cd cosmwasm
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
cd ..
export PATH_TO_WASM_FILE="./cosmwasm/artifacts/social_recovery.wasm"
export SIGNER=user1
export CHAIN_ID=mychain
mychaind tx wasm store \
--from $SIGNER \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
--gas=auto \
--gas-adjustment 1.4 \
--keyring-backend test
If for some reason it doesn't work, try uploading an already compiled contract ./testing/social_recovery.wasm
export CODE_ID=1
export INIT_MSG='{"pubkey":"AuXpdpSX+8fH7lerOczty2EgGFd9MMoJADPcZ7pdaLir","guardians":["cosmos185fflsvwrz0cx46w6qada7mdy92m6kx4gqx0ny","cosmos1w3egyz0x8qs3c6sg8mx37y3fz4mu6zz0s5slpu"],"threshold":2}'
export FUNDS="100000000uatom"
export SALT="account1"
mychaind tx abstract-account register $CODE_ID $INIT_MSG \
--salt $SALT \
--funds $FUNDS \
--from $SIGNER \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
--gas=auto \
--gas-adjustment 1.4 \
--keyring-backend test
mychaind q tx <insert_txhash>
In last attributes of the last event account_registered
(above raw_log), key: contract_addr
is the address. To export it (if you follow the file, then the address should be the same as here):
export ACCOUNT_ADDR=cosmos1mssg28kaflv6g25phn7ncv25ygtky0najzqvjl0cay8fg95ry3ls5ny649
Also change contract address in testing/*.json
mychaind q wasm contract-state smart $ACCOUNT_ADDR '{"guardians_list":{}}' --output json | jq
mychaind q wasm contract-state smart $ACCOUNT_ADDR '{"threshold":{}}' --output json | jq
mychaind q wasm contract-state smart $ACCOUNT_ADDR '{"pubkey":{}}' --output json | jq
mychaind q wasm contract-state smart $ACCOUNT_ADDR '{"votes":{}}' --output json | jq
mychaind q wasm contract-state smart $ACCOUNT_ADDR '{"counts":{}}' --output json | jq
cd testing
go run sign/main.go
mychaind q bank balances cosmos185fflsvwrz0cx46w6qada7mdy92m6kx4gqx0ny
mychaind q bank balances $ACCOUNT_ADDR
mychaind tx broadcast 1-bank-send.json
mychaind q bank balances cosmos185fflsvwrz0cx46w6qada7mdy92m6kx4gqx0ny
mychaind q bank balances $ACCOUNT_ADDR
You can change keyName
in the sign/main.go
file to modify the user for signing
Use cosmos185fflsvwrz0cx46w6qada7mdy92m6kx4gqx0ny
as sender in recover-unsigned.json
and run:
mychaind tx sign ./recover-unsigned.json \
--from user2 \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
--gas=auto \
--gas-adjustment 1.4 \
--keyring-backend test > recover.json
mychaind tx broadcast recover.json
Use cosmos1w3egyz0x8qs3c6sg8mx37y3fz4mu6zz0s5slpu
as sender in recover-unsigned.json
and run:
mychaind tx sign ./recover-unsigned.json \
--from user3 \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
--gas=auto \
--gas-adjustment 1.4 \
--keyring-backend test > recover.json
mychaind tx broadcast recover.json