Kperf can help to generate Knative Service Deployment Load in your Knative platform. We assume you have created a Kubernetes cluster and deployed Knative Serving.
Please note that by default kperf assumes you have prepared K8s namespace(s) to create Knative Service. If namespace doesn't exist, create it with kubectl as below
# Create a namespace for kperf to create Services in it
kubectl create ns {namespace-name}
# Create namespaces from test-1 to test-10 for kperf to create Services distributed in them
for name in {1..10};do kubectl create ns test-$name;done
- Use config file to specify flags
- Create
and specify flags in it - Use the
in generate command- You should specify
unless you use the default config location(~/.config/kperf/config.yaml) - Precedence: flags in command > config file values > flags default
- You should specify
- Create
# create config file
number: 10
interval: 10
batch: 10
concurrency: 5
namespace: test
svc-prefix: ktest
min-scale: 0
max-scale: 0
# Use the config.yaml in generate command
# Generate total 10 knative service, for each 10 seconds create 10 ksvc with 5 concurrency in namespace test
# and the ksvc names are ktest-0, ktest-1.....ktest-9.
$ kperf service generate
Creating Knative Service ktest-4 in namespace test
Creating Knative Service ktest-0 in namespace test
Creating Knative Service ktest-9 in namespace test
- Use command to specify flags
# Generate total 30 knative service, for each 15 seconds create 10 ksvc with 5 concurrency in namespace test-1, test-2
# and test-3, and the ksvc names are ktest-0, ktest-1.....ktest-29.
$ kperf service generate -n 30 -b 10 -c 5 -i 15 --namespace-prefix test --namespace-range 1,3 --svc-prefix ktest --max-scale 1 --min-scale 1
Creating ksvc ktest-0 in namespace test-1
Creating ksvc ktest-1 in namespace test-2
Creating ksvc ktest-29 in namespace test-3
# Generate total 30 knative service, for each 15 seconds create 10 ksvc with 1 concurrency in namespace test1, test2 and
# test3, and the ksvc names are ktest-0, ktest-2.....ktest-29. The generation will wait the previous generated service
# to be ready for most 10 seconds.
$ kperf service generate -n 30 -b 10 -c 5 -i 15 --namespace-prefix test --namespace-range 1,3 --svc-prefix ktest --wait --timeout 10s --max-scale 1 --min-scale 1
Creating ksvc ktests-0 in namespace test-1
Creating ksvc ktests-1 in namespace tes-2
Creating ksvc ktests-29 in namespace test-3
- Service Configurations Duration Measurement: time duration for Knative Configurations to be ready
- Service Routes Duration Measurement: time duration for Knative Routes to be ready
- Overall Service Ready Measurement: time duration for Knative Service to be ready
Here is a figure of different resources generated for a Knative Service(assuming Istio is the network solution).
Example 1 Measure Services (for eg. range 1,500)for load test under a specific namespace
$ kperf service measure --namespace ktest-1 --svc-prefix ktest --range 0,9 --verbose --output /tmp
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: Service Configuration Ready Duration is 52s/52.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Revision Ready Duration is 52s/52.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Deployment Created Duration is 14s/14.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Pod Scheduled Duration is 0s/0.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Pod Containers Ready Duration is 16s/16.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Pod queue-proxy Started Duration is 11s/11.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Pod user-container Started Duration is 9s/9.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service PodAutoscaler Active Duration is 37s/37.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service ServerlessService Ready Duration is 17s/17.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service ServerlessService ActivatorEndpointsPopulated Duration is 0s/0.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service ServerlessService EndpointsPopulated Duration is 17s/17.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: Service Route Ready Duration is 54s/54.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Ingress Ready Duration is 2s/2.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Ingress Network Configured Duration is 0s/0.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: - Service Ingress LoadBalancer Ready Duration is 2s/2.000000s
