This proxy demonstrates a simple design to demonstrate a full CI/CD lifecycle. It uses the following health check or monitoring endpoints:
- GET /ping - response indicates that the proxy is operational
- GET /status - response indicates the the backend is operational
These endpoints can then be used by API Monitoring with Edge to send notifications when something is wrong.
This example is not an official Google product, nor is it part of an official Google product.
This material is copyright 2019, Google LLC. and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file included.
This code is open source.
- git clone
- Specify your profile parameters on the command line or edit pom.xml profile
export ORG=your_org_name
export ENV=your_env_name
export ENVGROUP_HOSTNAME=your.northbound.hostname
export SA_USER=cicd-test-service-account@${ORG}
export SA_CREDS=/path/to/your/sa/keyfile.json
export PORTAL_URL=admin_username
export PORTAL_USERNAME=admin_username
export PORTAL_PASSWORD=admin_password
mvn -P dev install \$ORG \
-Dapigee.env=$ENV \
-Dapi.northbound.domain=$ENVGROUP_HOSTNAME \
-Dapigee.username=$SA_EMAIL \
# or
mvn -P dev install \$ORG \
-Dapigee.env=$ENV \
-Dbearer=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \
-Dportal.url=$DRUPAL_PORTAL_URL \
-Dportal.username=$PORTAL_USERNAME \
# or if defaults are set per profile, and Portal credentials in $HOME/.m2/settings.xml
mvn -P dev install -Dbearer=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
This proxy is managed as a single source code repository that is self contained for the Apigee X platform. It includes the proxy configuration and its associated resources files (e.g. properties, target servers) necessary for the API proxy design. It also includes an Open API Specification (OAS) and tests (static, unit, and integration).
The key components enabling continuous integration are:
- GCP Cloud Build or Jenkins - build engine
- Apache Maven - lifecycle development modules for Apigee
- apigeelint - static proxy linting
- npm, node - to run unit and integration tests
- Apickli - cucumber extension for RESTful API testing
- Cucumber - Behavior Driven Development
- Apache JMeter - Performance testing
Basically, everything the build engine does (Maven and other tools) can be done locally, either directly with the tool (e.g. jslint, cucumberjs) or via Maven commands.
There are three branches, dev, test and prod which align to SDLC phases and the Apigee environments with the same name.
The "dev" branch is the main branch and is used for deployment using Maven to the "dev" Programmable Proxy environment in Apigee.
The "test" branch is the next "higher" level branch and is used for deployment using Maven to the "test" Programmable Proxy environment in Apigee.
The "prod" branch is the next "higher" level branch and is used for deployment via Maven to the "prod" Programmable Proxy environment in Apigee.
Maven uses a Service Account for the username and Service Account credentials for each CI/CD lifecycle.
For example:
Create and download Service Accounts and keys. See Service Account Overview for details.
In the source directory there is a package.json
file that holds the required node packages.
- Install node
- Install maven
- Install
- cd source directory
npm install
(creates node_modules)
<!-- -->
<!-- Options can be overridden on command line or replaced with your values -->
<apigee.bearer>${bearer}</apigee.bearer> <!-- overrides SA file -Dbearer=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) -->
<api.testtag>' or @cors or @health or @errorHandling or @WIP or '</api.testtag>
<!-- Smartdocs Drupal -->
<portal.username>${PortalUsername}</portal.username> <!-- defined in $HOME/.m2/settings.xml or via -DPortalUsername=maintenance -->
<portal.password>${PortalPassword}</portal.password> <!-- defined in $HOME/.m2/settings.xml -->
<!-- Integrated Portal -->
<apigee.portal.siteId>YOUR_ORG_NAME-INTEGRATED_PORTAL_SITE_ID</apigee.portal.siteId> <!-- Apigee Portal Site ID -->
mvn -P dev install
NOTE: This API proxy repository does not support a "feature" branch with replacement of proxy name and basepath.
Go to Git and create a git repository (examples below use "demo").
