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ReadIt News is a news website that aggregates news content from Reddit
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npm install
inside root directory and frontend directory - run the seed file
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- TypeScript
- React.js
- Bootstrap
- TypeScript
- Express.js
- Node.js
- Getting subreddit posts
- Returns a list of posts from that subreddit.
- Optional query parameter index allows for extraction of reddit posts starting at that index
- Default index is 0
- Ex /api/reddit/nba?index=2
Successful Response:
title: "[George Karl] Maybe the Nuggets should hire @MarkJackson13 for the next couple weeks. He can then get Iguodala to share some intel on the Warriors. 🐀😆",
commentLink: "https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/u3ihh1/george_karl_maybe_the_nuggets_should_hire/",
url: "https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/u3ihh1/george_karl_maybe_the_nuggets_should_hire/",
date: 1649945598,
image: "https://external-preview.redd.it/hfQoS-Z7QbAMphGV3pE9R0DfPyf9KvawNKQnEIagQ5o.jpg?auto=webp&s=2d082ba7f6ffbf69309291460aece968c10d53dc",
score: 1039,
comments: 388
title: "Pascal Siakam reacts to Nick Nurse saying the Sixers vs Raptors series will be a "slug fest".",
commentLink: "https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/u3d9we/pascal_siakam_reacts_to_nick_nurse_saying_the/",
url: "https://streamable.com/2cdv74",
date: 1649928155,
image: "https://external-preview.redd.it/Oq8TlyRyD4F0RhAzCTSTI8-xu19fVH9MOIgmI9Wb8Mw.jpg?auto=webp&s=75c5f67a586e990f25d304305519e21b290627f4",
score: 1968,
comments: 235
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