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Table of Contents

  1. Problem
  2. Proposed Solution
  3. The DNS Server
  4. Syncing With Cloud Resources
  5. Configuring Cloud DNS
  6. Enable Compute Engine Activity Log Export
  7. Grant the Application Access To the GCE Project
  8. Configure and Deploy the Application
  9. Testing the Application
  10. Building and Unit Tests

Sync Cloud DNS with GCE Resources

DNS "A" records are added to a Cloud DNS zone as GCE instance and load balancer start and stoped events are received from compute engine activity logs exported to a pub/sub topic. Can sync multiple projects to a single Cloud DNS zone.


Consider an on-premise machine accessing a GCE instance through Cloud VPN. Since the internal IP address of the host can change as the instance is deleted or created it's best to use a hostname like “”, but unfortunately the internal GCE DNS server available to GCE instances is not exported via the Cloud VPN.

Similarly, an external HTTP or network load balancer provisioned in a project should be able to be accessed using a familiar name like “” rather than having to use an ephemeral external IP address which can change with each deployment of the service.

Proposed Solution

Setup a DNS server with a zone that is synced with the GCE instances and load balancers being provisioned and deleted across multiple cloud projects. Then configure GCE instances and external services to use the DNS server to resolve names for our custom domain.

The DNS Server

To establish a DNS service which is accessible from within and outside the GCE environment we'll use Google Cloud DNS but it should be possible to adapt this solution to use a standard BIND server that supports dynamic dns updates. The current example code provided uses Google Cloud DNS API calls to update DNS records, but it might work with the library to send DDNS records with some modification.

Syncing with Cloud Resources

Every GCE operation like starting/stopping instances, creating/deleting load balancers can be configured to send out a Cloud Pub/Sub message to a topic. A subscriber to this topic can listen for resources that should have a DNS mapping and create/delete the mapping in the DNS zones.

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Configuring Cloud DNS

A single Cloud DNS zone can be created to manage the mappings for multiple Google Cloud projects. The project name will be encoded in the DNS name:


The domain-name suffix will be the Cloud DNS managed zone dns name. To create a Cloud DNS zone, use the UI console:

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Or via the command line:

> gcloud dns managed-zones create --dns-name="" --description="mydomain" "my-zone-name"

It might be necessary to enable the Cloud DNS API on your project.

Enable Compute Engine Activity Log Export

The will perform all of these steps in an automated fashion:


For example

> dns-project-1 gce-project-1 ''

We can perform these steps manually via gcloud or the UI by performing these steps:

For all the projects we want to sync GCE resources to this zone enable compute_engine_activity logs be sent to a pub/sub topic. First create the pub/sub topic in the project we are going to track (which can be the same or different project that owns the Cloud DNS zone). This can be done in the UI :

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Or via the gcloud command line tool:

> gcloud --project dns-sync-gce-project alpha pubsub topics create compute_engine_activity

We now need to add the [email protected] account as an editor to the topic so the Cloud Logging system sends messages to the topic. This can only be done in the UI at the moment (it's in the API, but the gcloud command line utility doesn't have the features yet). Click the checkbox next to the topic we just created and click permissions. Enter the account and make it an editor of the topic.

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Now configure the the logging export system to send events to this topic.

This can be done in the UI if you had created a GCE instance in the project previously and waited about an hour or so for the event source to appear in the UI, or can be done in via the command line immediately. The UI is here, select the “Compute Engine” service and add the source to be exported to the topic we created. If you don't see “Compute Engine” service listed, create an instance and then wait about an hour for the UI to recognize a new event source exists.

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To perform the same action using the command line utility:

> gcloud --project dns-sync-gce-proejct beta logging sinks create compute_engine_activity --log --output-version-format 'V1'

We next need to create a push subscription to this topic from the project hosting our zone. If this is a different project than the GCE project it must be done from the command line:

> gcloud --project dns-sync-demo alpha pubsub subscriptions create compute_engine_activity_push --topic-project dns-sync-gce-project --topic compute_engine_activity --push-endpoint ''

Otherwise if it's the same project it can be done via the UI, click on “new subscription” to the topic, and configure a push subscription pushing to “”

You can choose your own shared secret to ensure nobody else can mock a notification. We'll configure the same secret on the sync application in just a bit.

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Grant the Application Access To the GCE Project

The dns-sync application will need to read GCE resources from the GCE project to determine their IP address. If the application is running in a separate project from the GCE resources, we'll need to grant the application access to those resources. First get the name of the App Engine default service account from the dns-sync-demo project. This is available from the console at:

You can also list service accounts from the command line with:

> gcloud --project dns-sync-demo beta iam service-accounts list

This should look something like:

[email protected]

We need to now add it as a VIEWER to the dns-sync-gce-project on the permissions page:

This can also be done with the gcloud command line tool: Get the IAM policy for the project

> gcloud --format json beta projects get-iam-policy dns-sync-gce-project> policy.json

Edit the policy and add the dns-sync App Engine service account to the bindings list. This is adding an element to the bindings list like:

{ "members": ["serviceAccount:[email protected]"], "role": "roles/viewer"}

Or adding the account to the list of existing viewers.

> vi policy.json

Then set this policy on the project:

> gcloud beta projects set-iam-policy dns-sync-gce-project policy.json

Configure and Deploy the Application

The application hsa some configuration stored in datastore including

  1. The name of the Cloud DNS managed zones to sync to. This isn't the same as the domain name, but the name of the Cloud DNS zone resource.
  2. The shared secret you added to the App Engine push url. (pubsub_shared_secret)

default_zone: my-zone-name pubsub_shared_secret: my-shared-secret-key

The zone can be chosen based on the GCE resource network or resource name, for example we can configure the service to add a entry in the development Cloud DNS zone by starting an instance name "my-dev-instance", while "my-stg-instance" would be added to the staging dns zone:


  • ['-dev-', dev-zone-name]
  • ['-stg-', staging-zone-name] default_zone: dev-zone-name pubsub_shared_secret: my-shared-secret-key

These configurations are made within the application once deployed at "http:///static/index.html#/zones"

To deploy the application to App Engine you might have to first download the python App Engine SDK in order to run the command from the same directory as the dns-sync application:

> gcloud --project dns-sync-demo app deploy app.yaml

You might get an error about needing to upload a default version first before you can upload a module.

“The first module you upload to a new application must be the 'default' module.”

No problem, we can do that! Just upload a default version and then this application module.

> mkdir blank
> cd blank
> cat << EOF > app.yaml

api_version: 1
runtime: python27
threadsafe: true
version: v1

- url: /
  upload: index.html
  static_files: index.html
> -A dns-sync-demo update .

Then change directories to the dns-sync app directory and run -A dns-sync-demo update . again.

That's it!

Testing the Application

Now that the app is deployed, we can start a GCE resource in the GCE project via the UI

or command line tool :

> gcloud --project dns-sync-gce-project compute instances create instance-1

Then examine the DNS zone and you'll see the DNS records defined for this instance:

Or via the command line:

> gcloud --project dns-sync-demo dns record-sets list --zone my-zone-name

This should show two A records for the instance, one for the internal and external IP addresses A 300 A 300

If you don't, then look at the application of the compute-activity app engine module for possible errors:

Building and Unit Tests

To build and run unit tests run

> python install
> python test