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-# Advent of Code Elixir Starter
+# A 2023 [Advent of Code](https://www.adventofcode.com) written using Elixir!
-A batteries included starter pack for participating in [Advent of Code](https://www.adventofcode.com) using Elixir!
-## Usage
+This Advent of Code I wanted to try something new, so there I am, challenging myself, using Elixir.
+Let's the functional programming begin!
-There are 25 modules, 25 tests, and 50 mix tasks.
+Pls don't judge me by my Elixir code, I have never used it before!
-1. Fill in the tests with the example solutions.
-1. Write your implementation.
-1. Fill in the final problem inputs into the mix task and run `mix d01.p1`!
- - Benchmark your solution by passing the `-b` flag, `mix d01.p1 -b`
+it's a fork of [this repo](https://github.com/mhanberg/advent-of-code-elixir-starter/tree/main)
-defmodule AdventOfCode.Day01 do
- def part1(args) do
- end
- def part2(args) do
- end
-defmodule AdventOfCode.Day01Test do
- use ExUnit.Case
- import AdventOfCode.Day01
- @tag :skip # Make sure to remove to run your test.
- test "part1" do
- input = nil
- result = part1(input)
- assert result
- end
- @tag :skip # Make sure to remove to run your test.
- test "part2" do
- input = nil
- result = part2(input)
- assert result
- end
-defmodule Mix.Tasks.D01.P1 do
- use Mix.Task
- import AdventOfCode.Day01
- @shortdoc "Day 01 Part 1"
- def run(args) do
- input = AdventOfCode.Input.get!(1, 2020)
- if Enum.member?(args, "-b"),
- do: Benchee.run(%{part_1: fn -> input |> part1() end}),
- else:
- input
- |> part1()
- |> IO.inspect(label: "Part 1 Results")
- end
-### Optional Automatic Input Retriever
-This starter comes with a module that will automatically get your inputs so you
-don't have to mess with copy/pasting. Don't worry, it automatically caches your
-inputs to your machine so you don't have to worry about slamming the Advent of
-Code server. You will need to configure it with your cookie and make sure to
-enable it. You can do this by creating a `config/secrets.exs` file containing
-the following:
-import Config
-config :advent_of_code, AdventOfCode.Input,
- allow_network?: true,
- session_cookie: "..." # yours will be longer
-After which, you can retrieve your inputs using the module:
-day = 1
-year = 2020
-AdventOfCode.Input.get!(day, year)
-# or just have it auto-detect the current year
-# and if your input somehow gets mangled and you need a fresh one:
-AdventOfCode.Input.delete!(7, 2019)
-# and the next time you `get!` it will download a fresh one -- use this sparingly!
-## Installation
-# clone
-$ git clone git@github.com:mhanberg/advent-of-code-elixir-starter.git advent-of-code
-$ cd advent-of-code
-# Reinitialize your git repo
-$ rm -rf .git && rm -rf .github
-$ git init
-### Get started coding with zero configuration
-#### Using Visual Studio Code
-1. [Install Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)
-1. Open project directory in VS Code
-1. Press F1, and select `Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container...`
-1. Wait a few minutes as it pulls image down and builds Dev Conatiner Docker image (this should only need to happen once unless you modify the Dockerfile)
- 1. You can see progress of the build by clicking `Starting Dev Container (show log): Building image` that appears in bottom right corner
- 1. During the build process it will also automatically run `mix deps.get`
-1. Once complete VS Code will connect your running Dev Container and will feel like your doing local development
-1. If you would like to use a specific version of Elixir change the `VARIANT` version in `.devcontainer/devcontainer.json`
-1. If you would like more information about VS Code Dev Containers check out the [dev container documentation](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/create-dev-container/?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5003399)
-#### Compatible with Github Codespaces
-1. If you dont have Github Codespaces beta access, sign up for the beta https://github.com/features/codespaces/signup
-1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
-1. Under the repository name, use the Code drop-down menu, and select Open with Codespaces.
-1. If you already have a codespace for the branch, click New codespace.
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