Spark Payments is a mobile-friendly payment terminal app for web and mobile that merchants can use to accept Dash payments.
- Enter sale amounts in your local currency (supports 94 currencies) and have them converted to an amount in Dash
- A QR code payment request is generated
- Get an on-screen notification when the requested amount is received at your address (or partial)
- Detects if transactions were sent with InstantSend (or not)
- Translated to 12 languages so far
- Support for both xPub and static addresses
- Password protected settings page
- Compatible with Ledger/Trezor/KeepKey hardware wallets
<--- use your address
<--- url encode amount ("1.00 USD" = 1.00%20USD), use your own addressS
# clone repository
git clone spark
# change directories
cd spark
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production (web) with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# build for production (mobile) with minification
npm run build-mobile (I use this building for both)
# clean build files
npm run clean