This project is organized much like OpenPBTA in which all genomics data for each assay-type are collated into one giant table. In general, this fits cBioPortal well. A summary example run script can be found here, with example file download list here
for final product.
Inputs are located in the old D3b AWS account (684194535433
) in this general bucket location: s3://d3b-openaccess-us-east-1-prd-pbta/open-targets/
Clinical data with cBio names are obtained from the histologies-formatted-id-added.tsv
file, as noted in Prep Work section.
Genomic data generally obtained as such:
- Somatic variant calls: merged maf
- Copy number: tsv file with copy number, ploidy, and GISTIC-style information in maf-like format (each call is a row)
- RNA expression: tpm values from rsem stored an
object - RNA fusion: annoFuse output For example, for v14, bucket s3://d3b-openaccess-us-east-1-prd-pbta/open-targets/v14/:
The histologies file needs formatted_sample_id
added and likely a blacklist from the D3b Warehouse or some other source to suppress duplicate RNA libraries from different sequencing methods.
Since we are not handling Methylation
yet, it is recommended those entries be removed ahead of time.
To create the histologies file, recommended method is to:
docker pull
OR if you have R installed locally, ensure the following libraries are installed:library("optparse") library("tidyverse") library("readr") library("tidyr")
Pull the OpenPedCan repo (warning, it's 12GB ):, or just download the script from
Export from D3b Warehouse the latest existing cBio IDs to use for population. Ensure that the output is csv double-quoted. Currently that can be obtained using the sql command:
with custom as ( select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.aml_sd_pet7q6f2_2018_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.bllnos_sd_z6mwd3h0_2018_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.x01_fy16_nbl_maris_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.cbtn_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.dgd_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.pnoc_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.oligo_nation_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.os_sd_zxjffmef_2015_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.chdm_sd_7spqtt8m_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.chdm_phs001643_2018_cbio_sample union select participant_id, formatted_sample_id, specimen_id, analyte_types, normal_bs_id, normal_sample_id from prod_cbio.pbta_mioncoseq_cbio_sample ) select * from custom
Get a blacklist from D3b Warehouse, exporting table
- Download from the
or run from repo if you have it - Run
Rscript --vanilla pedcbio_sample_name_col.R -i path-to-histologies-file.tsv -n path-to-cbio-names.csv -b 'Methylation,Phospho-Proteomics,Whole Cell Proteomics,miRNA-Seq'
- Either run an interactive docker or using your local R, and ensure to mount a volume that will have the repo and whatever input histologies file you end up using, i.e.
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu,target=/WORK /bin/bash
- In that container, go to the location of
- Run
pedcbio-sample-name/pedcbio_sample_name_col.R -i ../molecular-subtyping-integrate/results/histologies.tsv -b Methylation
. Results will be inresults
TCGA data are kept in a seprate matrix from everything else. We need to merge those. It is collapsed on common genes:
Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/merge_rsem_rds.R --first_file gene-expression-rsem-tpm-collapsed.rds --second_file tcga-gene-expression-rsem-tpm-collapsed.rds --output_fn gene_tcga_expression_common_merge.rds
UPDATE: GTEx is also in a seprate matrix, so run again currently to make the "final" merge before conversion
Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/merge_rsem_rds.R --first_file gene_tcga_expression_common_merge.rds --second_file gtex_gene-expression-rsem-tpm-collapsed.rds --output_fn gene_tcga_gtex_expression_common_merge.rds
It's recommended to put datasheets in a dir called datasheets
, downloaded files in it's own dir (in v12 it's GF_INPUTS
) and the rest of the processed outputs into it's own dir (study_build
for v12) to keep things sane and also be able to leverage existing study build script in scripts/
usage: [-h] [-f HEAD] [-c CLIN] [-s CL_SUPP]
Script to convert clinical data to cbio clinical data sheets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f HEAD, --header-file HEAD
tsv file with input file original sample names, output
sheet flag, and conversion
because every club needs a bouncer. Headered tsv file with BS ID and reason
-c CLIN, --clinical-data CLIN
Input clinical data sheet
-s CL_SUPP, --cell-line-supplement CL_SUPP
supplemental file with cell line meta data - bs
id<tab>type. optional
Header file example can be found here:COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/header_desc.tsv
cell line supplemental file here:REFS/cell_line_supplemental.txt
blacklist exported from D3b Warehouse-c
Outputs a data_clinical_sample.txt
and data_clinical_patient.txt
for the cBio package, and a bs_id_sample_map.txt
mapping file to link BS IDs to gnerated cBioPortal IDs based on the rules for creating a proper somatic event using column parent_aliquot_id
