All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
** NOTE - ** This is the final release for 1.x.x. I will shortly begin work on 2.x 😁
This branch may or may not recieve bug fixes. Feel free to fork the repo and make changes
- Updated node packages
- electron - 2.0.7 -> 2.0.10
- Logging! Now it's easier to debug the application
- Log files location is platform dependent
- Updated node packages
- electron - 2.0.2 -> 2.0.7
- electron-updater - 2.21.10 -> 3.1.1
- And more!
- Uncaught error while fetching access token in main process
- Refresh Spotify token on-demand
- Display upto 10 search results
- "Go back" re-renders current view
- rainbow is no longer experimental!
- Default download format for OSX is m4a
- rainbow is enabled by default
- [Experimental] Rainbow can now embed tags in M4A files too!
- rainbow now uses positional arguments
- [Experimental] Added rainbow for all platforms
- Added toggle switch in Settigns to embed metadata
- Changed the way the app compiles external binaries
- All built in binaries inside the repository
- [Experimental] Added rainbow for embedding ID3 in win32
- Lint ES6 code
- Remove unused dependencies [lesser app size]
- NSIS installer will not ask for elevated permissions
- include files for electron-builder
- New Layout!
- Cleaner, Leaner code
- Re-organize entire app structure for efficiency
- FFmpeg path issues in production
- Auto Update is now fully functional
- Use proper JSX syntax
- Query - remove useless code
- Modified build scripts
- electron-log for logging
- Cleanup unnecessary build code
- Temporarily drop auto-updater support
- Clean up Terms and About
- FFmpeg binary for all platforms
- Added ability to modify settings
- Debian package specific config
- Settings - use table layout
- Default download location is
- electron-builder publish config
- Fix FFMPEG_PATH related issues for all platforms
- Fix Query onSubmit
- Fix FFmpeg binary permission issues in OsX and Linux
- Add custom dialog box to display messages and errors
- Customize build script
- Drop 32-bit support entirely
- New dialog box layout
- Make DialogBox as a separate React component
- YouTube and Spotify links are disabled
- Removed useless console log calls
- TrackContainer - dialog opens on render()
- YTDownload - return on error
- QueryField - fixed invalid view error
- QueryField - disable toggleError on change
- QueryField - set dialog open to false
- TrackContainer, Query - dialog will not open after first trigger
- Custom script to build in CI
- Travis - use a more complex build config
- FFMPEG_PATH in non-windows platforms
- NOTE - Linux and OSX users need to manually install FFmpeg and set to PATH
- Remove unused packages [reduces build size]
- Build failure because of condition require in fluent-ffmpeg
- Custom README
- Travis CI configuration [Supports multi-platform build!]
- Added image assets
- Final build files will not have ${platform}
- Menu stays open when miniWindow is triggered
- Module YTDownload for downloading in MP3
- YTDownload - add progress listener
- YTDownload - multi-format download (mp3 and m4a)
- Settings - basic settings functionalities
- TrackContainer - implement YTDownload
- TrackContainer - migrate to React.Component
- YTDownload - use filter options to grab 'auidioonly'
- YTDownload - change from downloadMp3 to download() for multi-format support
- TrackContainer - use CircularProgress and disable button while downloading
- webpack - set target to 'node' to enbale nodejs functionalities that do not work in browser mode
- YTDownload - request output format from persistent conf
- YTDownload - get Spotify metadata from props
- YTDownload - fix improper module export
- TrackContainer - fix CircularProgress on error
- Fix class names in About and Terms
- Terms - add terms of use
- About - add basic content
- Module YTCore - streaming audio from YouTube
- Module YTSearch - uses YouTube's V3 API to search for songs
- Module SpotifyWebApi - uses Spotify's Web API for requesting metadata
- FFmpeg 4.0 binary for win32 systems [macOS and linux users must install it as a dependency]
- Audius icons for all platforms, courtesy of @turnerboy
- Added react-fortawesome for icon support
- electron-builder config for packaging the app
- TopAppBar - add handlers for both menu items and window navigation
- Query - add custom result container (first VideoContainer then TrackContainer)
- App - custom scrollbar
- VideoContainer - add onClick handler to play audio
- Use seperate build directory (react-compiled) for react's production builds
- TopAppBar - go back to per-view render mode
- TopAppBar - add "go back" in Search
- TopAppBar - move to font-awesome for window handler icons
- TopAppBar - clean up menu items a bit
- Query - Display query
- electron.js - use YTCore instead of youtube-audio-stream
- YTSearch - crunch results before returning
- YTSearch - use YouTube's API options for filtering results
- electron.js - use electron-settings to set Spotify access_token to be persistent
- TrackContainer - pass some track details as props
- electron-builder - move FFmpeg directory to extraResources
- package.json - add important fields (author, productName, description and more) and remove unused packages
- QueryField - wrong URL passed while invoking new BrowserWindow
- electron.js - fix URL path
- Query - fix displaying encoded URI as title
- Query - use decodeURI() before passing to search()
- App - set correct FFMPEG_PATH
- webpack - fix production level transpiling issues (UglifyJS cannot properly transpile ES6)
- App - fix module not found error in main