The Collectl Lustre plugins (lustreMDS, lustreOSS, and lustreClient) are based on the built-in Collectl 3.6.9 Lustre collector
The plugins add support for Lustre 2.x (up to 2.5.x tested), and remove support for Lustre versions pre 1.8 and HPSFS
The plugins add new data collection options. Most of the new metrics are only available via Ganglia export; however, I am more than happy to work with users on extending the console reports and plots
Please report all bugs and enhancement requests to [email protected]
You should not use -sl or -sL in combination with the plugins
If you run collectl as a daemon you will have to add -l to the subsytem option because in daemon-mode collectl automatically enables the builtin Lustre data collector. Your subsytem definition will look something like -s-lYZ
The following table compares the capabilities and command options of the plugins with the built-in Lustre collector in collectl 3.6.9.
Type | Level | 3.6.9 command | Plugin command | 3.6.9 output | Plugin output |
MDS/MDT | Summary | collectl -sl | collectl.pl --import lustreMDS,s | Gattr+, Sattr+, Sync, Unlnk, Create | Same as 3.6.9 |
Verbose | collectl -sl --verbose | collectl.pl --verbose --import lustreMDS,s | Getattr, attrLck, StatFS, Sync, Gxattr, Sxattr, Connect, Disconn, Create, Link, Setattr, Rename, Unlink | Same as 3.6.9 with the following additions: FCreate, Open, Close, Mkdir, and Rmdir | |
Detailed | collectl -sL --lustopts D (only for HPSFS) | Not supported | |||
lustopts: C | collectl.pl --import lustreMDS,sC | Collects metadata operations by client. Currently only reported via Ganglia export. The following statistics are exported: @.close, create, getattrP, open, sattrP, unlink | |||
OSS/OST | Summary | collectl -sl | collectl.pl --import lustreOSS,s | KBRead, Reads, KBWrit, Writes | Same as 3.6.9 |
Verbose | collectl -sl --verbose | collectl.pl --import lustreOSS,s --verbose | KBRead, Reads, SizeKB, KBWrite,Writes, SizeKB | Same as 3.6.9 | |
Detailed | collectl -sL | collectl.pl --import lustreOSS,d | Ost, KBRead, Reads, SizeKB, KBWrite, Wraites, SizeKB | Same as 3.6.9 | |
lustopts:B | collectl -sl --lustopts B | collectl.pl --import lustreOSS,sB | RdK, Rds, 1P, 2P, 4P, 8P, 16P, 32P, 64P, 128P, 256P, WrtK, Wrts, 1P, 2P, 4P, 8P, 16P, 32P, 64P, 128P, 256P | Same as 3.6.9. Disk I/O size stats are also collected, but are currently only reported via Ganglia export. The following statistics are exported: lustost.diskIoSizeRead..[0004k-1024k] | |
lustopts:C | collectl.pl --import lustreOSS,sC | Collects read/write throughput (Bytes/sec) by client. Currently only reported via Ganglia export. The following statistics are exported:@.read, write | |||
Client | Summary | collectl -sl | collectl.pl --import lustreClient,s | KBRead, Reads, KBWrite, Writes | Same as 3.6.9 |
Verbose | collectl --verbose -sl | collectl.pl --verbose --import lustreClient,s | KBRead, Reads, SizeKB, KBWrite, Writes, SizeKB | Same as 3.6.9 | |
Detailed | collectl -sL | collectl.pl --import lustreClient,d | Filsys, KBRead, Reads, SizeKB, KBWrite, Writes, SizeKB | Same as 3.6.9 | |
lustopts:B | collectl -sl --lustopts B | collectl.pl --import lustreClient,sB | RdK, Rds, 1P, 2P, 4P, 8P, 16P, 32P, 64P, 128P, 256P | Same as 3.6.9 | |
lustopts:M | collectl -sl --lustopts M | collectl.pl --import lustreClient,sM | KBRead, Reads, KBWrite,Writes, Open, Close, GAttr, SAttr, Seek, Fsync, DrtHit, DrtMis | Same as 3.6.9 | |
lustopts:R | collectl -sl --lustopts R | collectl.pl --import lustreClient,sR | KBRead, Reads, KBWrite, Writes, Hits, Misses | Same as 3.6.9 | |
lustopts:R | collectl -sL --lustopts R | collectl.pl --import lustreClient,dR | Filsys, KBRead, Reads, SizeKB, KBWrite, Writes, SizeKB, Pend, Hits, Misses, NotCon, MisWin, FalGrb, LckFal, Discrd, ZFile, ZerWin, RA2Eof, HitMax, Wrong | Same as 3.6.9 |