Implementation of MambaFormer in Pytorch ++ Zeta from the paper: "Can Mamba Learn How to Learn? A Comparative Study on In-Context Learning Tasks"
pip3 install mamba-former
import torch
from mamba_former.main import MambaFormer
# Forward pass example
x = torch.randint(1, 1000, (1, 100)) # Token
# Tokens are integers representing input data
# Model
model = MambaFormer(
dim=512, # Dimension of the model
num_tokens=1000, # Number of unique tokens in the input data
depth=6, # Number of transformer layers
d_state=512, # Dimension of the transformer state
d_conv=128, # Dimension of the convolutional layer
heads=8, # Number of attention heads
dim_head=64, # Dimension of each attention head
return_tokens=True, # Whether to return the tokens in the output
# Forward pass
out = model(x) # Perform a forward pass through the model
# If training
# out = model(x, return_loss=True) # Perform a forward pass and calculate the loss
# Print the output
print(out) # Print the output tensor
print(out.shape) # Print the shape of the output tensor