From be41c4fba5e6628dbf7d22a57035dc6de2e7caf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xiangjing Li IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane.
+If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used. IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane.
+If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used. IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane.
+If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used. IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane.
+If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used. The URL of the OpenID identity provider that allows the API server to discover
-public signing keys for verifying tokens. The URL must begin with https://
-and should correspond to the iss claim in the provider’s OIDC ID tokens.
-Per the OIDC standard, path components are allowed but query parameters are
-not. Typically the URL consists of only a hostname, like
-or This URL should point to the level below .well-known/openid-configuration
-and must be publicly accessible over the internet. The URL of the OpenID identity provider that allows the API server to discover
+public signing keys for verifying tokens. The URL must begin with https://
+and should correspond to the iss claim in the provider’s OIDC ID tokens.
+Per the OIDC standard, path components are allowed but query parameters are
+not. Typically the URL consists of only a hostname, like
+or This URL should point to the level below .well-known/openid-configuration
+and must be publicly accessible over the internet. The key value pairs that describe required claims in the identity token.
+If set, each claim is verified to be present in the token with a matching
+value. For the maximum number of claims that you can require, see Amazon
+EKS service quotas (
+in the Amazon EKS User Guide. The JSON Web Token (JWT) claim to use as the username. The default is sub,
+which is expected to be a unique identifier of the end user. You can choose
+other claims, such as email or name, depending on the OpenID identity provider.
+Claims other than email are prefixed with the issuer URL to prevent naming
+clashes with other plug-ins. The prefix that is prepended to username claims to prevent clashes with existing
+names. If you do not provide this field, and username is a value other than
+email, the prefix defaults to issuerurl#. You can use the value - to disable
+all prefixing. tags to apply to oidc identity provider association
+(Appears on:AWSManagedControlPlaneStatus)
+ OIDCProviderStatus holds the status of the AWS OIDC identity provider.
@@ -4757,8 +4757,8 @@ AWSIdentityReference
@@ -6236,8 +6236,8 @@ AWSIdentityReference
@@ -6639,8 +6639,8 @@ AWSIdentityReference
@@ -7810,85 +7810,1363 @@ string
Field | +Description | +
+arn + +string + + |
+ ARN holds the ARN of the provider + |
+trustPolicy + +string + + |
+ TrustPolicy contains the boilerplate IAM trust policy to use for IRSA + |
+(Appears on:IAMAuthenticatorConfig) +
RoleMapping represents a mapping from a IAM role to Kubernetes users and groups.
+ +Field | +Description | +
+rolearn + +string + + |
+ RoleARN is the AWS ARN for the role to map + |
+KubernetesMapping + + +KubernetesMapping + + + |
+(Members of KubernetesMapping holds the RBAC details for the mapping + |
+(Appears on:IAMAuthenticatorConfig) +
UserMapping represents a mapping from an IAM user to Kubernetes users and groups.
+ +Field | +Description | +
+userarn + +string + + |
+ UserARN is the AWS ARN for the user to map + |
+KubernetesMapping + + +KubernetesMapping + + + |
+(Members of KubernetesMapping holds the RBAC details for the mapping + |
+(Appears on:AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec) +
VpcCni specifies configuration related to the VPC CNI.
+ +Field | +Description | +
+disable + +bool + + |
+ Disable indicates that the Amazon VPC CNI should be disabled. With EKS clusters the +Amazon VPC CNI is automatically installed into the cluster. For clusters where you want +to use an alternate CNI this option provides a way to specify that the Amazon VPC CNI +should be deleted. You cannot set this to true if you are using the +Amazon VPC CNI addon. + |
+env + + +[]Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar + + + |
+ Env defines a list of environment variables to apply to the |
+(Appears on:RosaControlPlaneSpec) +
AWSRolesRef contains references to various AWS IAM roles required for operators to make calls against the AWS API.