[Verbose] Service ktest-0: Overall Service Ready Duration is 54s/54.000000s
-------- Measurement --------
Total: 10 | Ready: 10 NotReady: 0 NotFound: 0 Fail: 0
Service Configuration Duration:
Total: 251.000000s
Average: 25.100000s
- Service Revision Duration:
Total: 248.000000s
Average: 24.800000s
- Service Deployment Created Duration:
Total: 91.000000s
Average: 9.100000s
- Service Pod Scheduled Duration:
Total: 0.000000s
Average: 0.000000s
- Service Pod Containers Ready Duration:
Total: 111.000000s
Average: 11.100000s
- Service Pod queue-proxy Started Duration:
Total: 53.000000s
Average: 5.300000s
- Service Pod user-container Started Duration:
Total: 40.000000s
Average: 4.000000s
- Service PodAutoscaler Active Duration:
Total: 152.000000s
Average: 15.200000s
- Service ServerlessService Ready Duration:
Total: 100.000000s
Average: 10.000000s
- Service ServerlessService ActivatorEndpointsPopulated Duration:
Total: 1.000000s
Average: 0.100000s
- Service ServerlessService EndpointsPopulated Duration:
Total: 100.000000s
Average: 10.000000s
Service Route Ready Duration:
Total: 310.000000s
Average: 31.000000s
- Service Ingress Ready Duration:
Total: 57.000000s
Average: 5.700000s
- Service Ingress Network Configured Duration:
Total: 0.000000s
Average: 0.000000s
- Service Ingress LoadBalancer Ready Duration:
Total: 57.000000s
Average: 5.700000s
Overall Service Ready Measurement:
Total: 10 | Ready: 10 (100.00%) NotReady: 0 (0.00%) NotFound: 0 (0.00%) Fail: 0 (0.00%)
Total: 310.000000s
Average: 31.000000s
Median: 28.000000s
Min: 16.000000s
Max: 54.000000s
Percentile50: 27.000000s
Percentile90: 49.000000s
Percentile95: 51.500000s
Percentile98: 51.500000s
Percentile99: 51.500000s
Raw Timestamp saved in CSV file /tmp/20210117104747_raw_ksvc_creation_time.csv
Measurement saved in CSV file /tmp/20210117104747_ksvc_creation_time.csv
Visualized measurement saved in HTML file /tmp/20210117104747_ksvc_creation_time.html
$ cat /tmp/20210117104747_ksvc_creation_time.csv
# Delete all ksvc with name prefix ktest in namespaces with name prefix test and index 1,2,3
$ kperf service clean --namespace-prefix test --namespace-range 1,3 --svc-prefix ktest
Delete ksvc ktest-0 in namespace test-1
Delete ksvc ktest-2 in namespace test-1
Delete ksvc ktests-1 in namespace test-2
Delete ksvc ktests-10 in namespace test-2
Delete ksvc ktests-5 in namespace test-3
Delete ksvc ktests-8 in namespace test-3
A visualized result is automatically generated by kperf during the measurement step to make the measurement data to be intuitive, which is a static HTML file including a chart and a table.
As we will have tons of measurement metrics for a single test (e.g. revision_ready
, configuration_ready
, ingress_ready
and etc.), it’s important to pick some key measurement metrics to analyze the bottleneck of the Knative service creation lifecycle.
The kperf dashboard enables to select or unselect the metrics to be observed, that will be much easier for developers to find out the most time consuming operations during the service creation. Besides, the kperf dashboard supports zooming in/out the data, developers can choose the full set of the data or only a subset of the data to observe.
The kperf dashboard is built based on an open source charting library ECharts, we are taking advantage of the rich features provided by this library, and also extend it's functionality by implementing some custom tools.
Detailed description about the usage of the kperf dashboard:
Select Data Source : choose another CSV file from local to be rendered in the page.
Value : hover on the chart area to see detailed metric values under the same x axis.
Legend : click on the legend to show/hide the metric line/bar in the chart. Metrics are auto-grouped by it's name prefix before the
symbol, e.g. in this sample chart, metricsingress_ready
are grouped together and assigned with a group icon ✤. -
Toolbox Select/Unselect All : click on 'select/unselect all' icon of the toolbox to show/hide all of the metric lines/bars in the chart.
Toolbox Select Group : click on any 'group' icon of the toolbox to show the metric lines/bars under the target group in the chart and hide others.
Toolbox Switch Chart Type : switch chart type between
,staked bar
andunstacked bar
,tiled line
anduntiled line
. -
Toolbox Data Zoom : enable to select a specific area to be zoomed in/out.
