diff --git a/cil-semantics/cil-decl.k b/cil-semantics/cil-decl.k
index 4e9b9b89c..8f88d59a7 100644
--- a/cil-semantics/cil-decl.k
+++ b/cil-semantics/cil-decl.k
@@ -112,10 +112,8 @@ module CIL-DECL
defineFun(F:Ptr, T:Type, Ps:Params, FB:FunBody)
=> lower-break-continue-to-goto-control(F)
- ~> make-goto-table-control(F)
//~> propagate-constants(F)
- // _ => F
@@ -285,116 +283,6 @@ module CIL-DECL
rule normLabels(FB:FunBody)
=> #visit(FB, 'normLabelsVisitor, 0, 'needsLabelNorm)::FunBody
- /*
- * Compute the goto table (Map{Label, Stmt})
- */
- syntax K ::= "make-goto-table-control" "(" Ptr ")"
- rule
- make-goto-table-control(F:Ptr) ...
- ...
- F
- { _:VarDecls { Ss:Stmts } }
- ...
- false => true
- (.Bag =>
- Ss
- .Stmts
- )
- [structural]
- rule
- ...
- ...
- .Stmts
- ...
- => .Bag
- ...
- [structural]
- rule
- make-goto-table-control(_:Ptr) => . ...
- true => false
- .Bag
- [structural]
- rule
- make-goto-table-control(F:Ptr) ...
- ...
- F
- ... .Map => L |-> (S Ss1) @Stmts Cont ...
- ...
- L:Label : S:Stmt Ss1:Stmts => S Ss1
- Cont:Stmts
- [structural]
- rule
- ...
- (if ( _ ) S1:Stmt else S2:Stmt) Ss:Stmts => Ss
- Cont:Stmts
- (.Bag =>
- S1 (.Stmts)
- Ss @Stmts Cont
- S2 (.Stmts)
- Ss @Stmts Cont
- )
- ...
- [structural]
- rule
- ...
- while (E:Exp) S:Stmt Ss:Stmts => Ss
- Cont:Stmts
- (.Bag =>
- S (.Stmts)
- (while (E) S Ss) @Stmts Cont
- )
- ...
- [structural]
- rule
- { Ss1:Stmts } Ss2:Stmts => Ss1 @Stmts Ss2
- [structural]
- rule
- KLabel:KLabel(KList:KList) Ss:Stmts => Ss
- when isStmt(KLabel:KLabel(KList:KList))
- andBool KLabel =/=KLabel '_:_
- andBool KLabel =/=KLabel 'if`(_`)_else_
- andBool KLabel =/=KLabel 'while`(_`)_
- andBool KLabel =/=KLabel '`{_`}
- [structural]
* Local variable declarations (without initializers).
diff --git a/cil-semantics/cil-implementation.k b/cil-semantics/cil-implementation.k
index f0555034f..9c432c701 100644
--- a/cil-semantics/cil-implementation.k
+++ b/cil-semantics/cil-implementation.k
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ require "cil-common.k"
imports CIL-COMMON
+ // "each enumerated type shall be compatible with char, a signed integer
+ // type, or an unsigned integer type"
+ rule enum X:CId => int [macro]
* FIXME: it would be faster to treat each basic type individually, rather
* that us byteWidthMacro
diff --git a/cil-semantics/cil-stmt.k b/cil-semantics/cil-stmt.k
index d66a43973..0d1f8806f 100644
--- a/cil-semantics/cil-stmt.k
+++ b/cil-semantics/cil-stmt.k
@@ -13,18 +13,15 @@ module CIL-STMT
goto L:Label; ~> _ => Ss
- ...
- F
- ... L |-> Ss:Stmts ...
- ...
+ F
+ ... L |-> Ss:Stmts ...
- rule (. => eval-case-labels)
- ~> goto $caseLabel(_, _) ;
- ...
+ rule
+ (. => make-goto-table ~> eval-case-labels) ~> goto _:Label ; ...
- false
+ false => true
rule goto $caseLabel(I:Int, V:TypedValue) ;
@@ -32,25 +29,127 @@ module CIL-STMT
- true
+ true
when notBool ($caseLabel(I, V) in keys Lbls)
+ /*
+ * Compute the goto table (Map{Label, Stmt}). We do this at "runtime" to
+ * improve the performance of the interpreter.