+ +Field | +Description | +
+ingressARN + +string + + |
+ The referenced role must have a trust relationship that allows it to be assumed via web identity. + +Example: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Principal”: { +“Federated”: “{{ .ProviderARN }}” +}, +“Action”: “sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity”, +“Condition”: { +“StringEquals”: { +“{{ .ProviderName }}:sub”: {{ .ServiceAccounts }} +} +} +} +] +} +IngressARN is an ARN value referencing a role appropriate for the Ingress Operator. +The following is an example of a valid policy document: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers”, +“tag:GetResources”, +“route53:ListHostedZones” +], +“Resource”: “*” +}, +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets” +], +“Resource”: [ +“arn:aws:route53:::PUBLIC_ZONE_ID”, +“arn:aws:route53:::PRIVATE_ZONE_ID” +] +} +] +} + |
+imageRegistryARN + +string + + |
+ ImageRegistryARN is an ARN value referencing a role appropriate for the Image Registry Operator. +The following is an example of a valid policy document: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“s3:CreateBucket”, +“s3:DeleteBucket”, +“s3:PutBucketTagging”, +“s3:GetBucketTagging”, +“s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock”, +“s3:GetBucketPublicAccessBlock”, +“s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration”, +“s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration”, +“s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration”, +“s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration”, +“s3:GetBucketLocation”, +“s3:ListBucket”, +“s3:GetObject”, +“s3:PutObject”, +“s3:DeleteObject”, +“s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads”, +“s3:AbortMultipartUpload”, +“s3:ListMultipartUploadParts” +], +“Resource”: “*” +} +] +} + |
+storageARN + +string + + |
+ StorageARN is an ARN value referencing a role appropriate for the Storage Operator. +The following is an example of a valid policy document: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“ec2:AttachVolume”, +“ec2:CreateSnapshot”, +“ec2:CreateTags”, +“ec2:CreateVolume”, +“ec2:DeleteSnapshot”, +“ec2:DeleteTags”, +“ec2:DeleteVolume”, +“ec2:DescribeInstances”, +“ec2:DescribeSnapshots”, +“ec2:DescribeTags”, +“ec2:DescribeVolumes”, +“ec2:DescribeVolumesModifications”, +“ec2:DetachVolume”, +“ec2:ModifyVolume” +], +“Resource”: “*” +} +] +} + |
+networkARN + +string + + |
+ NetworkARN is an ARN value referencing a role appropriate for the Network Operator. +The following is an example of a valid policy document: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“ec2:DescribeInstances”, +“ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus”, +“ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes”, +“ec2:UnassignPrivateIpAddresses”, +“ec2:AssignPrivateIpAddresses”, +“ec2:UnassignIpv6Addresses”, +“ec2:AssignIpv6Addresses”, +“ec2:DescribeSubnets”, +“ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces” +], +“Resource”: “*” +} +] +} + |
+kubeCloudControllerARN + +string + + |
+ KubeCloudControllerARN is an ARN value referencing a role appropriate for the KCM/KCC. +Source: +The following is an example of a valid policy document: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Action”: [ +“autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups”, +“autoscaling:DescribeLaunchConfigurations”, +“autoscaling:DescribeTags”, +“ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones”, +“ec2:DescribeInstances”, +“ec2:DescribeImages”, +“ec2:DescribeRegions”, +“ec2:DescribeRouteTables”, +“ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups”, +“ec2:DescribeSubnets”, +“ec2:DescribeVolumes”, +“ec2:CreateSecurityGroup”, +“ec2:CreateTags”, +“ec2:CreateVolume”, +“ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute”, +“ec2:ModifyVolume”, +“ec2:AttachVolume”, +“ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress”, +“ec2:CreateRoute”, +“ec2:DeleteRoute”, +“ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup”, +“ec2:DeleteVolume”, +“ec2:DetachVolume”, +“ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress”, +“ec2:DescribeVpcs”, +“elasticloadbalancing:AddTags”, +“elasticloadbalancing:AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets”, +“elasticloadbalancing:ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer”, +“elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer”, +“elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerPolicy”, +“elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerListeners”, +“elasticloadbalancing:ConfigureHealthCheck”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancerListeners”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer”, +“elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes”, +“elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer”, +“elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer”, +“elasticloadbalancing:AddTags”, +“elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener”, +“elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DeleteListener”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DeleteTargetGroup”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DescribeListeners”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups”, +“elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth”, +“elasticloadbalancing:ModifyListener”, +“elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroup”, +“elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets”, +“elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener”, +“iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole”, +“kms:DescribeKey” +], +“Resource”: [ +“*” +], +“Effect”: “Allow” +} +] +} + |
+nodePoolManagementARN + +string + + |
+ NodePoolManagementARN is an ARN value referencing a role appropriate for the CAPI Controller. +The following is an example of a valid policy document: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Action”: [ +“ec2:AssociateRouteTable”, +“ec2:AttachInternetGateway”, +“ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress”, +“ec2:CreateInternetGateway”, +“ec2:CreateNatGateway”, +“ec2:CreateRoute”, +“ec2:CreateRouteTable”, +“ec2:CreateSecurityGroup”, +“ec2:CreateSubnet”, +“ec2:CreateTags”, +“ec2:DeleteInternetGateway”, +“ec2:DeleteNatGateway”, +“ec2:DeleteRouteTable”, +“ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup”, +“ec2:DeleteSubnet”, +“ec2:DeleteTags”, +“ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes”, +“ec2:DescribeAddresses”, +“ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones”, +“ec2:DescribeImages”, +“ec2:DescribeInstances”, +“ec2:DescribeInternetGateways”, +“ec2:DescribeNatGateways”, +“ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces”, +“ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute”, +“ec2:DescribeRouteTables”, +“ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups”, +“ec2:DescribeSubnets”, +“ec2:DescribeVpcs”, +“ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute”, +“ec2:DescribeVolumes”, +“ec2:DetachInternetGateway”, +“ec2:DisassociateRouteTable”, +“ec2:DisassociateAddress”, +“ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute”, +“ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute”, +“ec2:ModifySubnetAttribute”, +“ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress”, +“ec2:RunInstances”, +“ec2:TerminateInstances”, +“tag:GetResources”, +“ec2:CreateLaunchTemplate”, +“ec2:CreateLaunchTemplateVersion”, +“ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplates”, +“ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions”, +“ec2:DeleteLaunchTemplate”, +“ec2:DeleteLaunchTemplateVersions” +], +“Resource”: [ +“” +], +“Effect”: “Allow” +}, +{ +“Condition”: { +“StringLike”: { +“iam:AWSServiceName”: “” +} +}, +“Action”: [ +“iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole” +], +“Resource”: [ +“arn::iam:::role/aws-service-role/” +], +“Effect”: “Allow” +}, +{ +“Action”: [ +“iam:PassRole” +], +“Resource”: [ +“arn::iam:::role/-worker-role” +], +“Effect”: “Allow” +}, +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“kms:Decrypt”, +“kms:ReEncrypt”, +“kms:GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlainText”, +“kms:DescribeKey” +], +“Resource”: “” +}, +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“kms:CreateGrant” +], +“Resource”: “”, +“Condition”: { +“Bool”: { +“kms:GrantIsForAWSResource”: true +} +} +} +] +} + |
+controlPlaneOperatorARN + +string + + |
+ ControlPlaneOperatorARN is an ARN value referencing a role appropriate for the Control Plane Operator. +The following is an example of a valid policy document: +{ +“Version”: “2012-10-17”, +“Statement”: [ +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“ec2:CreateVpcEndpoint”, +“ec2:DescribeVpcEndpoints”, +“ec2:ModifyVpcEndpoint”, +“ec2:DeleteVpcEndpoints”, +“ec2:CreateTags”, +“route53:ListHostedZones”, +“ec2:CreateSecurityGroup”, +“ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress”, +“ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress”, +“ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup”, +“ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress”, +“ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress”, +“ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups”, +“ec2:DescribeVpcs”, +], +“Resource”: “*” +}, +{ +“Effect”: “Allow”, +“Action”: [ +“route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets”, +“route53:ListResourceRecordSets” +], +“Resource”: “arn:aws:route53:::%s” +} +] +} + |
+kmsProviderARN + +string + + |
++ | +
+(Appears on:RosaControlPlaneSpec) +
NetworkSpec for ROSA-HCP.
+ +Field | +Description | +
+machineCIDR + +string + + |
+ IP addresses block used by OpenShift while installing the cluster, for example “”. + |
+podCIDR + +string + + |
+ IP address block from which to assign pod IP addresses, for example |
+serviceCIDR + +string + + |
+ IP address block from which to assign service IP addresses, for example |
+hostPrefix + +int + + |
+ Network host prefix which is defaulted to |
+networkType + +string + + |
+ The CNI network type default is OVNKubernetes. + |
+Field | +Description | +||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+metadata + + +Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta + + + |
+Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
+metadata field.
