Following are the developer notes on getting started to contributing to the development of Barfi.
Clone this repo to a local folder.
Python version is managed by Pyenv: Base Python version currently is:
Python dependencies and packaging is done using Poetry.
Frontend GUI environement is managed using NVM. Base Node version currently is:
If you are using a Mac, get started by installing dependencies using Homebrew, and continue to the following:
- Install Pyenv and Python using:
brew install pyenv
->pyenv install 3.8.19
- Find the location where
Python 3.8.19
install using ->pyenv which python
- Install Poetry and activate environement:
brew install poetry
->cd <barfi-git-repo>
->poetry env use <python-3.8.19-location>
->poetry install
- Install NVM using these instructions and then Node using
nvm install 18.18.2
->nvm use 18.18.2
. - Install ui depdendencies by:
cd ui-flow
->npm install
- Install Pyenv and Python using:
- To run the ui-flow in local development mode set
- Open 2 terminals, one for starting the Python env and the other for the UI env.
- In terminal 1:
make serve-ui
- In terminal 2:
make serve-barfi
- Update Dcoumentation if required.
- Run tests using
make tests
- Build the ui-flow:
cd build-ui
- Check
is set insrc/barfi/
- Check linting and formatting:
make ruff
- Bump version number as required in
- Build and upload package using
make build-upload
- Commit the repository with the version number example:
v 1.0.0