Toolbox Restore : restore to initial chart configuration after switching chart type, data zooming and etc.
Toolbox Data View : display raw data in current chart and update chart after being edited.
Toolbox Save as Image : save current chart view as an image.
- Scales a service from zero, iterative measure the latency for the service to come up and the deployment to change, give results of average, max, min, percentiles latency, and write them to output(CSV, JSON and HTML)
**Example, scale up services that already scaled down to zero in namespace ktest
recommand to set
>= 10s, the minimal stable window is 6s and the cold startup latency of kperf default workload is 2s~4s(different from hosts)
$ kperf service scale --namespace default --svc-prefix ktest --range 0,1 --verbose --output /tmp -i 20 -T 10s -s 6s
scale up service default/ktest-0 in 20 iterations:
======================= service default/ktest-0 result =====================
iteration 0, service latency: 2.885382 s, deployment latency: 0.072050 s
iteration 1, service latency: 2.989419 s, deployment latency: 0.047398 s
iteration 2, service latency: 2.050349 s, deployment latency: 0.021817 s
iteration 3, service latency: 2.051122 s, deployment latency: 0.024518 s
iteration 4, service latency: 2.070070 s, deployment latency: 0.021189 s
iteration 5, service latency: 2.075538 s, deployment latency: 0.023571 s
iteration 6, service latency: 2.074330 s, deployment latency: 0.024800 s
iteration 7, service latency: 2.067129 s, deployment latency: 0.030077 s
iteration 8, service latency: 2.090450 s, deployment latency: 0.022437 s
iteration 9, service latency: 2.068713 s, deployment latency: 0.024025 s
iteration 10, service latency: 2.062881 s, deployment latency: 0.023880 s
iteration 11, service latency: 2.070932 s, deployment latency: 0.021486 s
iteration 12, service latency: 2.081731 s, deployment latency: 0.024668 s
iteration 13, service latency: 2.072034 s, deployment latency: 0.027175 s
iteration 14, service latency: 2.066353 s, deployment latency: 0.021117 s
iteration 15, service latency: 2.087384 s, deployment latency: 0.024184 s
iteration 16, service latency: 2.072947 s, deployment latency: 0.027255 s
iteration 17, service latency: 2.073980 s, deployment latency: 0.028488 s
iteration 18, service latency: 2.063301 s, deployment latency: 0.027137 s
iteration 19, service latency: 2.075841 s, deployment latency: 0.024166 s
service latency result:
average: 2.157494 s
min: 2.050349 s
max: 2.989419 s
p50: 2.072034 s
p90: 2.090450 s
p95: 2.885382 s
p99: 2.937401 s
deployment latency result:
average: 0.028072 s
min: 0.021117 s
max: 0.072050 s
p50: 0.024184 s
p90: 0.030077 s
p95: 0.047398 s
p99: 0.059724 s
failed to get Knative Eventing version: namespaces "knative-eventing" not found
Measurement saved in CSV file /tmp/20230203093607_ksvc_scaling_time.csv
Visualized measurement saved in HTML file /tmp/20230203093607_ksvc_scaling_time.html
Measurement saved in JSON file /tmp/20230203093607_ksvc_scaling_time.json
- By default, the
command assumes you are using Istio as your networking layer. You can use an alternative networking layer by setting theGATEWAY_OVERRIDE
environmental variables.
For example, to run the scale
command using Kourier,
GATEWAY_OVERRIDE=kourier GATEWAY_NAMESPACE_OVERRIDE=kourier-system kperf service scale --namespace default --svc-prefix ktest --range 0,1 --verbose --output /tmp -i 20 -T 10s -s 6s
- Scale services from 0 to N concurrently using load test tool(vegeta, hey, wrk)
- Measure the latency for the pods to come up and the deployment to change
- the latency of replicas to change from 0 to N
- the latency of pods from creation to ready
Load test tools
Two types of load test tools are supported
- Internal load test tool(default) uses vegeta library
- External load test tool uses third-party load test tool, support wrk and hey, which requires preinstallation before running
kperf load
$ kperf service load --help
Scale Knative service from zero using load test tool and measure latency for service to scale form 0 to N
For example:
# To measure a Knative Service scaling from zero to N
kperf service load --namespace ktest --svc-prefix ktest --range 0,3 --load-tool wrk --load-duration 60s --load-concurrency 40 --verbose --output /tmp
kperf service load [flags]
-h, --help help for load
-c, --load-concurrency string total number of workers to run concurrently for the load test tool (default "30")
-d, --load-duration string Duration of the test for the load test tool (default "60s")
-t, --load-tool string Select the load test tool, use internal load test tool(vegeta) by default, also support external load tool(wrk and hey, require preinstallation) (default "default")
--namespace string Service namespace
--namespace-prefix string Service namespace prefix
--namespace-range string Service namespace range
-o, --output string Measure result location (default ".")