+ |
+spec + + +RosaControlPlaneSpec + + + |
+ + +
+status + + +RosaControlPlaneStatus + + + |
++ | +
+(Appears on:ROSAControlPlane) +
+Field | +Description | +
+rosaClusterName + +string + + |
+ Cluster name must be valid DNS-1035 label, so it must consist of lower case alphanumeric +characters or ‘-’, start with an alphabetic character, end with an alphanumeric character +and have a max length of 15 characters. + |
+subnets + +[]string + + |
+ The Subnet IDs to use when installing the cluster. +SubnetIDs should come in pairs; two per availability zone, one private and one public. + |
+availabilityZones + +[]string + + |
+ AWS AvailabilityZones of the worker nodes +should match the AvailabilityZones of the Subnets. + |
+region + +string + + |
+ The AWS Region the cluster lives in. + |
+version + +string + + |
+ OpenShift semantic version, for example “4.14.5”. + |
+rolesRef + + +AWSRolesRef + + + |
+ AWS IAM roles used to perform credential requests by the openshift operators. + |
+oidcID + +string + + |
+ The ID of the OpenID Connect Provider. + |
+installerRoleARN + +string + + |
+ TODO: these are to satisfy ocm sdk. Explore how to drop them. + |
+supportRoleARN + +string + + |
++ | +
+workerRoleARN + +string + + |
++ | +
+billingAccount + +string + + |
+ BillingAccount is an optional AWS account to use for billing the subscription fees for ROSA clusters. +The cost of running each ROSA cluster will be billed to the infrastructure account in which the cluster +is running. + |
+credentialsSecretRef + + +Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference + + + |
+ CredentialsSecretRef references a secret with necessary credentials to connect to the OCM API. +The secret should contain the following data keys: +- ocmToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsI…. +- ocmApiUrl: Optional, defaults to ‘’ + |
+identityRef + + +AWSIdentityReference + + + |
+ IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. +If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used. + |
+network + + +NetworkSpec + + + |
+ Network config for the ROSA HCP cluster. + |
+endpointAccess + + +RosaEndpointAccessType + + + |
+ EndpointAccess specifies the publishing scope of cluster endpoints. The +default is Public. + |
+instanceType + +string + + |
+ The instance type to use, for example |
-requiredClaims + autoscaling -map[string]string + +RosaMachinePoolAutoScaling + |
- The key value pairs that describe required claims in the identity token. -If set, each claim is verified to be present in the token with a matching -value. For the maximum number of claims that you can require, see Amazon -EKS service quotas ( -in the Amazon EKS User Guide. +Autoscaling specifies auto scaling behaviour for the MachinePools. |
-usernameClaim + additionalTags -string + +Tags + |
- The JSON Web Token (JWT) claim to use as the username. The default is sub, -which is expected to be a unique identifier of the end user. You can choose -other claims, such as email or name, depending on the OpenID identity provider. -Claims other than email are prefixed with the issuer URL to prevent naming -clashes with other plug-ins. +AdditionalTags are user-defined tags to be added on the AWS resources associated with the control plane. |
-usernamePrefix + etcdEncryptionKMSArn string |
- The prefix that is prepended to username claims to prevent clashes with existing -names. If you do not provide this field, and username is a value other than -email, the prefix defaults to issuerurl#. You can use the value - to disable -all prefixing. +EtcdEncryptionKMSArn is the ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt etcd. The key itself needs to be
+created out-of-band by the user and tagged with |
-tags + controlPlaneEndpoint - -Tags + +Cluster API api/v1beta1.APIEndpoint |
- tags to apply to oidc identity provider association +ControlPlaneEndpoint represents the endpoint used to communicate with the control plane. |
-(Appears on:AWSManagedControlPlaneStatus) +(Appears on:ROSAControlPlane)
OIDCProviderStatus holds the status of the AWS OIDC identity provider.
-arn + externalManagedControlPlane -string +bool |
- ARN holds the ARN of the provider +ExternalManagedControlPlane indicates to cluster-api that the control plane +is managed by an external service such as AKS, EKS, GKE, etc. |
-trustPolicy + initialized -string +bool |
- TrustPolicy contains the boilerplate IAM trust policy to use for IRSA +(Optional) +Initialized denotes whether or not the control plane has the +uploaded kubernetes config-map. |
-(Appears on:IAMAuthenticatorConfig) -
RoleMapping represents a mapping from a IAM role to Kubernetes users and groups.
