To record and share this config, I should make a video of doing some simple tasks that touch many of my config's features. It would go something like this:
- I want to make some updates to my website, specifically the keyboard layout page.
- Open website in Chrome.
- Alternatively, use fzf chrome history shortcut
- Open terminal to website dir
- Talk about QTile's tiling, show different layouts
- Start editing website in vim
- Talk about neovim at a high level
- Talk about one sentence per line formatting
- Do some copy pasting and talk about clipboard manager, point it out in QTile bar
- Now I want to preview my changes
- Open new terminal with hugo command
- Talk about command line completion and history searching
- Use kitty kitten to open localhost url
- Note that the workspace is getting crowded.
- Send the hugo window to the '1a' workspace
- Talk about my QTile workspace system
- Go back to the split window with my local website and neovim
- Talk about compton for transparency and for selective dimming of the usually mostly white chrome window 1.
- Now talk about editing keyboard layouts at my special modifier keys (e.g. alt-h for backspace).
- Colemak/Dvorak
- Dictation into Google doc
- Everything is a hotkey!
- Right click on desktop menu
- Top bar, element by element
- Workspaces for different projects
- Cycling window layouts
- Clipboard manager, with top bar integration
- Everything sends to single clipboard, even over ssh
- Selective window dimming and transparency
- Resolution and rotation script
- Bash script hotkeys
- Example: download youtube shortcut
- Terminal Emulator
- Hotkeys to copy lines, open urls
- Hotkey to open output in vim
- icat for viewing images
- Copy/paste over ssh via X11 forwarding
- Last command autocompletion (shadow autofill)
- Fzf history search
- Custom prompt (p10k)
- Vi mode cursor
- Completion based on words in buffers
- TODO populate a list here of my most used hotkeys:
- Vimium C
- Fzf history search