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Add nested Seed Cluster to Kubermatic Master Cluster

As we defined in the beginning of the lab, we want to use the current master cluster as a so called "nested seed" cluster. This does mean, that we run a combined master/seed setup, as this diagram shows:

Combined Master/Seed Cluster Setup

To read more about this, take a look into our docs: Kubermatic Docs > Concepts > Architecture

Seed Dependencies

A seed cluster has some dependencies as well. So before we can apply Seed configuration as CRD, we need to ensure that we have already set up the following components:

  • NodePort Proxy with matching DNS entries
  • S3 backup location for user cluster backups

Nodeport Proxy

Run the following:

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --wait --values ./kubermatic-setup-files/values.yaml --namespace kubermatic nodeport-proxy ./kubermatic-repo/charts/nodeport-proxy 

Cluster Backups

Kubermatic performs regular backups of user clusters by snapshotting the etcd of each cluster. By default these backups are stored in any S3 compatible storage location. To demonstrate an on-prem setup, we will use an in-cluster location provided by a PVC. The in-cluster storage is provided by Minio S3 gateway and the accompanying minio Helm chart.

Minio Backup Storage Class kubermatic-backup

If your cluster has no default storage class, it's required to configure a class explicitly for Minio. You can check the cluster's storage classes via:

kubectl get storageclasses
NAME                        PROVISIONER            AGE
kubermatic-fast      6d17h

NOTE: Minio does not need kubermatic-fast because it does not require SSD speeds. A larger HDD is preferred.

So we want to set up a dedicated kubermatic-backup storage class. See ./manifests/ and create a copy in your kubermatic-setup-files folder:

cp ./gce/manifests/ ./kubermatic-setup-files/

Check the configuration. For more details about the storage class parameters of the Google CCM, see Kubernetes Storage Class - GCE PD.

cat kubermatic-setup-files/

When everything looks fine, apply the new storage class:

kubectl apply -f kubermatic-setup-files/

Check that you now have a new storage class installed:

kubectl get sc
NAME                          PROVISIONER            AGE
kubermatic-backup (default)   16m
kubermatic-fast        6d17h

Install minio and s3-exporter

To configure the storage class and size, extend your values.yaml like so:

  storeSize: '100Gi'
  storageClass: kubermatic-backup
  # access key/secret for the exposed minio S3 gateway
    # access key length should be at least 3 characters
    accessKey: "reoshe9Eiwei2ku5foB6owiva2Sheeth"
    # secret key length should be at least 8 characters
    secretKey: "rooNgohsh4ohJo7aefoofeiTae4poht0cohxua5eithiexu7quieng5ailoosha8"

It's also advisable to install the S3 Backup Exporter Helm chart, as it provides basic metrics about user cluster backups. Now let us install the charts:

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --wait --values ./kubermatic-setup-files/values.yaml --namespace minio minio kubermatic-repo/charts/minio/
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --wait --values ./kubermatic-setup-files/values.yaml --namespace kube-system s3-exporter kubermatic-repo/charts/s3-exporter/

After that, verify that all components are installed:

kubectl get pod,pvc -n minio
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/minio-6ddc95b967-q7xm4   2/2     Running   2          2m27s

NAME                               STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS        AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/minio-data   Bound    pvc-0b86dfe0-02d0-4cf5-89b6-aab7b3fc1d49   100Gi      RWO            kubermatic-backup   2m27s
kubectl get pod -n kube-system | grep s3
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
s3-exporter-7d8f75d6d5-jfzsv   1/1     Running   0          21m
s3-exporter-7d8f75d6d5-shngw   1/1     Running   0          21m

Create Seed Resource

To connect the new seed cluster to the Kubermatic master, you need to create a kubeconfig Secret and a Seed resource in the master cluster.

Create seed-kubeconfig credentials

Make sure the kubeconfig contains static, long-lived credentials. Some cloud providers use custom authentication providers (like GKE using gcloud and EKS using aws-iam-authenticator). Those will not work in Kubermatic’s usecase because the required tools are not installed inside the cluster environment. You can use the script from the Kubermatic repository to automatically create proper service accounts inside the seed cluster with static credentials:

ATTENTION: be aware of your cluster setup!

