Temporal and spatial HLS smoothing over image sequence.
Timelapse Polisher analyses the luminance (and optionally hue and saturation) changes of an image sequence both spatially and temporally, smoothes the changes out using Savitzky–Golay filter and then applies corrections to make the changes appear smooth over time. While the script is capable of doing all this pixel by pixel, experiments have shown it is usually best to do the analysing and smoothing on a down scaled and blurred version of the input images. Otherwise you would be correcting for noise and high frequency movements etc.
Here is an example before/after comparison: https://youtu.be/Wwqp80QfCsk
Here is an example stat graph produced by the script:
usage: timelapse_polisher.py [-h] [-hue] [-sat] [-d DOWNSCALE] [-b BLUR]
[-do DOWNSCALE_OUTPUT] [-pi] [-pl]
[-of OUT_FOLDER] [-f] [-sp] [-p]
files [files ...]
positional arguments:
files List of files e.g: *.jpg
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hue, --hue-smooth Smooth hues as well. Default = False
-sat, --saturation-smooth
Smooth saturations as well. Default = False
Downscale input image by this factor before measuring
luminances. Default = 8.
-b BLUR, --blur BLUR Gaussian blur the luminance map by this factor.
Default = 20.
-wl WINDOW_LENGTH, --window-length WINDOW_LENGTH
Window length for Savitzky-Golay filter. Default = 51
or number of input files whichever is smaller. This
will be rounded down to nearest odd number.
-po POLY_ORDER, --poly-order POLY_ORDER
Polynomial order for Savitzky-Golay filter. Default =
3. Must be less than window length.
Downscale the output images by this factor. Default =
-pi, --preview-in Preview the first input image (half size) and exit.
-pl, --preview-lum Preview the first luminance map and exit.
-of OUT_FOLDER, --out-folder OUT_FOLDER
Name of the output folder to be created under current
working path. Default = 'df'
-f, --force With this flag the output folder will be deleted if it
exists and a new one will be created.
-sp, --show-plot Show a plot of mean HLS for input and output images
with correction graph.
-p, --preview Output and show a preview video.