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Installation: Docker Synology NAS

Koushik Dutta edited this page Jan 29, 2022 · 4 revisions

List of Synology NAS that can run docker

Start Docker and select "Registry" search for scrypted, select koush/scrypted and press "Download" Picture of download-page

When the docker image is downloaded, select it and press "Launch" Picture of launch-page

It will show the general settings, please press "Advanced Settings" Picture of general settings-page

Select "Volume" tab and press "Add Folder", choose a folder on the nas where you would like to store all files used by Scrypted (that way all settings will survive upgrades of the docker image), and set the Mount path to /server/volume Picture of launch-page

Then choose the "Network" tab and select "Use the same network as Docker host" Picture of launch-page

Press "Apply" and you will see the summary, press done and if you selected "Run this container after the wizard is finished" you can now connect to Scrypted at https://{IP of nas}:10443/ Picture of launch-page