Git suggests:
echo "# demo" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin [email protected]:kurtkanaskie/demo2.git
git push -u origin main
But we're not going to do that, we're going to make dev
the default branch.
git init
git branch -M dev
git remote add origin [email protected]:kurtkanaskie/demo.git
git push --set-upstream origin dev
git checkout -b test
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/dev test
git push origin test
git checkout dev
git checkout -b prod
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/test prod
git push origin prod
git checkout dev
git checkout dev
mvn -P dev install
git checkout dev
# Make changes
git commit -am "Change 1"
git push
git checkout test
git pull #(does fast-forward or recursive merge and pulls from dev)
git push origin test #(triggers build or run mvn -P test install ...)
git checkout dev
git checkout prod
git pull #(does fast-forward or recursive merge, pulls from test)
git push origin prod #(triggers build or run mvn -P prod install ...)
git checkout dev
git checkout dev
Often it is necessary to iterate over tests to complete test development. Since Apickli/Cucumber tests are mostly text based, its easy to do this locally. Here are the steps:
- Install your proxy to Apigee and skip cleaning the target (-Dskip-clean=true)
mvn -P test process-resources apigee-config:exportAppKeys frontend:npm@integration \
-Dapigee.config.exportDir=target/test/integration \
-Dskip.clean=true \
- Then you can iterate more quickly using by tags
npm run integration -- --tags @get-ping
Example result:
> [email protected] integration
> node ./node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js target/test/integration/features "--tags" "@get-ping"
KEYS: key-12345 secret-67890
Feature: API proxy health
As API administrator
I want to monitor Apigee proxy and backend service health
So I can alert when it is down
@health @get-ping
Scenario: Verify the API proxy is responding
✔ Given I set X-APIKey header to `clientId`
✔ When I GET /ping
✔ Then response code should be 200
✔ And response header Content-Type should be application/json
✔ And response body path $.apiproxy should be `apiproxy`
✔ And response body path $.client should be ^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$
✔ And response body path $.latency should be ^\d{1,2}
✔ And response body path $.message should be PONG
1 scenario (1 passed)
8 steps (8 passed)
To see what "tags" are in the tests for cucumberjs run:
find test -name *.feature -exec grep @ {} \;
Replacer copies and replaces the resources dir into the target. Note use of -Dapigee.config.dir option.
- mvn -P test install
Cloud Build uses encrypted Service Account credentials and username/password for Portal. See the script for steps to create the keyring and keys, and to create the encrypted secrets for use by Cloud Build.
cloud-build-local --dryrun=true --config=cloudbuild-dev.yaml --substitutions=BRANCH_NAME=local-gcloud-dev,COMMIT_SHA=none .
cloud-build-local --dryrun=false --config=cloudbuild-dev.yaml --substitutions=BRANCH_NAME=local-gcloud-dev,COMMIT_SHA=none .
- mvn -P test install -Dskip.clean=true
- mvn -P test install -Dskip.clean=true -Dskip.export=true
- mvn -P test resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-config:developers apigee-config:apiproducts apigee-config:apps apigee-config:exportAppKeys -Dskip.clean=true
- mvn -P test resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-config:resourcefiles -Dskip.clean=true
- mvn -P test resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-config:targetservers -Dskip.clean=true
mvn -P test resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-config:resourcefiles apigee-config:targetservers -Dskip.clean=true
- mvn -P test apigee-config:exportAppKeys -Dskip.clean=true
- mvn -P test resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-config:exportAppKeys frontend:npm@integration -Dskip.clean=true -Dapi.testtag=@get-ping
- mvn -P test resources:copy-resources replacer:replace frontend:npm@integration -Dapi.testtag=@health
- npm run integration
- npm run integration -- --tags @get-status
- npm run integration -- --tags @cors
- mvn -P test install -Dapigee.config.options=update -Dapigee.options=update -Dskip.apps=true -Dapi.testtag=@health
- mvn -P test validate (runs all validate phases: lint, apigeelint, unit)
- mvn jshint:lint
- mvn -P test frontend:npm@apigeelint
- mvn -P test frontend:npm@unit
- mvn -P test frontend:npm@integration
Enable modules JSON:API and HTTP Basic Authentication.
Add taxonomy elements: /admin/structure/taxonomy
The tool processes all files with .yaml
or .json
in the
as Open API Specifications. Putting other files with those suffices will cause errors.
Use username not email for admin, e.g. maintenance
mvn -P dev clean resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-smartdocs:apidoc
Via process-resources after replacements or when in target
mvn -P dev -Dbearer=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-config:apicategories
mvn -P dev -Dbearer=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) resources:copy-resources replacer:replace apigee-config:apidocs