- -Field | -Description | +
+ready + +bool + + |
+ Ready denotes that the ROSAControlPlane API Server is ready to receive requests. + |
-rolearn + failureMessage string |
- RoleARN is the AWS ARN for the role to map +(Optional) +FailureMessage will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem +reconciling the state and will be set to a descriptive error message. +This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller +faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over +time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is +fundamentally wrong with the spec or the configuration of +the controller, and that manual intervention is required. |
-KubernetesMapping + conditions - -KubernetesMapping + +Cluster API api/v1beta1.Conditions |
-(Members of KubernetesMapping holds the RBAC details for the mapping +Conditions specifies the conditions for the managed control plane |
-(Appears on:IAMAuthenticatorConfig) -
UserMapping represents a mapping from an IAM user to Kubernetes users and groups.
- -Field | -Description | +
+id + +string + + |
+ ID is the cluster ID given by ROSA. + |
-userarn + consoleURL string |
- UserARN is the AWS ARN for the user to map +ConsoleURL is the url for the openshift console. |
-KubernetesMapping + oidcEndpointURL - -KubernetesMapping - +string |
-(Members of KubernetesMapping holds the RBAC details for the mapping +OIDCEndpointURL is the endpoint url for the managed OIDC provider. |
alias)-(Appears on:AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec) +(Appears on:RosaControlPlaneSpec)
VpcCni specifies configuration related to the VPC CNI.
+RosaEndpointAccessType specifies the publishing scope of cluster endpoints.
Field | +Value | Description |
-disable - -bool - - |
- Disable indicates that the Amazon VPC CNI should be disabled. With EKS clusters the -Amazon VPC CNI is automatically installed into the cluster. For clusters where you want -to use an alternate CNI this option provides a way to specify that the Amazon VPC CNI -should be deleted. You cannot set this to true if you are using the -Amazon VPC CNI addon. + | |
"Private" |
+Private endpoint access allows only private API server access and private +node communication with the control plane. |
-env - - -[]Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar - - - |
- Env defines a list of environment variables to apply to the | |
"Public" |
+Public endpoint access allows public API server access and +private node communication with the control plane. |
IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster
+IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. +If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used.
IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster
+IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. +If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used.
IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster
+IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. +If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used.
IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster
+IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. +If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used.
IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster
+IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. +If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used.
IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster
+IdentityRef is a reference to an identity to be used when reconciling the managed control plane. +If no identity is specified, the default identity for this controller will be used.
-(Appears on:AWSClusterRoleIdentitySpec, AWSClusterSpec, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec) +(Appears on:AWSClusterRoleIdentitySpec, AWSClusterSpec, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec, RosaControlPlaneSpec)
AWSIdentityReference specifies a identity.
@@ -17309,6 +18553,19 @@ the cluster subnet will be used.securityGroupOverrides
SecurityGroupOverrides is an optional set of security groups to use for the node. +This is optional - if not provided security groups from the cluster will be used.
Tenancy indicates if instance should run on shared or single-tenant hardware.
PrivateDNSName is the options for the instance hostname.
SecurityGroupOverrides is an optional set of security groups to use for the node. +This is optional - if not provided security groups from the cluster will be used.
Tenancy indicates if instance should run on shared or single-tenant hardware.
PrivateDNSName is the options for the instance hostname.
SecurityGroupOverrides is an optional set of security groups to use for the node. +This is optional - if not provided security groups from the cluster will be used.
Tenancy indicates if instance should run on shared or single-tenant hardware.
PrivateDNSName is the options for the instance hostname.
Version defines which version of Ignition will be used to generate bootstrap data.
Version defines which version of Ignition will be used to generate bootstrap data.
+StorageType defines how to store the boostrap user data for Ignition. +This can be used to instruct Ignition from where to fetch the user data to bootstrap an instance.
+When omitted, the storage option will default to ClusterObjectStore.
+When set to “ClusterObjectStore”, if the capability is available and a Cluster ObjectStore configuration +is correctly provided in the Cluster object (under .spec.s3Bucket), +an object store will be used to store bootstrap user data.
+When set to “UnencryptedUserData”, EC2 Instance User Data will be used to store the machine bootstrap user data, unencrypted. +This option is considered less secure than others as user data may contain sensitive informations (keys, certificates, etc.) +and users with ec2:DescribeInstances permission or users running pods +that can access the ec2 metadata service have access to this sensitive information. +So this is only to be used at ones own risk, and only when other more secure options are not viable.
alias)+(Appears on:Ignition) +
IgnitionStorageTypeOption defines the different storage types for Ignition.
