Any and all help is appreciated on this game. If you contribute, please update the
file. Look at the issues tab for any features or things you want to work on and comment. First timers, women, and new contributors especially welcome.
Clone the repo
git clone
In your terminal, navigate to the project's root
cd paint-run2
Create a new branch for yourself
git checkout -b <your-branch-name>
To see the app locally, from the project's root directory run:
npm start
Then visit http://localhost:3000/
When you're ready to stage and commit your changes, do so with:
git add .
git commit -m '<your commit message here>'
Push them to your branch:
git push origin <your-branch-name>
Come back to the repo here, and create a pull request by hitting the New Pull Request
button toward the top. Select your branch from the list.