diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d4b1d50..733ebbb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,133 +1,4 @@ -# Course Outline : React with TypeScript Documentation - -**Course Outline**: React with TypeScript Documentation -Here is the course outline for a React.js and TypeScript documentation - -#### **1. Introduction to React** -- Overview of React -- Benefits of using React -- Introduction to TypeScript in React -- Setting up the Development Environment - - Installing Node.js and npm - - Setting up a React project with Create React App (CRA) or Vite - - Configuring TypeScript in a React Project - -#### **2. Core Concepts** -- **JSX & Props** - - What is JSX? - - Embedding JavaScript in JSX - - Passing Props to Components - - Using Props for Reusable Components -- **Components in React** - - Functional vs. Class Components - - Creating Components with TypeScript - - Default and Named Exports - - Rendering Components - -#### **3. State Management** -- **useState Hook** - - Introduction to useState - - Managing State in Functional Components - - Example: Managing Form Inputs -- **useReducer Hook** - - Introduction to useReducer - - Complex State Management - - Example: Building a Counter with useReducer - -#### **4. Advanced React Concepts** -- **Handling Events** - - Event Handling in React - - Passing Parameters to Event Handlers - - Common Event Handlers (e.g., onClick, onChange, onSubmit) -- **Conditional Rendering** - - Using Ternary Operators for Conditional Rendering - - Best Practices for Conditional Rendering -- **Rendering Lists** - - Mapping Data to Components - - Understanding Keys in React - - Handling Dynamic Lists - -#### **5. Hooks in React** -- **Introduction to Hooks** - - What are Hooks? - - Rules of Hooks -- **useEffect Hook** - - Synchronizing with External Systems - - Fetching Data with useEffect - - Dependency Arrays -- **useRef Hook** - - Managing DOM References - - Persisting Values Across Renders - - Example: Counting Renders - -#### **6. Custom Hooks** -- **Introduction to Custom Hooks** - - When and Why to Create Custom Hooks - - Naming Conventions -- **Creating a Custom Hook** - - Example: useLocalStorage Hook - - Example: useFetch Hook - -#### **7. Performance Optimization** -- **Memoization in React** - - What is Memoization? - - useMemo Hook - - useCallback Hook - - React.memo for Component Optimization -- **Avoiding Prop Drilling** - - Issues with Prop Drilling - - Solutions: Context API, Redux, Component Composition - -#### **8. Advanced State Management with Redux Toolkit** -- **Introduction to Redux** - - Centralized State Management - - Benefits of Redux -- **Setting Up Redux Toolkit** - - Installing Redux Toolkit - - Creating a Redux Store - - Using createSlice and configureStore -- **Handling Asynchronous Actions** - - Using createAsyncThunk for Async Operations - - Integrating with Redux Slices -- **RTK Query for Data Fetching** - - Introduction to RTK Query - - Queries and Mutations in RTK Query - - Handling Caching and Error States - -#### **9. Routing with React Router** -- **Introduction to React Router** - - Setting Up React Router - - Basic Routing Concepts - - Nested Routes and URL Parameters -- **React Router DOM V6** - - New Features in React Router V6 - - Route Protection with Private Routes - - Handling 404 Pages - -#### **10. Form Management with React Hook Form & Yup** -- **Introduction to React Hook Form** - - Why Use React Hook Form? - - Setting Up React Hook Form - - Handling Form Validation with Yup -- **Advanced Form Handling** - - Dynamic Forms - - Handling Form Submissions - -#### **11. Best Practices and Common Pitfalls** -- **Code Structuring** - - Organizing Files and Folders - - Naming Conventions and Best Practices -- **Avoiding Common Mistakes** - - Managing State and Props Effectively - - Ensuring Performance Optimization - - Handling Errors Gracefully - -#### **12. Conclusion** -- Recap of Key Concepts -- Further Learning Resources -- Next Steps in React and TypeScript Mastery - ---- - -This outline should help you structure comprehensive and detailed documentation for React.js and TypeScript. Each section can be expanded with code examples, explanations, and best practices tailored to your audience. +# React + TypeScript Documentation +## [Preview Live Docs](https://kelcho-spense.github.io/React-Typescript-Docs/) +## [Code PlayGround](https://github.com/kelcho-spense/React-Typescript-Course)