Since AdminLTE version 3.0.x bundle support two menus: SidebarMenu and NavbarMenu. For now, this menu doesn't support sub menu items.
In order to use this component, your have to create each menu item using MenuItemModel class SbS\AdminLTEBundle\Model\MenuItemModel
This class provides an auto-generated menu id
for compatibility with JS and CSS.
If you want (for some reason) to use personal id you have to create a NavbarMenuItemModel class that implements the SbS\AdminLTEBundle\Model\MenuItemInterface
namespace AppBundle\Model;
use SbS\AdminLTEBundle\Model\MenuItemInterface;
class NavbarMenuItemModel implements MenuItemInterface {
// ...
// implement interface methods
// ...
As for recommendations, you can create own class for building a menu. Also, you can check permissions to show some item menu in that class.
namespace AppBundle\Component;
use SbS\AdminLTEBundle\Model\MenuItemModel;
use SbS\AdminLTEBundle\Model\MenuItemInterface;
class NavbarMenuBuilder {
public function getMenu() {
$main = (new MenuItemModel('Home'))
// Menu item with icon
$profile = (new MenuItemModel('Profile'))
->setIcon('far fa-circle text-danger');
// Menu item with icon and badge
$tasks = (new MenuItemModel('Tasks'))
->setIcon('far fa-circle text-info')
->addBadge('6', MenuItemInterface::COLOR_RED)->addBadge('new');
// ...
return [
Next, you will need to create an EventListener to work with the onShowMenu
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use AppBundle\Component\NavbarMenuBuilder;
use SbS\AdminLTEBundle\Event\NavbarMenuEvent;
class NavbarMenuEventListener {
protected $builder;
public function __construct(NavbarMenuBuilder $builder)
$this->builder = $builder;
public function onShowMenu(NavbarMenuEvent $event)
foreach ($this->builder->getMenu() as $item) {
Finally, you need to attach your new listener to the event system:
# app/config/services.yml
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: sbs.admin_lte.navbar_menu, method: onShowMenu }