- fix broken hover borders in edit mode @jackahl #17
- amend design to fit provided designs @jackahl #20
- rename "link" field to "href" to make it use the correct adapter #14
- remove css related to hiding the remove block button inside the grid @jackahl #12
- remove borders around logos on hover @jakckahl #17
- vertically center logos @jackahl #7
- hide external link icon on external links when used with vlt @jackahl #8
- Compatiblity with kitconcept volto-light-theme container widths @jackahl #6
- add setting to show or not show description field @jackahl #1
- fix link element being rendered even when no link is set @jackahl #1
- improve styling for layouts with less than four columns @jackahl #1
- initial release
- add german translations
- remove currently unused description field
- Add possibillity to link on Logo