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Hex Edits & Tweaks

kyau edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

Hex Edits

If you wish to do custom editing of your MUD it is highly recommended that you apply the following patches.

Use Hex Workshop, HxD or equivalent in order to make the following changes.

Open WCCMMUD.DLL in the hex editor of your choice.

Offset Original New Notes
000019F3 CO 5D F4 BF Increased Monster Records? #1
0001475B E8 C67A 0500 90 9090 9090 Increased Class Records
00014777 E8 907A 0500 90 9090 9090 Increased Map Records
00014814 66C7 8473 3A07 0000 0000 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 Increased Abilities/Spells #1
000148BE 66C7 8473 3A07 0000 0000 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 Increased Abilities/Spells #2
000149B0 66C7 8473 3A07 0000 0000 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 Increased Abilities/Spells #3
0001561E E800 EDFF FF 9090 9090 90 Fix for Increased Records
00015794 74 EB Increased Race Records
00018290 0F85 FC02 E9FD 0200 MajorMUD Addon Crack #1
0002F57E C800 FF7F Increased Shop Records #1
000392D8 41 4F "(Two handed)" changes to "(Weapon Hand)"
0004E789 53 50 MajorMUD 256-User Crack #1
0004E79C 0400 0001 MajorMUD 256-User Crack #2
0004E9B4 75 EB MajorMUD Addon Crack #2
0004E9BA FF75 08 9090 50 MajorMUD Addon Crack #3
0005AE3D E8 0300 EC FF09 Increased Shop Records #2
0005AEBD E8 0300 EC FF09 Increased Shop Records #3
0005AED5 E8 0300 EC FF09 Increased Shop Records #4
0005B01D D0 07 FF 7F Increased Shop Records #5 (Restocking)
0005F879 D0 07 FF 0F Increased Monster Records #2
000649EA E856 FAFC FF 9090 9090 90 SYS LIST NEWLIMITED call
0006D639 66 C784 433A 0700 0000 00 90 9090 9090 9090 9090 90 Smash, PerStealth, and Meditate Fixes #1
0006D6E3 66 C784 433A 0700 0000 00 90 9090 9090 9090 9090 90 Smash, PerStealth, and Meditate Fixes #2
0006D7D5 66 C784 433A 0700 0000 00 90 9090 9090 9090 9090 90 Smash, PerStealth, and Meditate Fixes #3
0007C02F 64 6973 636F 6E6E 6563 7465 6421 2121 0D 68 756E 6720 7570 2121 210D 0000 0000 00 "just disconnected!!!" changes to "just hung up!!!"
0008FD9F 45 4449 5445 44 53 5953 4F50 00 Changes EDITED to SYSOP
0008BCC5 6C 616E 6365 77 6172 657A Changes SYS LANCE to SYS WAREZ

Codec of Twinks

The codec of twinks is a hidden Sysop option in the WCCMMUD.INI configuration file. With this option enabled you will have access to an additional array of Sysop commands.

To enable this option edit or create the file WCCMMUD.INI in your main BBS folder (C:\WGSERV). Add the line for the codec of twinks as follows then save and restart your BBS.


Additional Commands

The following is a list of additional commands that are added by the codec of twinks:

  • SYS SUMMON <monster#/item/spell> - summon monsters, items or spells to your current location
  • SYS E <room#> <map#> - teleport to any map and room in the game
  • SYS GOD <character> ABILITIES - list a users quest flags (i.e. what they have completed)
  • SYS TWEAK and SYS EDIT CLEAR - tweak the statistics of everyone simultaneously, or reset all edits to this

Room 238 Map 1

There are also commands that require you to be located in a specific room in order for them to work:

  • EXPME - gives experience points (1,000,000)
  • EVILRING NEUTRING GOODRING - gives the alignment tier one ring
  • NOEVIL NONEUT NOGOOD - removes given alignment ability (resetting alignment)
  • EVIL<1-5> NEUT<1-5> GOOD<1-5> - sets your alignment progress to specified tier
  • MAGE<1-3> - ???
  • LEARN SPELL - learn spells: combat fury, judgement of doom, negate magic, Eye of Magnus, bigheal, death gaze, globe of invulnerability, sphere of isolation

Sysop Support Chamber

You can start monster invasions, which can be summoned at max once per day from the Support Chamber:

  • ORC INVASION - orc invasion
  • RED INVASION - red dragon invasion
  • CULT INVASION - cultist invasion
  • GREEN INVASION - green dragon invasion
  • DUERGAR INVASION - duergar invasion
  • SARACEN INVASION - saracen invasion
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