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Enforce private IP controller

This bash-controller watches over the MachineDeployments objects in user and seed cluster. It enforces the flag .spec.template.spec.providerSpec.value.cloudProviderSpec.assignPublicIP to false:

seed cluster scope: aws-priv-ip-seed-cluster-controller-deployment.yaml

The controller runs in the kubermatic namespace and watches over all machinedeployments and enforces to setting of assignPublicIP to false. The controller is a workaround for

user cluster scope: aws-priv-ip-usercluster-controller-deployment.yaml

This controller also runs in the seed cluster, namespace kube-system, but is watching over all machinedeployments of every user cluster object and enforces inside of the user cluster the setting of assignPublicIP to false. The controllers is a workaround until kubermatic/kubermatic#4155 is implemented