We don't have hackathons at the moment, but monthly Show & Tells and bi-monthly Stay Aparts
- Early Summer 2018, Salt Lake City, UT
- Late Summer 2018, Basel, Switzerland
- Fall 2018, San Francisco, CA
- January 28th-Feb 1st 2019, Berkeley, CA
- May 20th-24th 2019, Basel, Switzerland
- August 2019, Strasbourg, France
- October 2019, Norddal, Norway
- February 2020, Palm Springs, CA
- Canceled due to Covid-19, Barcelona, Spain
Why don't we have a hackathon in…
Just put your idea on the list:
- Japan (somewhere in the mountains or in a cool city (not Tokyo or Kyoto :-)
Barcelona- Bordeaux ( Cité du Vin, Opéra National )
- Basel :)
- De Watertoren, Vlissingen, Netherlands
- New York City (https://www.wework.com/l/new-york-city--NY, https://privateevents.neuehouse.com/the-boardroom...)
SoCal (L.A. / San Diego / Palm Springs), ideal for a winter location !
How to organize a hackathon
- Start a few months in advance, so that people have time to plan and get travel budget
- Suggest a couple of dates and share a Doodle survey on
- Find and book a venue with: Wifi, space to work, hotels and restaurants nearby
- Measure the network speed at the venue (in Basel we had 10MBps up, which was a bit on the slow side)
- Copy one of the existing Hackathon pages
- Invite everyone