Helm Chart.YAML manifest is the recommended method to install reports server when kyverno or policy reports CRDs are already installed in the cluster. Helm chart is the most flexible method as it offers a wide range of configurations.
Reports-server comes with a postgreSQL database. It is recommended to bring-your-own postgres database to have finer control of database configurations (see database configuration guide).
It is recommended to install Reports-server using helm
. To install reports server using YAML manifest, create a reports-server
namespace and run the following command:
kubectl apply -f
Reports-server can be deployed via a Helm chart for a production install–which is accessible either through the reports-server repository.
In order to install reports-server with Helm, first add the Reports-server Helm repository:
helm repo add reports-server
Scan the new repository for charts:
helm repo update
Optionally, show all available chart versions for reports-server.
helm search repo reports-server -
Create a namespace and install the reports-server chart:
helm install reports-server -n reports-server reports-server/reports-server --create-namespace
To install pre-releases, add the --devel switch to Helm:
helm install reports-server -n reports-server reports-server/reports-server --create-namespace --devel
To install Reports-server on a kind cluster for testing, run the following commands:
Create a local kind cluster
make kind-create
Build docker images, load images in kind cluster, and deploy helm chart
make kind-install