Example run:
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -f COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/header_desc.tsv -c histologies-formatted-id-added.tsv -b cbio_hide_reasons.tsv 2> clin.errs
Rename IDs in Tumor_Sample_Barcode
usage: [-h] [-m MAPPING_FILE] [-v MAF_FILE]
Script to pre-filter entries on usually removed criteria except TERT
promoter, convert BS IDs to cBio names
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
tsv file with header and bs_id, sample type, cbio ID mappings
-v MAF_FILE, --maf-file MAF_FILE
openX maf file
-s SKIP, --skip SKIP Skip typical #version header line
-n TYPE, --study TYPE
study name, like "openpbta"
NOTE for v11 input, I ran the following command zcat snv-dgd.maf.tsv.gz | perl -e '$skip = <>; $skip= <>; while(<>){print $_;}' | gzip -c >> snv-consensus-plus-hotspots.maf.tsv.gz
to add DGD data
NOTE for v15 input,I would have following command python3 ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -i /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/maf_openpedcan_v15_header.txt -c openpedcan_v15.maf -t ../INPUT_PREP/bs_id_sample_map.txt -m ../INPUTS/snv-mutect2-tumor-only-plus-hotspots.maf.tsv.gz
to add tumor-only data, which is more robust
Example run:
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -m bs_id_sample_map.txt -v snv-consensus-plus-hotspots.maf.tsv.gz -s 1 -n openpedcan_v12
Convert cnv table to cBio format - genes as rows, samples as cols, one for absolute CN, another for GISTIC-style
usage: [-h] [-m MAPPING_FILE] [-c CNV_TBL]
Script to convert openX cnv table to cBio format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
tsv file with header and bs_id, sample type, cbio ID mappings
-c CNV_TBL, --copy-number CNV_TBL
openX table
-s TYPE, --study TYPE
study name, like "openpbta"
Example run:
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -m bs_id_sample_map.txt -c consensus_wgs_plus_cnvkit_wxs.tsv.gz -s openpedcan_v11
Note, I merged the tcga into the main rds. I also needed an instance with 64GB ram in order to calc z scores. Update: Can also achieve by setting up 32GB swap space Additionally,can also use C++ implementation to speed up zscore computation and save memory. Note: writing in C++ is slower than write_tsv function in R but have less memory footprint.
Usage: /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R [options]
openX rsem rds expression object
mapping ID file with headers: BS_ID Sample Type Cbio ID
study name, like 'openpbta'
Implementation to use C++ or R to compute zscore and write a tsv file
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
Example run:
Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R --rna_rds gene_tcga_gtex_expression_common_merge.rds --map_id bs_id_sample_map.txt --type openpedcan_v15 --computeZscore R 2> rna_convert.errs
Before running, to leverage an existing fusion conversion, I first ran:
COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -t bs_id_sample_map.txt -n openpedcan_v12 > fusion_sample_name_input.txt
to reformat the sample name index.
usage: [-h] [-t TABLE] [-f FUSION_RESULTS] [-o OUT_DIR] -m MODE
Convert openPBTA fusion table OR list of annofuse files to cbio format.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TABLE, --table TABLE
Table with cbio project, kf bs ids, cbio IDs, and file names
annoFuse results dir OR openX merged fusion file
-o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
Result output dir. Default is merged_fusion
-m MODE, --mode MODE describe source, openX or kfprod
Example run:
python3 ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/scripts/ -t fusion_sample_name_input.txt -f fusion-putative-oncogenic.tsv -o ./ -m openX
If DGD fusions are to be added, run again with -a
flag like so:
python3 ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/scripts/ -t fusion_sample_name_input.txt -f fusion-dgd.tsv.gz -o ./ -m dgd -a
Leverage the existing meta config and package organizer from kids first to create all relevant meta and case files...except for the added case lists achieved by the next step
Create cases lists, meta files, and organize data for cbio upload. It is assumed you are at the dir level of all input data files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_DIR, --output_dir OUT_DIR
output directory name
json config file with meta information; see REFS/case_meta_config.json example
Example run:
python3 scripts/ -o processed -c COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/openpedcan_v12_case_meta_config.json
Last step before validation and upload
usage: [-h] [-d DATASHEET] [-s STUDY_ID]
Generate extra cases lists based on cBio datasheet
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
cBio sample datasheet
-s STUDY_ID, --study-id STUDY_ID
cBio cancer_study_identifier
-c COHORTS, --cohort-csv COHORTS
add a special case for a cohort-specific case list using a csv list and omit from hist split
-m SAMP_MIN, --min-sample SAMP_MIN
min number of samples a cohort must have to generate a case list for. recommend 3
Example run:
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -d data_clinical_sample.txt -s openpedcan_v12 -c GTEx -m 3