+@@ -19981,6 +21338,20 @@ InstanceMetadataOptions
InstanceMetadataOptions is the metadata options for the EC2 instance.
PrivateDNSName is the options for the instance hostname.
++(Appears on:AWSMachineSpec, Instance, AWSLaunchTemplate) +
PrivateDNSName is the options for the instance hostname.
+ +Field | +Description | +
+enableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord + +bool + + |
+ EnableResourceNameDNSAAAARecord indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS AAAA records. + |
+enableResourceNameDnsARecord + +bool + + |
+ EnableResourceNameDNSARecord indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A records. + |
+hostnameType + +string + + |
+ The type of hostname to assign to an instance. + |
alias)@@ -20873,7 +22298,7 @@ Tags
alias)-(Appears on:AWSClusterSpec, AWSMachineSpec, BuildParams, SecurityGroup, SubnetSpec, VPCSpec, AWSIAMRoleSpec, BootstrapUser, AWSIAMRoleSpec, BootstrapUser, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec, OIDCIdentityProviderConfig, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec, OIDCIdentityProviderConfig, AWSMachinePoolSpec, AWSManagedMachinePoolSpec, AutoScalingGroup, FargateProfileSpec, AWSMachinePoolSpec, AWSManagedMachinePoolSpec, AutoScalingGroup, FargateProfileSpec) +(Appears on:AWSClusterSpec, AWSMachineSpec, BuildParams, SecurityGroup, SubnetSpec, VPCSpec, AWSIAMRoleSpec, BootstrapUser, AWSIAMRoleSpec, BootstrapUser, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec, OIDCIdentityProviderConfig, AWSManagedControlPlaneSpec, OIDCIdentityProviderConfig, RosaControlPlaneSpec, AWSMachinePoolSpec, AWSManagedMachinePoolSpec, AutoScalingGroup, FargateProfileSpec, AWSMachinePoolSpec, AWSManagedMachinePoolSpec, AutoScalingGroup, FargateProfileSpec)
Tags defines a map of tags.
@@ -21179,6 +22604,20 @@ it’s generally suggested that the group rules are removed or modified apprNOTE: This only applies when the VPC is managed by the Cluster API AWS controller.
PrivateDNSHostnameTypeOnLaunch is the type of hostname to assign to instances in the subnet at launch. +For IPv4-only and dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) subnets, an instance DNS name can be based on the instance IPv4 address (ip-name) +or the instance ID (resource-name). For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID (resource-name).
+InstanceMetadataOptions defines the behavior for applying metadata to instances.
PrivateDNSName is the options for the instance hostname.
The amount of time, in seconds, until a new instance is considered to +have finished initializing and resource consumption to become stable +after it enters the InService state. +If no value is supplied by user a default value of 300 seconds is set
The amount of time, in seconds, until a new instance is considered to +have finished initializing and resource consumption to become stable +after it enters the InService state. +If no value is supplied by user a default value of 300 seconds is set
Version specifies the OpenShift version of the nodes associated with this machinepool. +ROSAControlPlane version is used if not set.
Taints specifies the taints to apply to the nodes of the machine pool
TuningConfigs specifies the names of the tuning configs to be applied to this MachinePool. +Tuning configs must already exist.
-(Appears on:RosaMachinePoolSpec) +(Appears on:RosaControlPlaneSpec, RosaMachinePoolSpec)
RosaMachinePoolAutoScaling specifies scaling options.
@@ -24356,6 +25895,19 @@ must be a valid DNS-1035 label, so it must consist of lower case alphanumeric anversion
Version specifies the OpenShift version of the nodes associated with this machinepool. +ROSAControlPlane version is used if not set.
Taints specifies the taints to apply to the nodes of the machine pool
TuningConfigs specifies the names of the tuning configs to be applied to this MachinePool. +Tuning configs must already exist.
FailureMessage will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem +reconciling the state and will be set to a descriptive error message.
+This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller +faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over +time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is +fundamentally wrong with the spec or the configuration of +the controller, and that manual intervention is required.
+(Appears on:RosaMachinePoolSpec) +
+Field | +Description | +
+key + +string + + |
+ The taint key to be applied to a node. + |
+value + +string + + |
+ The taint value corresponding to the taint key. + |
+effect + + +Kubernetes core/v1.TaintEffect + + + |
+ The effect of the taint on pods that do not tolerate the taint. +Valid effects are NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule and NoExecute. + |