+ */
+ syntax K ::= "make-goto-table"
+ rule
+ make-goto-table ...
+ F:Ptr
+ F
+ { _:VarDecls { Ss:Stmts } }
+ false => true
+ (.Bag =>
+ Ss
+ .Stmts
+ )
+ [structural]
+ rule
+ ...
+ ...
+ .Stmts
+ ...
+ => .Bag
+ ...
+ [structural]
+ rule
+ make-goto-table => . ...
+ true => false
+ .Bag
+ [structural]
+ rule
+ F:Ptr
+ F
+ ... .Map => L |-> (S Ss1) @Stmts Cont ...
+ L:Label : S:Stmt Ss1:Stmts => S Ss1
+ Cont:Stmts
+ [structural]
+ rule
+ ...
+ (if ( _ ) S1:Stmt else S2:Stmt) Ss:Stmts => Ss
+ Cont:Stmts
+ (.Bag =>
+ S1 (.Stmts)
+ Ss @Stmts Cont
+ S2 (.Stmts)
+ Ss @Stmts Cont
+ )
+ ...
+ [structural]
+ rule
+ ...
+ while (E:Exp) S:Stmt Ss:Stmts => Ss
+ Cont:Stmts
+ (.Bag =>
+ S (.Stmts)
+ (while (E) S Ss) @Stmts Cont
+ )
+ ...
+ [structural]
+ rule
+ { Ss1:Stmts } Ss2:Stmts => Ss1 @Stmts Ss2
+ [structural]
+ rule
+ KLabel:KLabel(KList:KList) Ss:Stmts => Ss
+ when isStmt(KLabel:KLabel(KList:KList))
+ andBool KLabel =/=KLabel '_:_
+ andBool KLabel =/=KLabel 'if`(_`)_else_
+ andBool KLabel =/=KLabel 'while`(_`)_
+ andBool KLabel =/=KLabel '`{_`}
+ [structural]
// This is a somewhat hackish method for evaluating the constant expressions
// in the case labels of switch statements. It seems to slow things down
// quite a bit too.
syntax K ::= "eval-case-labels"
| "eval-case-labels" "(" Map "," Map ")"
| "case-label-freezer" "(" Int "," Stmts ")"
- rule eval-case-labels => . ...
- F:Ptr
- F
- true
rule eval-case-labels => eval-case-labels(Lbls, .Map) ...
- false
rule eval-case-labels(
_:Map (L:Label |-> Ss:Stmts => .Map),
@@ -70,7 +169,6 @@ module CIL-STMT
_ => Lbls
- false => true
syntax K ::= "$exp2bool" "(" Exp ")" [strict]
diff --git a/cil-semantics/cil-syntax.k b/cil-semantics/cil-syntax.k
index 3301e3c06..cf2f88dad 100644
--- a/cil-semantics/cil-syntax.k
+++ b/cil-semantics/cil-syntax.k
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module CIL-SYNTAX
| "union" CId "{" VarDecls "}" ";"
| "struct" CId ";" // forward decls
| "union" CId ";"
+ | "enum" CId ";"
syntax TypedefDecl ::= "typedef" DeclSpecs Declarator ";"
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ module CIL-SYNTAX
// It appears that CIL substitutes constants for the enum tags, but leaves
// the declaration, so I think it can be safely elided.
rule enum _:CId { _:EnumInits } ; => . [macro]
+ rule enum _:CId ; => . [macro]
syntax Type ::= ParamDecl // TODO(chathhorn)
// syntax Type ::= Void
@@ -386,6 +388,7 @@ module CIL-SYNTAX
syntax AggTypeSpec ::=
"struct" CId
| "union" CId
+ | "enum" CId
// atomic-type-specifier
// _Atomic ( type-name )
diff --git a/cil-semantics/cil.k b/cil-semantics/cil.k
index 96cce3f4e..3a7c24d93 100644
--- a/cil-semantics/cil.k
+++ b/cil-semantics/cil.k
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ module CIL
.K // FunBody
.Map // Map{Label, Stmt}
- // For lazy evaluation of constant expressions in case labels.
- false
+ // For lazy label generation.
+ false
.Map // Map{CId, Ptr}