fun-with-selectos | CSS Selectors in Depth |
- What is a selector?
- What the selector selects?
- Type Selector
- Class Selector
- Id Selector
- Universal Selector
- Existance of attribute
- Equality to value
- Attribute contains value
- Attribute begins or ends with value
- Attribute is a space seperated list containing value
- Attribute is a dash seperated list containing value
- Descendant Combinator
- Child Combinator
- Adjacent Combinator
- Sibling Combinator
- :hover, :active, :visited Selectors
- :first-child, :last-child, :nth-child Selectors
- :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :nth-of-type Selectors
- :not Selector
- :first-letter, :first-line Selectors
- ::after, ::before Selectors
- ::marker Selector
- ::selection Selector
- Specifity Hierarchy
- How to calculate
- Specifity rules
- :root Selector
- :host Selector