{.alert.alert-info} Important! To use these functions, you need to import the "Scripting API Extra" library.
In your Tiled map, a number of items can have "properties" (the map itself, layers, tiles, tilesets, objects...).
The JSON map can be fetched using WA.room.getTiledMap
. But when it comes to analyzing the JSON map, you are on your own.
The Scripting API Extra package comes with a useful Properties
class to analyze these properties.
const map = await WA.room.getTiledMap();
const mapProperties = new Properties(map.properties);
// getOne fetches the value of the property passed in parameter.
const name = mapProperties.get('name') as string;
// getString is the same as get except it ensures the value is a string (and throws an exception if it is not)
const name = mapProperties.getString('name');
Methods available:
class Properties {
get(name: string): string | boolean | number | undefined; // returns the property
getString(name: string): string | undefined; // returns the property (and checks it is a string)
getNumber(name: string): number | undefined; // returns the property (and checks it is a number)
getBoolean(name: string): boolean | undefined; // returns the property (and checks it is a boolean)
mustGetString(name: string): string; // returns the property as a string (throws an Error if not found)
mustGetNumber(name: string): string; // returns the property as a number (throws an Error if not found)
mustGetBoolean(name: string): string; // returns the property as a boolean (throws an Error if not found)
getType(name: string): string | undefined; // returns the type of property (as defined in the map)