-r, --range string Desired service range
--resolvable If Service endpoint resolvable url
--svc-prefix string Service name prefix
-v, --verbose Service verbose result
-w, --wait-time duration Time to wait for all pods to be ready (default 10s)
Global Flags:
--config string kperf configuration file (default "/home/ubuntu/.config/kperf/config.yaml")
- Print the load test tool output and measurement if the parameter
was set - Save the latency of replicas in CSV and HTML
- Save the latency of replicas and pods in JSON
- Prepare namespace and services
$ kubectl create ns ktest
$ kperf service generate -n 5 -b 1 -c 1 -i 1 --namespace ktest --svc-prefix ktest
- Scale up services(ktest-0, ... , ktest-4) in namespace ktest with wrk using 30 workers and lasting for 60 seconds, and measure the scale up latency
- Use config file to specify flags(refer to Generate deployment load)
are default common flags of all service subcommands- Procedure of common flag in config
- Common flag specified in subcommand(such as
) > common flag specified in parent command(such asservice.namespace
- Common flag specified in subcommand(such as
# create config file
namespace: ktest
svc-prefix: ktest
range: 0,4
output: /tmp
load-concurrency: 30
load-duration: 60s
verbose: true
$ kperf service load
2022/08/09 09:55:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1, load start
2022/08/09 09:55:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3, load start
2022/08/09 09:55:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4, load start
2022/08/09 09:55:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0, load start
2022/08/09 09:55:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2, load start
2022/08/09 09:56:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1, load end, take off 60.003 seconds
2022/08/09 09:56:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3, load end, take off 60.004 seconds
2022/08/09 09:56:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4, load end, take off 60.003 seconds
2022/08/09 09:56:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0, load end, take off 60.003 seconds
2022/08/09 09:56:37 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2, load end, take off 60.003 seconds
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2:
[Verbose] Load tool(default) output:
Requests [total, rate, throughput] 480, 0.00, 0.00
Duration [total, attack, wait] 0s, 0s, 0s
Latencies [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 1.55ms, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 8.027s
Bytes In [total, mean] 6240, 0.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 0.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:480
Error Set:
[Verbose] Deployment replicas changed from 0 to 7:
replicas ready_duration(seconds)
0 9.543
1 15.961
2 18.533
3 20.946
4 21.733
5 24.531
6 25.733
[Verbose] Pods changed from 0 to 7:
pods ready_duration(seconds)
0 4.0
1 3.0
2 3.0
3 5.0
4 5.0
5 5.0
6 4.0
Measurement saved in CSV file /tmp/20220809095647_ksvc_loading_time.csv
Visualized measurement saved in HTML file /tmp/20220809095647_ksvc_loading_time.html
Measurement saved in JSON file /tmp/20220809095647_ksvc_loading_time.json
- Use command to specify flags
$ kperf service load --namespace ktest --svc-prefix ktest --range 0,4 --load-tool wrk --load-duration 60s --load-concurrency 30 --verbose --output /tmp
2022/06/01 08:36:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4, load start
2022/06/01 08:36:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2, load start
2022/06/01 08:36:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0, load start
2022/06/01 08:36:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1, load start
2022/06/01 08:36:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3, load start
2022/06/01 08:37:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2, load end, take off 60.075 seconds
2022/06/01 08:37:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0, load end, take off 60.083 seconds
2022/06/01 08:37:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4, load end, take off 60.091 seconds
2022/06/01 08:37:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1, load end, take off 60.102 seconds
2022/06/01 08:37:52 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3, load end, take off 60.104 seconds
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2:
[Verbose] wrk output:
Running 1m test @
2 threads and 30 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 39.54ms 15.50ms 171.95ms 70.01%
Req/Sec 379.76 83.86 650.00 76.68%
Latency Distribution
50% 40.63ms
75% 42.71ms
90% 59.35ms
99% 74.10ms
23750 requests in 1.00m, 4.21MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 30
Requests/sec: 395.38
Transfer/sec: 71.79KB
[Verbose] Replicas scale from 0 to 5:
replica_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 29.274
1 39.534
2 42.643
3 43.094
4 45.051
[Verbose] Pods scale from 0 to 5:
pod_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 31.0
1 35.0
2 35.0
3 24.0
4 35.0
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0:
[Verbose] wrk output:
Running 1m test @
2 threads and 30 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 38.18ms 15.64ms 155.80ms 65.69%
Req/Sec 392.67 100.14 740.00 74.93%
Latency Distribution
50% 40.45ms
75% 42.28ms
90% 58.92ms
99% 73.94ms
26660 requests in 1.00m, 4.73MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 30
Requests/sec: 443.77
Transfer/sec: 80.57KB
[Verbose] Replicas scale from 0 to 5:
replica_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 29.927
1 40.642
2 43.488
3 44.649
4 45.451
[Verbose] Pods scale from 0 to 5:
pod_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 33.0
1 31.0
2 25.0
3 35.0
4 36.0
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4:
[Verbose] wrk output:
Running 1m test @
2 threads and 30 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 37.15ms 16.23ms 153.30ms 65.58%
Req/Sec 401.07 134.50 1.63k 84.21%
Latency Distribution
50% 40.34ms
75% 42.13ms
90% 58.59ms
99% 74.11ms
27636 requests in 1.00m, 4.90MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 30
Requests/sec: 459.96
Transfer/sec: 83.50KB
[Verbose] Replicas scale from 0 to 5:
replica_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 30.758
1 38.034
2 42.267
3 44.243
4 47.250
[Verbose] Pods scale from 0 to 5:
pod_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 31.0
1 34.0
2 35.0
3 34.0
4 25.0
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1:
[Verbose] wrk output:
Running 1m test @
2 threads and 30 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 39.49ms 15.56ms 171.76ms 69.22%
Req/Sec 380.19 85.63 646.00 76.24%
Latency Distribution
50% 40.62ms
75% 42.76ms
90% 59.33ms
99% 73.85ms
24447 requests in 1.00m, 4.33MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 30
Requests/sec: 406.82
Transfer/sec: 73.86KB
[Verbose] Replicas scale from 0 to 5:
replica_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 31.974
1 41.548
2 46.477
3 46.836
4 47.841
[Verbose] Pods scale from 0 to 5:
pod_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 35.0
1 25.0
2 35.0
3 32.0
4 30.0
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3:
[Verbose] wrk output:
Running 1m test @
2 threads and 30 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 37.48ms 16.49ms 234.53ms 66.06%
Req/Sec 400.96 183.79 3.42k 94.26%
Latency Distribution
50% 40.36ms
75% 42.13ms
90% 58.91ms
99% 73.41ms
27208 requests in 1.00m, 4.82MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 30
Requests/sec: 452.74
Transfer/sec: 82.19KB
[Verbose] Replicas scale from 0 to 5:
replica_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 31.631
1 37.388
2 41.688
3 43.778
4 45.875
[Verbose] Pods scale from 0 to 5:
pod_count ready_duration(seconds)
0 35.0
1 31.0
2 33.0
3 24.0
4 35.0
Measurement saved in CSV file /tmp/20220601083752_ksvc_loading_time.csv
Measurement saved in JSON file /tmp/20220601083752_ksvc_loading_time.json
Visualized measurement saved in HTML file /tmp/20220601083752_ksvc_loading_time.html
- CSV result
$ cat /tmp/20220602084358_ksvc_loading_time.csv
- HTML result in dashboard
- Scale up services(ktest-0, ... , ktest-4) in namespace ktest with vegeta(default) using 30 workers and lasting for 60 seconds, and measure the scale up latency
$ kperf service load --namespace ktest --svc-prefix ktest --range 0,4 --load-duration 60s --load-concurrency 40 --verbose --output /tmp
2022/07/05 04:40:59 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3, load start
2022/07/05 04:41:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4, load start
2022/07/05 04:41:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2, load start
2022/07/05 04:41:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1, load start
2022/07/05 04:41:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0, load start
2022/07/05 04:42:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3, load end, take off 60.004 seconds
2022/07/05 04:42:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2, load end, take off 60.004 seconds
2022/07/05 04:42:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4, load end, take off 60.004 seconds
2022/07/05 04:42:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1, load end, take off 60.004 seconds
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-4:
[Verbose] Load tool(default) output:
Requests [total, rate, throughput] 480, 0.00, 0.00
Duration [total, attack, wait] 0s, 0s, 0s
Latencies [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 1.68ms, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 3.393s
Bytes In [total, mean] 6240, 0.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 0.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:480
Error Set:
[Verbose] Deployment replicas changed from 0 to 2:
replicas ready_duration(seconds)
0 4.040
1 17.554
[Verbose] Pods changed from 0 to 2:
pods ready_duration(seconds)
0 3.0
1 4.0
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-2:
[Verbose] Load tool(default) output:
Requests [total, rate, throughput] 480, 0.00, 0.00
Duration [total, attack, wait] 0s, 0s, 0s
Latencies [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 1.789ms, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 3.346s
Bytes In [total, mean] 6240, 0.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 0.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:480
Error Set:
[Verbose] Deployment replicas changed from 0 to 2:
replicas ready_duration(seconds)
0 3.511
1 11.814
[Verbose] Pods changed from 0 to 2:
pods ready_duration(seconds)
0 3.0
1 3.0
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-1:
[Verbose] Load tool(default) output:
Requests [total, rate, throughput] 480, 0.00, 0.00
Duration [total, attack, wait] 0s, 0s, 0s
Latencies [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 1.678ms, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 4.215s
Bytes In [total, mean] 6240, 0.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 0.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:480
Error Set:
[Verbose] Deployment replicas changed from 0 to 3:
replicas ready_duration(seconds)
0 5.419
1 15.158
2 17.953
[Verbose] Pods changed from 0 to 3:
pods ready_duration(seconds)
0 4.0
1 5.0
2 3.0
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-3:
[Verbose] Load tool(default) output:
Requests [total, rate, throughput] 480, 0.00, 0.00
Duration [total, attack, wait] 0s, 0s, 0s
Latencies [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 1.933ms, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 6.621s
Bytes In [total, mean] 6240, 0.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 0.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:480
Error Set:
[Verbose] Deployment replicas changed from 0 to 6:
replicas ready_duration(seconds)
0 6.646
1 16.367
2 17.159
3 18.758
4 19.159
5 20.356
[Verbose] Pods changed from 0 to 6:
pods ready_duration(seconds)
0 5.0
1 4.0
2 3.0
3 5.0
4 5.0
5 5.0
2022/07/05 04:42:00 Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0, load end, take off 60.004 seconds
[Verbose] Namespace ktest, Service ktest-0:
[Verbose] Load tool(default) output:
Requests [total, rate, throughput] 480, 0.00, 0.00
Duration [total, attack, wait] 0s, 0s, 0s
Latencies [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 1.954ms, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 0s, 10.259s
Bytes In [total, mean] 6240, 0.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 0.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:480
Error Set:
[Verbose] Deployment replicas changed from 0 to 10:
replicas ready_duration(seconds)
0 11.198
1 14.193
2 15.390
3 16.592
4 18.195
5 19.797
6 20.591
7 21.395
8 21.791
9 22.597
[Verbose] Pods changed from 0 to 10:
pods ready_duration(seconds)
0 3.0
1 5.0
2 4.0
3 5.0
4 5.0
5 4.0
6 4.0
7 5.0
8 5.0
9 4.0
Measurement saved in CSV file /tmp/20220705044200_ksvc_loading_time.csv
Visualized measurement saved in HTML file /tmp/20220705044200_ksvc_loading_time.html
Measurement saved in JSON file /tmp/20220705044200_ksvc_loading_time.json
- CSV, HTML and JSON results are same as using wrk