-- dataDirectory/
-- 20220517_125332_18159211_rig1_1/
-- 000000.mp4
-- 000000.npz
-- daq.h5
-- metadata.yaml
Example models can be found in this drive folder
- make sure to update your model paths in the tracking.sh file
On the cluster:
$ cd /dataserver/user/dataProcessing/tracking
$ bash tracking.sh /path/to/dataDirectory/
This will run inference on videos then create this file:
- 000000.mp4.inference.slp
The next steps would be to proofread the data and save the files as:
- 000000.mp4.inference.proofread.slp
Once tracks have been proofread, you can export them as a h5 file called:
- 000000.mp4.inference.proofread.tracking.h5
Back on the cluster:
$ cd /dataserver/user/dataProcessing/tracking
$ bash export.sh /path/to/dataDirectory/
On the cluster:
$ cd /dataserver/user/dataProcessing/songSegmentation
$ bash segment.sh /path/to/dataDirectory/
This will segment audio using Murthy Lab Fly Song Segmenter
The output is one of the following:
- daq_segmented_new.mat
- song.mat
There may also be:
- daq_filtered.mat
- daq_segmented_without_postProcess_params.m.mat
This will create a file that has behavioral features, some song information, and vectors to sync video and audio.
Must be done after tracks have been exported and song has been segmented.
This will create a file called:
- expt_name.h5
On the cluster:
$ cd /dataserver/user/dataProcessing/createfeatures
$ bash process.sh /path/to/dataDirectory/