For using a GKE cluster as seed, please use the script gce/gke-cluster/

# GCE Cluster
./gce/gke-cluster/ && mv ./kubermatic-setup-files/temp-seed-kubeconfig

For all regular clusters and kubeconfig files, use helper-scripts/**:

# create copy of current kubeconfig
cp $KUBECONFIG ./kubermatic-setup-files/temp-seed-kubeconfig
./helper-scripts/ ./kubermatic-setup-files/temp-seed-kubeconfig
Cluster: example
 > context: europe
 > creating service account kubermatic-seed-account ...
 > assigning cluster role kubermatic-seed-account-cluster-role ...
 > reading auth token ...
 > adding user example-kubermatic-service-account ...
 > updating cluster context ...
 > kubeconfig updated

We need to convert the temp-seed-kubeconfig to a Kubernetes secret seed-kubeconfig. This will be used by the Kubermatic Operator to configure the seed cluster:

kubectl create secret generic seed-kubeconfig -n kubermatic --from-file kubeconfig=kubermatic-setup-files/temp-seed-kubeconfig --dry-run=client -o yaml > ./kubermatic-setup-files/seed.kubeconfig.secret.yaml

Verify that the secret seed-kubeconfig has been created correctly by executing the following command and making sure the output looks similar to the example output afterwards:

cat ./kubermatic-setup-files/seed.kubeconfig.secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  kubeconfig: #... base64 encoded string
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: seed-kubeconfig
  namespace: kubermatic

If everything looks fine, please apply the secret and delete the temp file:

kubectl apply -n kubermatic -f kubermatic-setup-files/seed.kubeconfig.secret.yaml
## cleanup
rm kubermatic-setup-files/temp-seed-kubeconfig

Create initial Seed configuration

The Seed resource needs to reference the new kubeconfig Secret like so:

kind: Seed
  name: europe-west
  namespace: kubermatic
  # reference to the kubeconfig to use when connecting to this seed cluster
    name: seed-kubeconfig   <<< REFERNCE the secret
    namespace: kubermatic
  ### Seed location
  # Optional: Country of the seed as ISO-3166 two-letter code, e.g. DE or UK.
  # For informational purposes in the Kubermatic dashboard only.
  country: EU
  location: "K1 Cluster"
  # Datacenters contains a map of the possible datacenters (DCs) in this seed.
  # Each DC must have a globally unique identifier (i.e. names must be unique
  # across all seeds).
    #============== GCP ===============
    ### configs the GCE data center of this lab as an available region for the GCP provider
      country: DE
      location: "Frankfurt"
          # Region to use, for example "europe-west3", for a full list of regions see
          region: "europe-west3"
          # Optional: Regional clusters spread their resources across multiple availability zones.
          # Refer to the official documentation for more details on this:
          regional: true
          # List of enabled zones, for example [a, c]. See the link above for the available
          # zones in your chosen region.
          zone_suffixes: [a,b,c]

Refer to the Seed CRD documentation for a complete example of the Seed CustomResource and all possible datacenter configurations. We will see additional datacenter examples in a later chapter.

Let's apply the manifest above in the master cluster. Kubermatic will pick up the new Seed and begin to reconcile it by installing the required Kubermatic components (for a nested seed in our case):

  • Seed Proxy s- NodePort Proxy
# create copy of seed template
cp kubermatic-setup-files.template/seed.europe-west.yaml ./kubermatic-setup-files/
# apply the config change
kubectl apply -n kubermatic -f kubermatic-setup-files/seed.europe-west.yaml

Verify the changes have been applied by the Kubermatic Operator

kubectl -n kubermatic get deployments,pods
NAME                                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/kubermatic-api                         2/2     2            2           5d23h
deployment.apps/kubermatic-dashboard                   2/2     2            2           5d23h
deployment.apps/kubermatic-master-controller-manager   2/2     2            2           5d23h
deployment.apps/kubermatic-operator                    1/1     1            1           6d12h
deployment.apps/kubermatic-seed-controller-manager     2/2     2            2           17h
deployment.apps/nodeport-proxy-envoy                   3/3     3            3           17h
deployment.apps/nodeport-proxy-updater                 1/1     1            1           17h
deployment.apps/seed-proxy-europe-west                 1/1     1            1           17h

NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/kubermatic-api-5d4c8b85-rcsbn                           1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/kubermatic-api-5d4c8b85-wjznz                           1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/kubermatic-dashboard-567bf59fc8-cldzx                   1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/kubermatic-dashboard-567bf59fc8-p694r                   1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/kubermatic-master-controller-manager-67779d4765-92n2s   1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/kubermatic-master-controller-manager-67779d4765-tkmcz   1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/kubermatic-operator-5f95566545-6s27s                    1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/kubermatic-seed-controller-manager-6bff66b7c9-jlsmh     1/1     Running   0          42m
pod/kubermatic-seed-controller-manager-6bff66b7c9-vckjq     1/1     Running   0          42m
pod/nodeport-proxy-envoy-6f8df6dcc9-bpbqb                   2/2     Running   0          43m
pod/nodeport-proxy-envoy-6f8df6dcc9-nvmgg                   2/2     Running   0          43m
pod/nodeport-proxy-envoy-6f8df6dcc9-qccw7                   2/2     Running   0          43m
pod/nodeport-proxy-updater-855f6cc689-vdl4z                 1/1     Running   0          43m
pod/seed-proxy-europe-west-695d8c499f-h9shb                 1/1     Running   0          3h14m

In addition to the pods, dedicated services should have been deployed as well. To ensure the connectivity:

kubectl -n kubermatic get svc
NAME                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                                          AGE
kubermatic-api           NodePort   <none>          80:32544/TCP,8085:30212/TCP                      5d23h
kubermatic-dashboard     NodePort    <none>          80:31330/TCP                                     5d23h
nodeport-proxy           LoadBalancer   31788:31208/TCP,31750:32647/TCP,8002:32321/TCP   17h
seed-proxy-europe-west   ClusterIP   <none>          8001/TCP                                         17h
seed-webhook             ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP                                          5d23h

NOTE: If you encounter errors, take a look at the logs of the deployment kubermatic-seed-controller-manager. On success, it should look like this:

# take a look at both pods of the deployment
kubectl -n kubermatic logs kubermatic-seed-controller-manager-xxxx-xxxx
{"level":"info","time":"2020-07-08T09:23:08.710Z","caller":"util/hello.go:32","msg":"Starting Kubermatic Seed Controller-Manager (Enterprise Edition)...","worker-name":"","version":"weekly-2020-27-8-gd77a13c8e"}
W0708 09:23:08.710529       1 client_config.go:541] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
I0708 09:23:08.745574       1 leaderelection.go:241] attempting to acquire leader lease  kube-system/seed-controller-manager...
I0708 09:23:30.902394       1 leaderelection.go:251] successfully acquired lease kube-system/seed-controller-manager
{"level":"info","time":"2020-07-08T09:23:30.902Z","caller":"leaderelection/leaderelection.go:84","msg":"acquired the leader lease","worker-name":"","leader-name":"seed-controller-manager"}
{"level":"info","time":"2020-07-08T09:23:30.902Z","caller":"seed-controller-manager/main.go:266","msg":"Executing migrations...","worker-name":""}
{"level":"info","time":"2020-07-08T09:23:30.947Z","caller":"seed-controller-manager/main.go:270","msg":"Migrations executed successfully","worker-name":""}
{"level":"info","time":"2020-07-08T09:23:30.947Z","caller":"seed-controller-manager/main.go:272","msg":"Starting the controller-manager...","worker-name":""}

NodePort Proxy nodeport-proxy

Since Kubermatic 2.14 the seed cluster automatically creates the so called NodePort Proxy. The NodePort Proxy will expose the containerized control plane components of every user cluster. So please be aware that the endpoint of the service nodeport-proxy is reachable for your end users.

To make the user cluster control plane API endpoint(s) workable, the IP address MUST match your seed cluster DNS entry * Let's set this up in the next chapter: