126516 |
42327 |
65 |
2 hours ago |
JavaGuide/1 |
「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide! |
76411 |
23705 |
292 |
a month ago |
java-design-patterns/2 |
Design patterns implemented in Java |
71212 |
13657 |
14 |
7 months ago |
LeetCodeAnimation/3 |
Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路) |
62857 |
37090 |
557 |
2 hours ago |
spring-boot/4 |
Spring Boot |
60576 |
25389 |
30 |
17 hours ago |
mall/5 |
mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。 |
58035 |
12263 |
107 |
2 years ago |
interviews/6 |
Everything you need to know to get the job. |
48881 |
34495 |
1412 |
16 hours ago |
spring-framework/7 |
Spring Framework |
47683 |
6883 |
92 |
5 hours ago |
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts/8 |
🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,各语言分设「软件 |
46352 |
7640 |
14 |
22 hours ago |
RxJava/9 |
RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. |
40419 |
7164 |
167 |
19 days ago |
retrofit/10 |
A type-safe HTTP client for Android and the JVM |
37779 |
25255 |
449 |
3 hours ago |
dubbo/11 |
Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based, open source RPC framework. |
35472 |
8806 |
2094 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
MPAndroidChart/12 |
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations. |
33917 |
4387 |
1356 |
12 hours ago |
ghidra/13 |
Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework |
32901 |
5982 |
406 |
a day ago |
glide/14 |
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling |
31680 |
50219 |
56 |
2 hours ago |
tutorials/15 |
Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth": |
30560 |
12140 |
34 |
5 days ago |
jeecg-boot/16 |
「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。 |
27186 |
9932 |
135 |
7 days ago |
apollo/17 |
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios. |
26778 |
7144 |
41 |
10 months ago |
JCSprout/18 |
👨🎓 Java Core Sprout : basic, concurrent, algorithm |
25173 |
4571 |
212 |
2 years ago |
proxyee-down/19 |
http下载工具,基于http代理,支持多连接分块下载 |
24797 |
6592 |
160 |
a month ago |
easyexcel/20 |
快速、简洁、解决大文件内存溢出的java处理Excel工具 |
24716 |
9992 |
197 |
1 year, 8 months ago |
vhr/21 |
微人事是一个前后端分离的人力资源管理系统,项目采用SpringBoot+Vue开发。 |
24395 |
7107 |
103 |
a day ago |
selenium/22 |
A browser automation framework and ecosystem. |
24072 |
7263 |
24 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
SpringAll/23 |
循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:https://mrbird.cc |
23654 |
5290 |
55 |
2 months ago |
toBeTopJavaer/24 |
To Be Top Javaer - Java工程师成神之路 |
23267 |
7812 |
173 |
4 days ago |
halo/25 |
✍ 一款现代化的开源博客 / CMS 系统。 |
22883 |
4645 |
389 |
3 years ago |
Hystrix/26 |
Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable. |
22711 |
5508 |
240 |
11 hours ago |
Signal-Android/27 |
A private messenger for Android. |
22697 |
8016 |
757 |
2 days ago |
seata/28 |
🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution. |
22315 |
9416 |
977 |
3 months ago |
xxl-job/29 |
A distributed task scheduling framework.(分布式任务调度平台XXL-JOB) |
20581 |
7007 |
498 |
9 days ago |
Telegram/30 |
Telegram for Android source |
20550 |
2400 |
1155 |
2 days ago |
NewPipe/31 |
A libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android. |
19701 |
7100 |
588 |
7 days ago |
Sentinel/32 |
A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件) |
19687 |
3008 |
2 |
11 months ago |
RxAndroid/33 |
RxJava bindings for Android |
19628 |
4778 |
341 |
18 hours ago |
redisson/34 |
Redisson - Redis Java client with features of In-Memory Data Grid. Over 50 Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queue, Deque, Semaphore, Lock, AtomicLong, Map Reduce, Publish / Subscribe, Bloom filter, Spring Cache, Tomcat, Scheduler, JCache API, Hibernate, MyBatis, RPC, local cache ... |
19247 |
3501 |
2603 |
8 hours ago |
bazel/35 |
a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system |
18961 |
2904 |
183 |
26 days ago |
DoKit/36 |
一款面向泛前端产品研发全生命周期的效率平台。 |
18618 |
6796 |
27 |
13 days ago |
eladmin/37 |
项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Jpa、 Spring Security、redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由 |
17929 |
10088 |
666 |
15 hours ago |
rocketmq/38 |
Apache RocketMQ is a cloud native messaging and streaming platform, making it simple to build event-driven applications. |
17800 |
718 |
413 |
2 years ago |
FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition/39 |
FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes. |
17726 |
3927 |
19 |
16 minutes ago |
GSYVideoPlayer/40 |
视频播放器(IJKplayer、ExoPlayer、MediaPlayer),HTTPS,支持弹幕,外挂字幕,支持滤镜、水印、gif截图,片头广告、中间广告,多个同时播放,支持基本的拖动,声音、亮度调节,支持边播边缓存,支持视频自带rotation的旋转(90,270之类),重力旋转与手动旋转的同步支持,支持列表播放 ,列表全屏动画,视频加载速度,列表小窗口支持拖动,动画效果,调整比例,多分辨率切换,支持切换播放器,进度条小窗口预览,列表切换详情页面无缝播放,rtsp、concat、mpeg。 |
17601 |
11826 |
215 |
6 days ago |
mybatis-3/41 |
MyBatis SQL mapper framework for Java |
17364 |
1400 |
907 |
a day ago |
graal/42 |
GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🚀 |
17324 |
6790 |
24 |
2 days ago |
litemall/43 |
又一个小商城。litemall = Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端 + Vue用户移动端 |
16509 |
3305 |
469 |
28 days ago |
tinker/44 |
Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk. |
15894 |
3899 |
15 |
3 years ago |
java8-tutorial/45 |
Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8 |
15612 |
2991 |
202 |
17 hours ago |
zipkin/46 |
Zipkin is a distributed tracing system |
15124 |
3652 |
7 |
a month ago |
disruptor/47 |
High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library |
15033 |
1940 |
292 |
a month ago |
termux-app/48 |
Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages. |
14631 |
4770 |
63 |
6 months ago |
SpringBoot-Learning/49 |
《Spring Boot基础教程》,2.x版本持续连载中!点击下方链接直达教程目录! |
13683 |
1793 |
144 |
11 days ago |
🚀 零代码、全功能、强安全 ORM 库,后端接口和文档零代码,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构。 🚀 A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library for providing APIs and Docs without writing any code. |
13558 |
2532 |
18 |
4 years ago |
Material-Animations/51 |
Android Transition animations explanation with examples. |
13235 |
2315 |
331 |
a day ago |
mockito/52 |
Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java |
13211 |
1036 |
79 |
a month ago |
bytecode-viewer/53 |
A Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite (Decompiler, Editor, Debugger & More) |
13108 |
1959 |
236 |
22 hours ago |
vert.x/54 |
Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM |
13092 |
7034 |
825 |
3 months ago |
Arduino/55 |
Arduino IDE 1.x |
13031 |
2204 |
144 |
3 years ago |
Luban/56 |
Luban(鲁班)—Image compression with efficiency very close to WeChat Moments/可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法 |
12850 |
7972 |
702 |
6 days ago |
hadoop/57 |
Apache Hadoop |
12807 |
2779 |
748 |
8 days ago |
antlr4/58 |
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. |
12585 |
4936 |
761 |
7 days ago |
deeplearning4j/59 |
Suite of tools for deploying and training deep learning models using the JVM. Highlights include model import for keras, tensorflow, and onnx/pytorch, a modular and tiny c++ library for running math code and a java based math library on top of the core c++ library. Also includes samediff: a pytorch/tensorflow like library for running deep learning using automatic differentiation. |
12567 |
1849 |
88 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
AndroidAutoSize/60 |
🔥 A low-cost Android screen adaptation solution (今日头条屏幕适配方案终极版,一个极低成本的 Android 屏幕适配方案). |
12565 |
1151 |
81 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
stetho/61 |
Stetho is a debug bridge for Android applications, enabling the powerful Chrome Developer Tools and much more. |
12544 |
2898 |
234 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
greenDAO/62 |
greenDAO is a light & fast ORM solution for Android that maps objects to SQLite databases. |
12336 |
3626 |
343 |
20 hours ago |
pinpoint/63 |
APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems. |
12325 |
2036 |
456 |
2 years ago |
Matisse/64 |
🎆 A well-designed local image and video selector for Android |
12134 |
2246 |
259 |
4 days ago |
zuul/65 |
Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more. |
12096 |
2371 |
226 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
banner/66 |
🔥🔥🔥Banner 2.0 来了!Android广告图片轮播控件,内部基于ViewPager2实现,Indicator和UI都可以自定义。 |
12081 |
1275 |
117 |
a day ago |
jib/67 |
🏗 Build container images for your Java applications. |
11980 |
3322 |
1553 |
33 minutes ago |
druid/68 |
Apache Druid: a high performance real-time analytics database. |
11911 |
3888 |
15 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
spring-analysis/69 |
Spring源码阅读 |
11831 |
3697 |
79 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
Auto.js/70 |
A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具) |
11824 |
5672 |
13 |
9 months ago |
piggymetrics/71 |
Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Docker |
11817 |
2741 |
259 |
9 days ago |
PictureSelector/72 |
Picture Selector Library for Android or 图片选择器 |
11425 |
3594 |
52 |
9 months ago |
eureka/73 |
AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover. |
11413 |
2167 |
752 |
a month ago |
lombok/74 |
Very spicy additions to the Java programming language. |
11405 |
1598 |
393 |
a month ago |
guice/75 |
Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 8 and above, brought to you by Google. |
11302 |
3069 |
82 |
2 months ago |
Mybatis-PageHelper/76 |
Mybatis通用分页插件 |
11294 |
2074 |
238 |
6 months ago |
uCrop/77 |
Image Cropping Library for Android |
11157 |
2417 |
50 |
2 months ago |
androidannotations/78 |
Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance. |
10797 |
2083 |
4 |
15 days ago |
source-code-hunter/79 |
😱 从源码层面,剖析挖掘互联网行业主流技术的底层实现原理,为广大开发者 “提升技术深度” 提供便利。目前开放 Spring 全家桶,Mybatis、Netty、Dubbo 框架,及 Redis、Tomcat 中间件等 |
10743 |
6754 |
206 |
28 days ago |
zookeeper/80 |
Apache ZooKeeper |
10703 |
2395 |
18 |
5 months ago |
fullstack-tutorial/81 |
🚀 fullstack tutorial 2022,后台技术栈/架构师之路/全栈开发社区,春招/秋招/校招/面试 |
10607 |
2154 |
151 |
2 years ago |
FileDownloader/82 |
Multitask、MultiThread(MultiConnection)、Breakpoint-resume、High-concurrency、Simple to use、Single/NotSingle-process |
10567 |
1950 |
2071 |
41 minutes ago |
quarkus/83 |
Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java. |
10478 |
1798 |
112 |
4 months ago |
ImmersionBar/84 |
android 4.4以上沉浸式状态栏和沉浸式导航栏管理,适配横竖屏切换、刘海屏、软键盘弹出等问题,可以修改状态栏字体颜色和导航栏图标颜色,以及不可修改字体颜色手机的适配,适用于Activity、Fragment、DialogFragment、Dialog,PopupWindow,一句代码轻松实现,以及对bar的其他设置,详见README。简书请参考:http://www.jianshu.com/p/2a884e211a62 |
10364 |
1316 |
96 |
1 year, 27 days ago |
RxPermissions/85 |
Android runtime permissions powered by RxJava2 |
10331 |
2177 |
262 |
4 days ago |
neo4j/86 |
Graphs for Everyone |
10183 |
2428 |
43 |
9 months ago |
MVPArms/87 |
⚔️ A common architecture for Android applications developing based on MVP, integrates many open source projects, to make your developing quicker and easier (一个整合了大量主流开源项目高度可配置化的 Android MVP 快速集成框架). |
10169 |
4138 |
137 |
3 years ago |
CtCI-6th-Edition/88 |
Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Solutions |
10087 |
1881 |
375 |
9 months ago |
dex2jar/89 |
Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files |
9980 |
3443 |
525 |
8 hours ago |
grpc-java/90 |
The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC |
9833 |
1165 |
81 |
a day ago |
auto/91 |
A collection of source code generators for Java. |
9727 |
2147 |
192 |
2 years ago |
Fragmentation/92 |
[DEPRECATED] A powerful library that manage Fragment for Android |
9691 |
1416 |
55 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
glide-transformations/93 |
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide. |
9645 |
2714 |
172 |
6 years ago |
android-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh/94 |
Ultra Pull to Refresh for Android. Support all the views. |
9625 |
1419 |
0 |
a month ago |
clojure/95 |
The Clojure programming language |
9616 |
2098 |
179 |
6 years ago |
Android-ObservableScrollView/96 |
Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views. |
9535 |
1457 |
24 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
easypermissions/97 |
Simplify Android M system permissions |
9425 |
3549 |
128 |
2 years ago |
PocketHub/98 |
PocketHub Android App |
9424 |
4330 |
94 |
3 years ago |
paascloud-master/99 |
spring cloud + vue + oAuth2.0全家桶实战,前后端分离模拟商城,完整的购物流程、后端运营平台,可以实现快速搭建企业级微服务项目。支持微信登录等三方登录。 |
9323 |
2120 |
257 |
4 years ago |
DanmakuFlameMaster/100 |
Android开源弹幕引擎·烈焰弹幕使 ~ |
7110 |
1332 |
10 |
a day ago |
spider-flow/101 |
新一代爬虫平台,以图形化方式定义爬虫流程,不写代码即可完成爬虫。 |
6907 |
232 |
76 |
5 days ago |
supertokens-core/102 |
Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito |
6865 |
2419 |
216 |
5 years ago |
okhttputils/103 |
[停止维护]okhttp的辅助类 |
6859 |
1873 |
0 |
6 months ago |
LeetCode/104 |
LeetCode刷题记录与面试整理 |
6738 |
2157 |
209 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
Timber/105 |
Material Design Music Player |
6737 |
2552 |
224 |
2 years ago |
DroidPlugin/106 |
A plugin framework on android,Run any third-party apk without installation, modification or repackage |
6719 |
2530 |
24 |
1 year, 26 days ago |
xmall/107 |
基于SOA架构的分布式电商购物商城 前后端分离 前台商城:Vue全家桶 后台管理系统:Dubbo/SSM/Elasticsearch/Redis/MySQL/ActiveMQ/Shiro/Zookeeper等 |
6690 |
1934 |
132 |
3 years ago |
AndroidAutoLayout/108 |
[停止维护]Android屏幕适配方案,直接填写设计图上的像素尺寸即可完成适配,最大限度解决适配问题。 |
6686 |
1318 |
91 |
5 days ago |
flyway/109 |
Flyway by Redgate • Database Migrations Made Easy. |
6682 |
1367 |
101 |
2 minutes ago |
dataease/110 |
人人可用的开源数据可视化分析工具。 |
6656 |
2854 |
60 |
2 years ago |
VBlog/111 |
V部落,Vue+SpringBoot实现的多用户博客管理平台! |
6626 |
1077 |
39 |
7 days ago |
XPopup/112 |
🔥XPopup2.0版本重磅来袭,2倍以上性能提升,带来可观的动画性能优化和交互细节的提升!!!功能强大,交互优雅,动画丝滑的通用弹窗!可以替代Dialog,PopupWindow,PopupMenu,BottomSheet,DrawerLayout,Spinner等组件,自带十几种效果良好的动画, 支持完全的UI和动画自定义!(Powerful and Beautiful Popup for Android,can absolutely replace Dialog,PopupWindow,PopupMenu,BottomSheet,DrawerLayout,Spinner. With built-in animators , very easy to custom popup view.) |
6584 |
1616 |
120 |
2 months ago |
angel/113 |
A Flexible and Powerful Parameter Server for large-scale machine learning |
6541 |
2148 |
8 |
a day ago |
ruoyi-vue-pro/114 |
🔥 官方推荐 🔥 RuoYi-Vue 全新 Pro 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 微信小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、数据权限、SaaS 多租户、Flowable 工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力! |
6534 |
1757 |
111 |
a day ago |
FrameworkBenchmarks/115 |
Source for the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks project |
6534 |
2286 |
0 |
28 days ago |
yudao-cloud/116 |
ruoyi-vue-pro 全新 Cloud 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Cloud Alibaba + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 用户小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、多租户、数据权限、工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力! |
6470 |
1018 |
102 |
1 year, 8 months ago |
walle/117 |
Android Signature V2 Scheme签名下的新一代渠道包打包神器 |
6386 |
1766 |
18 |
a month ago |
jmeter/118 |
Apache JMeter |
6275 |
2433 |
110 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
mybatis-generator-gui/119 |
mybatis-generator界面工具,让你生成代码更简单更快捷 |
6270 |
2544 |
87 |
2 days ago |
react-native-video/120 |
A |
6232 |
1707 |
201 |
an hour ago |
datahub/121 |
The Metadata Platform for the Modern Data Stack |
6144 |
1326 |
359 |
3 years ago |
Android-Image-Cropper/122 |
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery. |
6140 |
1440 |
119 |
4 years ago |
SwipeBackLayout/123 |
An Android library that help you to build app with swipe back gesture. |
6053 |
685 |
345 |
3 hours ago |
error-prone/124 |
Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors |
6047 |
890 |
212 |
18 hours ago |
lawnchair/125 |
No clever tagline needed. |
6010 |
1420 |
29 |
5 years ago |
NumberProgressBar/126 |
A beautiful, slim Android ProgressBar. |
5982 |
3032 |
72 |
8 hours ago |
pentaho-kettle/127 |
Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle |
5824 |
2725 |
896 |
3 hours ago |
alluxio/128 |
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud |
5822 |
1567 |
187 |
17 days ago |
jsonschema2pojo/129 |
Generate Java types from JSON or JSON Schema and annotate those types for data-binding with Jackson, Gson, etc |
5795 |
2687 |
111 |
a day ago |
zeppelin/130 |
Web-based notebook that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more. |
5790 |
1793 |
350 |
12 days ago |
motan/131 |
A cross-language remote procedure call(RPC) framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services. |
5751 |
2273 |
8 |
1 year, 12 days ago |
FEBS-Shiro/132 |
Spring Boot 2.4.2,Shiro1.6.0 & Layui 2.5.6 权限管理系统。 |
5725 |
783 |
8 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
from-java-to-kotlin/133 |
From Java To Kotlin - Your Cheat Sheet For Java To Kotlin |
5711 |
960 |
14 |
4 years ago |
u2020/134 |
A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries. |
5682 |
1530 |
310 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
springfox/135 |
Automated JSON API documentation for API's built with Spring |
5653 |
1694 |
310 |
7 years ago |
AndroidImageSlider/136 |
An amazing and convenient Android image slider. |
5650 |
1389 |
154 |
a month ago |
AndroidPicker/137 |
安卓选择器类库,包括日期及时间选择器(可用于出生日期、营业时间等)、单项选择器(可用于性别、民族、职业、学历、星座等)、二三级联动选择器(可用于车牌号、基金定投日期等)、城市地址选择器(分省级、地市级及区县级)、数字选择器(可用于年龄、身高、体重、温度等)、日历选日期择器(可用于酒店及机票预定日期)、颜色选择器、文件及目录选择器、图片选择器等……WheelPicker/DatePicker/TimePicker/OptionPicker/NumberPicker/LinkagePicker/AddressPicker/CarPlatePicker/CalendarPicker/ColorPicker/FilePicker/ImagePicker etc. |
5622 |
1014 |
343 |
2 years ago |
FastHub/138 |
FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android. |
5617 |
1693 |
87 |
5 years ago |
ListViewAnimations/139 |
[DEPRECATED] An Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items |
5611 |
767 |
41 |
1 year, 11 months ago |
DiscreteScrollView/140 |
A scrollable list of items that centers the current element and provides easy-to-use APIs for cool item animations. |
5600 |
1525 |
42 |
a month ago |
ysoserial/141 |
A proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe Java object deserialization. |
5596 |
1203 |
23 |
a month ago |
circular-progress-button/142 |
Android Circular Progress Button |
5592 |
1028 |
74 |
a day ago |
graphql-java/143 |
GraphQL Java implementation |
5573 |
994 |
131 |
3 years ago |
aurora-imui/144 |
General IM UI components. Android/iOS/RectNative ready. 通用 IM 聊天 UI 组件,已经同时支持 Android/iOS/RN。 |
5566 |
688 |
685 |
7 hours ago |
OpenSearch/145 |
🔎 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine. |
5556 |
1178 |
115 |
4 years ago |
FlowLayout/146 |
[不再维护]Android流式布局,支持单选、多选等,适合用于产品标签等。 |
5509 |
1314 |
708 |
a day ago |
robolectric/147 |
Android Unit Testing Framework |
5503 |
762 |
389 |
2 days ago |
mapstruct/148 |
An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers |
5466 |
859 |
31 |
5 years ago |
rebound/149 |
A Java library that models spring dynamics and adds real world physics to your app. |
5353 |
1213 |
148 |
9 days ago |
junit5/150 |
✅ The 5th major version of the programmer-friendly testing framework for Java and the JVM |
5327 |
1861 |
44 |
1 year, 26 days ago |
dubbo-spring-boot-project/151 |
Spring Boot Project for Apache Dubbo |
5310 |
1290 |
243 |
2 years ago |
XRecyclerView/152 |
A RecyclerView that implements pullrefresh and loadingmore featrues.you can use it like a standard RecyclerView |
5304 |
1155 |
4 |
a month ago |
useful-java-links/153 |
A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples |
5282 |
3848 |
0 |
3 years ago |
cw-omnibus/154 |
Source code to omnibus edition of The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development |
5269 |
2110 |
293 |
7 years ago |
VitamioBundle/155 |
Vitamio for Android |
5263 |
1047 |
349 |
8 months ago |
react-native-splash-screen/156 |
A splash screen for react-native, hide when application loaded ,it works on iOS and Android. |
5228 |
886 |
192 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
android-advancedrecyclerview/157 |
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting) |
5204 |
1532 |
20 |
2 years ago |
Side-Menu.Android/158 |
Side menu with some categories to choose. |
5202 |
690 |
27 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
android-lifecycle/159 |
A diagram of the Android Activity / Fragment lifecycle |
5152 |
963 |
1202 |
7 hours ago |
ksql/160 |
The database purpose-built for stream processing applications. |
5116 |
1357 |
9 |
21 days ago |
Android-ZBLibrary/161 |
🔥Android MVP 快速开发框架,做国内 「示例最全面」「注释最详细」「使用最简单」「代码最严谨」的 Android 开源 UI 框架。 🔥An Android MVP Framework with many demos, detailed documents, simple usages and strict codes. |
5069 |
3146 |
181 |
a day ago |
hibernate-orm/162 |
Hibernate's core Object/Relational Mapping functionality |
5003 |
2699 |
18 |
2 years ago |
android-common/163 |
Android common lib, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, Utils and so on |
4990 |
780 |
145 |
11 months ago |
Aria/164 |
下载可以很简单 |
4939 |
1041 |
205 |
5 years ago |
android-zxingLibrary/165 |
几行代码快速集成二维码扫描功能 |
4928 |
1512 |
455 |
20 days ago |
gephi/166 |
Gephi - The Open Graph Viz Platform |
4923 |
630 |
6 |
11 months ago |
GravitySnapHelper/167 |
A SnapHelper that snaps a RecyclerView to an edge. |
4917 |
1079 |
743 |
12 days ago |
GmsCore/168 |
Free implementation of Play Services |
4872 |
853 |
4 |
28 days ago |
java-jwt/169 |
Java implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) |
4861 |
991 |
119 |
3 months ago |
SoloPi/170 |
SoloPi 自动化测试工具 |
4827 |
816 |
192 |
4 years ago |
smartTable/171 |
一款android自动生成表格框架---An Android automatically generated table framework |
4810 |
924 |
32 |
4 days ago |
joda-time/172 |
Joda-Time is the widely used replacement for the Java date and time classes prior to Java SE 8. |
4809 |
594 |
42 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
EdXposed/173 |
Elder driver Xposed Framework. |
4774 |
1162 |
107 |
6 years ago |
AndroidStaggeredGrid/174 |
An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes. |
4753 |
1446 |
29 |
3 years ago |
uid-generator/175 |
UniqueID generator |
4719 |
1262 |
523 |
7 months ago |
opentsdb/176 |
A scalable, distributed Time Series Database. |
4713 |
1222 |
183 |
6 years ago |
cardslib/177 |
Android Library to build a UI Card |
4645 |
972 |
107 |
2 years ago |
MaterialDateTimePicker/178 |
Pick a date or time on Android in style |
4621 |
3054 |
145 |
4 minutes ago |
hbase/179 |
Apache HBase |
4618 |
2380 |
105 |
18 days ago |
spring-cloud-netflix/180 |
Integration with Netflix OSS components |
4614 |
585 |
2 |
7 months ago |
android-tips-tricks/181 |
☑️ [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development |
4579 |
1646 |
41 |
5 years ago |
SimplifyReader/182 |
一款基于Google Material Design设计开发的Android客户端,包括新闻简读,图片浏览,视频爽看 ,音乐轻听以及二维码扫描五个子模块。项目采取的是MVP架构开发,由于还是摸索阶段,可能不是很规范。但基本上应该是这么个套路,至少我个人认为是这样的~恩,就是这样的! |
4576 |
602 |
11 |
3 years ago |
Depth-LIB-Android-/183 |
A library that gives depth to Views. |
4567 |
1087 |
465 |
4 days ago |
janusgraph/184 |
JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database |
4547 |
971 |
364 |
2 months ago |
PLDroidPlayer/185 |
PLDroidPlayer 是七牛推出的一款免费的适用于 Android 平台的播放器 SDK,采用全自研的跨平台播放内核,拥有丰富的功能和优异的性能,可高度定制化和二次开发。 |
4546 |
865 |
164 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
mapdb/186 |
MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine. |
4543 |
555 |
53 |
3 years ago |
PageIndicatorView/187 |
An page indicator for Android ViewPager |
4534 |
1336 |
13 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
springboot-guide/188 |
SpringBoot2.0+从入门到实战! |
4520 |
1172 |
17 |
2 years ago |
Douya/189 |
开源的 Material Design 豆瓣客户端(A Material Design app for douban.com) |
4513 |
1573 |
42 |
7 years ago |
NineOldAndroids/190 |
[DEPRECATED] Android library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0! |
4497 |
859 |
234 |
21 hours ago |
orientdb/191 |
OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Transactions, Full-Text indexing and Reactive Queries. |
4488 |
943 |
169 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
Luyten/192 |
An Open Source Java Decompiler Gui for Procyon |
4482 |
4580 |
6 |
34 minutes ago |
camel/193 |
Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data. |
4433 |
490 |
20 |
3 months ago |
reactive-streams-jvm/194 |
Reactive Streams Specification for the JVM |
4433 |
1020 |
13 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
SmoothProgressBar/195 |
A small Android library allowing you to have a smooth and customizable horizontal or circular indeterminate ProgressBar |
4398 |
853 |
46 |
7 days ago |
CameraView/196 |
📸 A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs. Real-time filters, gestures, watermarks, frame processing, RAW, output of any size. |
4343 |
1099 |
2 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
SpringBootVulExploit/197 |
SpringBoot 相关漏洞学习资料,利用方法和技巧合集,黑盒安全评估 check list |
4332 |
1602 |
70 |
5 years ago |
android-volley/198 |
4323 |
712 |
26 |
2 years ago |
BottomNavigation/199 |
This Library helps users to use Bottom Navigation Bar (A new pattern from google) with ease and allows ton of customizations |
4303 |
1020 |
69 |
4 years ago |
GT/200 |
GT (Great Tit) is a portable debugging tool for bug hunting and performance tuning on smartphones anytime and anywhere just as listening music with Walkman. GT can act as the Integrated Debug Environment by directly running on smartphones. |
5013 |
1119 |
262 |
4 years ago |
Small/201 |
A small framework to split app into small parts |
5003 |
2699 |
18 |
2 years ago |
android-common/202 |
Android common lib, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, Utils and so on |
4990 |
780 |
145 |
11 months ago |
Aria/203 |
下载可以很简单 |
4970 |
1670 |
1274 |
14 hours ago |
hazelcast/204 |
Open-source distributed computation and storage platform |
4954 |
1097 |
54 |
6 years ago |
RippleEffect/205 |
Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+ |
4954 |
563 |
74 |
4 months ago |
vavr/206 |
vʌvr (formerly called Javaslang) is a non-commercial, non-profit object-functional library that runs with Java 8+. It aims to reduce the lines of code and increase code quality. |
4947 |
1322 |
6 |
17 hours ago |
Discovery/207 |
☀️ Nepxion Discovery is a solution for Spring Cloud with blue green, gray, route, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, tracing, dye, failover 蓝绿、灰度、路由、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、追踪、流量染色、故障转移 |
4939 |
1041 |
205 |
5 years ago |
android-zxingLibrary/208 |
几行代码快速集成二维码扫描功能 |
4923 |
630 |
6 |
11 months ago |
GravitySnapHelper/209 |
A SnapHelper that snaps a RecyclerView to an edge. |
4917 |
1079 |
743 |
12 days ago |
GmsCore/210 |
Free implementation of Play Services |
4880 |
952 |
165 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
google-authenticator/211 |
Open source version of Google Authenticator (except the Android app) |
4878 |
857 |
8 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
folding-cell-android/212 |
📃 FoldingCell is a material design expanding content cell inspired by folding paper material made by @Ramotion |
4858 |
505 |
7 |
2 years ago |
Transitions-Everywhere/213 |
Set of extra Transitions on top of Jetpack Transitions Library |
4853 |
680 |
41 |
2 years ago |
LayoutManagerGroup/214 |
👉 Customize the LayoutManager of RecyclerView(自定义LayoutManager) |
4830 |
1222 |
695 |
a month ago |
baritone/215 |
google maps for block game |
4827 |
816 |
192 |
4 years ago |
smartTable/216 |
一款android自动生成表格框架---An Android automatically generated table framework |
4818 |
916 |
73 |
2 years ago |
lucida/217 |
Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant |
4809 |
594 |
42 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
EdXposed/218 |
Elder driver Xposed Framework. |
4807 |
859 |
21 |
a month ago |
packer-ng-plugin/219 |
下一代Android打包工具(对Gradle 7.x的支持,欢迎提PR) |
4774 |
1162 |
107 |
6 years ago |
AndroidStaggeredGrid/220 |
An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes. |
4753 |
1446 |
29 |
3 years ago |
uid-generator/221 |
UniqueID generator |
4719 |
1262 |
523 |
7 months ago |
opentsdb/222 |
A scalable, distributed Time Series Database. |
4715 |
1076 |
337 |
7 years ago |
ActiveAndroid/223 |
Active record style SQLite persistence for Android |
4713 |
1222 |
183 |
6 years ago |
cardslib/224 |
Android Library to build a UI Card |
4683 |
694 |
240 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
okdownload/225 |
A Reliable, Flexible, Fast and Powerful download engine. |
4645 |
972 |
107 |
2 years ago |
MaterialDateTimePicker/226 |
Pick a date or time on Android in style |
4621 |
3054 |
145 |
4 minutes ago |
hbase/227 |
Apache HBase |
4618 |
2380 |
105 |
18 days ago |
spring-cloud-netflix/228 |
Integration with Netflix OSS components |
4614 |
585 |
2 |
7 months ago |
android-tips-tricks/229 |
☑️ [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development |
4606 |
1753 |
19 |
30 minutes ago |
groovy/230 |
Apache Groovy: A powerful multi-faceted programming language for the JVM platform |
4603 |
590 |
417 |
4 years ago |
go-lang-idea-plugin/231 |
Google Go language IDE built using the IntelliJ Platform |
4602 |
768 |
106 |
14 days ago |
google-java-format/232 |
Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style. |
4579 |
1646 |
41 |
5 years ago |
SimplifyReader/233 |
一款基于Google Material Design设计开发的Android客户端,包括新闻简读,图片浏览,视频爽看 ,音乐轻听以及二维码扫描五个子模块。项目采取的是MVP架构开发,由于还是摸索阶段,可能不是很规范。但基本上应该是这么个套路,至少我个人认为是这样的~恩,就是这样的! |
4576 |
602 |
11 |
3 years ago |
Depth-LIB-Android-/234 |
A library that gives depth to Views. |
4567 |
1087 |
465 |
4 days ago |
janusgraph/235 |
JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database |
4547 |
971 |
364 |
2 months ago |
PLDroidPlayer/236 |
PLDroidPlayer 是七牛推出的一款免费的适用于 Android 平台的播放器 SDK,采用全自研的跨平台播放内核,拥有丰富的功能和优异的性能,可高度定制化和二次开发。 |
4544 |
615 |
54 |
4 years ago |
bottomsheet/237 |
Android component which presents a dismissible view from the bottom of the screen |
4543 |
555 |
53 |
3 years ago |
PageIndicatorView/238 |
An page indicator for Android ViewPager |
4534 |
1336 |
13 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
springboot-guide/239 |
SpringBoot2.0+从入门到实战! |
4520 |
1172 |
17 |
2 years ago |
Douya/240 |
开源的 Material Design 豆瓣客户端(A Material Design app for douban.com) |
4504 |
462 |
217 |
2 years ago |
gnirehtet/241 |
Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android |
4497 |
859 |
234 |
21 hours ago |
orientdb/242 |
OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Transactions, Full-Text indexing and Reactive Queries. |
4482 |
4580 |
6 |
34 minutes ago |
camel/243 |
Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data. |
4460 |
1504 |
8 |
2 years ago |
bilibili-android-client/244 |
An unofficial bilibili client for android http://www.jianshu.com/p/f69a55b94c05 -- 该项目已停止维护! |
4447 |
1492 |
4 |
5 days ago |
lamp-cloud/245 |
lamp-cloud 基于Jdk11 + SpringCloud + SpringBoot的微服务快速开发平台,其中的可配置的SaaS功能尤其闪耀, 具备RBAC功能、网关统一鉴权、Xss防跨站攻击、自动代码生成、多种存储系统、分布式事务、分布式定时任务等多个模块,支持多业务系统并行开发, 支持多服务并行开发,可以作为后端服务的开发脚手架。代码简洁,注释齐全,架构清晰,非常适合学习和企业作为基础框架使用。 |
4444 |
1815 |
45 |
8 months ago |
gpmall/246 |
【咕泡学院实战项目】-基于SpringBoot+Dubbo构建的电商平台-微服务架构、商城、电商、微服务、高并发、kafka、Elasticsearch |
4441 |
573 |
98 |
3 years ago |
quasar/247 |
Fibers, Channels and Actors for the JVM |
4433 |
490 |
20 |
3 months ago |
reactive-streams-jvm/248 |
Reactive Streams Specification for the JVM |
4428 |
1883 |
93 |
3 months ago |
FirebaseUI-Android/249 |
Optimized UI components for Firebase |
4398 |
853 |
46 |
7 days ago |
CameraView/250 |
📸 A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs. Real-time filters, gestures, watermarks, frame processing, RAW, output of any size. |
4390 |
1182 |
226 |
2 days ago |
AntennaPod/251 |
A podcast manager for Android |
4389 |
1481 |
23 |
2 years ago |
Spring-Boot-In-Action/252 |
Spring Boot 系列实战合集 |
4373 |
2722 |
168 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
views-widgets-samples/253 |
Multiple samples showing the best practices in views-widgets on Android. |
4343 |
1099 |
2 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
SpringBootVulExploit/254 |
SpringBoot 相关漏洞学习资料,利用方法和技巧合集,黑盒安全评估 check list |
4331 |
2272 |
27 |
5 years ago |
shopping-management-system/255 |
该项目为多个小项目的集合(持续更新中...)。内容类似淘宝、京东等网购管理系统以及图书管理、超市管理等系统。目的在于便于Java初级爱好者在学习完某一部分Java知识后有一个合适的项目锻炼、运用所学知识,完善知识体系。适用人群:Java基础到入门的爱好者。 |
4330 |
1475 |
1 |
a month ago |
spring-boot-projects/256 |
🔥 该仓库中主要是 Spring Boot 的入门学习教程以及一些常用的 Spring Boot 实战项目教程,包括 Spring Boot 使用的各种示例代码,同时也包括一些实战项目的项目源码和效果展示,实战项目包括基本的 web 开发以及目前大家普遍使用的线上博客项目/企业大型商城系统/前后端分离实践项目等,摆脱各种 hello world 入门案例的束缚,真正的掌握 Spring Boot 开发。 |
4308 |
1199 |
212 |
1 year, 6 days ago |
ribbon/257 |
Ribbon is a Inter Process Communication (remote procedure calls) library with built in software load balancers. The primary usage model involves REST calls with various serialization scheme support. |
4294 |
1019 |
96 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
BGARefreshLayout-Android/258 |
多种下拉刷新效果、上拉加载更多、可配置自定义头部广告位 |
4279 |
743 |
58 |
6 months ago |
thumbnailator/259 |
Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java |
4269 |
1476 |
0 |
4 months ago |
LintCode/260 |
Java Solutions to problems on LintCode/LeetCode |
4249 |
1041 |
173 |
4 years ago |
ImagePicker/261 |
完全仿微信的图片选择,并且提供了多种图片加载接口,选择图片后可以旋转,可以裁剪成矩形或圆形,可以配置各种其他的参数 |
4210 |
2048 |
304 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
YCSB/262 |
Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark |
4210 |
1418 |
199 |
a month ago |
web3j/263 |
Lightweight Java and Android library for integration with Ethereum clients |
4164 |
1461 |
192 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
tx-lcn/264 |
LCN distributed transaction framework, compatible with dubbo, spring cloud and Motan framework, supports various relational databases |
4114 |
1244 |
166 |
a day ago |
Conversations/265 |
Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android |
4108 |
1531 |
784 |
6 days ago |
azkaban/266 |
Azkaban workflow manager. |
4106 |
1735 |
0 |
2 months ago |
SpringBoot-Shiro-Vue/267 |
提供一套基于Spring Boot-Shiro-Vue的权限管理思路.前后端都加以控制,做到按钮/接口级别的权限。(当前新版本已移除shiro依赖,简化了配置) |
4102 |
833 |
44 |
5 years ago |
StepView/268 |
Step by step,just use HorizontalStepView,VerticalStepView. step indicator,flow indicator,timeline,order process,express status |
4093 |
1697 |
61 |
2 years ago |
java-algorithms-implementation/269 |
Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Java |
4092 |
1667 |
219 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
datax-web/270 |
DataX集成可视化页面,选择数据源即可一键生成数据同步任务,支持RDBMS、Hive、HBase、ClickHouse、MongoDB等数据源,批量创建RDBMS数据同步任务,集成开源调度系统,支持分布式、增量同步数据、实时查看运行日志、监控执行器资源、KILL运行进程、数据源信息加密等。 |
4080 |
715 |
25 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
CircleIndicator/271 |
A lightweight indicator like in nexus 5 launcher |
4078 |
291 |
144 |
a month ago |
objectbox-java/272 |
Fast lightweight Java Database for storing and syncing objects in Mobile & IoT |
4076 |
446 |
239 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
OpenHub/273 |
An open source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise. |
4075 |
2186 |
18 |
2 years ago |
mybatis/274 |
mybatis源码中文注释 |
4057 |
629 |
15 |
5 years ago |
ViewPagerCards/275 |
ViewPager cards inspired by Duolingo |
4034 |
939 |
14 |
5 years ago |
Phoenix/276 |
Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh |
4026 |
848 |
81 |
5 years ago |
FloatingActionButton/277 |
[DEPRECATED] Android floating action button |
4021 |
801 |
38 |
6 months ago |
AndroidHttpCapture/278 |
AndroidHttpCapture网络诊断工具 是一款Android手机抓包软件 主要功能包括:手机端抓包、PING/DNS/TraceRoute诊断、抓包HAR数据上传分享。你也可以看成是Android版的"Fiddler" (^o^)/~ |
4017 |
1213 |
4 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
java-learning/279 |
旨在打造在线最佳的 Java 学习笔记,含博客讲解和源码实例,包括 Java SE 和 Java Web |
4011 |
487 |
128 |
8 hours ago |
vespa/280 |
The open big data serving engine. https://vespa.ai |
3999 |
1076 |
70 |
a month ago |
react-native-webrtc/281 |
The WebRTC module for React Native |
3989 |
1133 |
13 |
3 months ago |
IJPay/282 |
IJPay 让支付触手可及,封装了微信支付、QQ支付、支付宝支付、京东支付、银联支付、PayPal 支付等常用的支付方式以及各种常用的接口。不依赖任何第三方 mvc 框架,仅仅作为工具使用简单快速完成支付模块的开发,可轻松嵌入到任何系统里。右上角点下小星星✨ |
3975 |
536 |
54 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
BadgeView/283 |
支持自由定制外观、拖拽消除的MaterialDesign风格Android BadgeView |
3944 |
709 |
6 |
4 months ago |
XUI/284 |
💍A simple and elegant Android native UI framework, free your hands! (一个简洁而优雅的Android原生UI框架,解放你的双手!) |
3936 |
652 |
462 |
a month ago |
Gadgetbridge/285 |
We are on codeberg.org now! https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge - Gadgetbridge - A free and cloudless replacement for your gadget vendors' closed source Android applications. Supports Pebble, Mi Band, Liveview, HPlus and more. |
3928 |
609 |
42 |
3 days ago |
kafdrop/286 |
Kafka Web UI |
3914 |
535 |
69 |
4 years ago |
android-iconify/287 |
Android integration of multiple icon providers such as FontAwesome, Entypo, Typicons,... |
3910 |
787 |
120 |
2 months ago |
querydsl/288 |
Unified Queries for Java |
3909 |
745 |
2 |
2 months ago |
jodd/289 |
Jodd! Lightweight. Java. Zero dependencies. Use what you like. |
3883 |
405 |
29 |
1 year, 21 days ago |
BigImageViewer/290 |
Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso. Even with gif and webp support! 🍻 |
3873 |
1221 |
75 |
2 years ago |
greys-anatomy/291 |
Java诊断工具 |
3873 |
394 |
51 |
4 years ago |
hawk/292 |
✔️ Secure, simple key-value storage for Android |
3872 |
4604 |
1894 |
a day ago |
runelite/293 |
Open source Old School RuneScape client |
3854 |
347 |
119 |
26 days ago |
Conductor/294 |
A small, yet full-featured framework that allows building View-based Android applications |
3816 |
615 |
146 |
7 days ago |
pig/295 |
↥ ↥ ↥ 点击关注更新,基于 Spring Cloud 2021 、Spring Boot 2.7、 OAuth2 的 RBAC 权限管理系统 |
3814 |
717 |
443 |
3 hours ago |
armeria/296 |
Your go-to microservice framework for any situation, from the creator of Netty et al. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard. |
3797 |
632 |
167 |
5 years ago |
MaterialSearchView/297 |
Cute library to implement SearchView in a Material Design Approach |
3796 |
619 |
155 |
2 years ago |
malmo/298 |
Project Malmo is a platform for Artificial Intelligence experimentation and research built on top of Minecraft. We aim to inspire a new generation of research into challenging new problems presented by this unique environment. --- For installation instructions, scroll down to Getting Started below, or visit the project page for more information: |
3785 |
2436 |
30 |
6 years ago |
learning-spark/299 |
Example code from Learning Spark book |
3773 |
557 |
133 |
1 year, 7 months ago |
RichText/300 |
Android平台下的富文本解析器,支持Html和Markdown |
7040 |
5121 |
771 |
8 hours ago |
spring-security/301 |
Spring Security |
7009 |
1483 |
343 |
4 months ago |
RePlugin/302 |
RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework |
6992 |
2901 |
19 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
SpringCloud-Learning/303 |
Spring Cloud基础教程,持续连载更新中 |
6986 |
1367 |
125 |
3 years ago |
SmartTabLayout/304 |
A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling |
6959 |
2398 |
162 |
22 hours ago |
shenyu/305 |
Apache ShenYu is a Java native API Gateway for service proxy, protocol conversion and API governance. |
6934 |
1584 |
379 |
3 months ago |
Mapper/306 |
Mybatis Common Mapper - Easy to use |
6907 |
232 |
76 |
5 days ago |
supertokens-core/307 |
Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito |
6865 |
2419 |
216 |
5 years ago |
okhttputils/308 |
[停止维护]okhttp的辅助类 |
6859 |
1873 |
0 |
6 months ago |
LeetCode/309 |
LeetCode刷题记录与面试整理 |
6770 |
1577 |
11 |
23 hours ago |
im-server/310 |
即时通讯(IM)系统 |
6740 |
1512 |
287 |
8 days ago |
elasticsearch-sql/311 |
Use SQL to query Elasticsearch |
6738 |
2157 |
209 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
Timber/312 |
Material Design Music Player |
6737 |
2552 |
224 |
2 years ago |
DroidPlugin/313 |
A plugin framework on android,Run any third-party apk without installation, modification or repackage |
6719 |
2530 |
24 |
1 year, 26 days ago |
xmall/314 |
基于SOA架构的分布式电商购物商城 前后端分离 前台商城:Vue全家桶 后台管理系统:Dubbo/SSM/Elasticsearch/Redis/MySQL/ActiveMQ/Shiro/Zookeeper等 |
6690 |
1934 |
132 |
3 years ago |
AndroidAutoLayout/315 |
[停止维护]Android屏幕适配方案,直接填写设计图上的像素尺寸即可完成适配,最大限度解决适配问题。 |
6686 |
1318 |
91 |
5 days ago |
flyway/316 |
Flyway by Redgate • Database Migrations Made Easy. |
6683 |
491 |
958 |
7 hours ago |
SmartTubeNext/317 |
Ad free app for watching tube videos on Android TV boxes |
6682 |
1367 |
101 |
3 minutes ago |
dataease/318 |
人人可用的开源数据可视化分析工具。 |
6656 |
2854 |
60 |
2 years ago |
VBlog/319 |
V部落,Vue+SpringBoot实现的多用户博客管理平台! |
6626 |
1077 |
39 |
7 days ago |
XPopup/320 |
🔥XPopup2.0版本重磅来袭,2倍以上性能提升,带来可观的动画性能优化和交互细节的提升!!!功能强大,交互优雅,动画丝滑的通用弹窗!可以替代Dialog,PopupWindow,PopupMenu,BottomSheet,DrawerLayout,Spinner等组件,自带十几种效果良好的动画, 支持完全的UI和动画自定义!(Powerful and Beautiful Popup for Android,can absolutely replace Dialog,PopupWindow,PopupMenu,BottomSheet,DrawerLayout,Spinner. With built-in animators , very easy to custom popup view.) |
6603 |
1676 |
494 |
3 days ago |
Paper/321 |
High performance Spigot fork that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies |
6584 |
1616 |
120 |
2 months ago |
angel/322 |
A Flexible and Powerful Parameter Server for large-scale machine learning |
6573 |
1131 |
858 |
12 hours ago |
closure-compiler/323 |
A JavaScript checker and optimizer. |
6567 |
1113 |
171 |
2 years ago |
AndPermission/324 |
🍓 Permissions manager for Android platform. |
6560 |
941 |
56 |
an hour ago |
gocd/325 |
Main repository for GoCD - Continuous Delivery server |
6541 |
2148 |
8 |
a day ago |
ruoyi-vue-pro/326 |
🔥 官方推荐 🔥 RuoYi-Vue 全新 Pro 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 微信小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、数据权限、SaaS 多租户、Flowable 工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力! |
6534 |
1757 |
111 |
a day ago |
FrameworkBenchmarks/327 |
Source for the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks project |
6534 |
2286 |
0 |
28 days ago |
yudao-cloud/328 |
ruoyi-vue-pro 全新 Cloud 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Cloud Alibaba + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 用户小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、多租户、数据权限、工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力! |
6524 |
1085 |
215 |
a month ago |
Shadow/329 |
零反射全动态Android插件框架 |
6470 |
1018 |
102 |
1 year, 8 months ago |
walle/330 |
Android Signature V2 Scheme签名下的新一代渠道包打包神器 |
6462 |
661 |
505 |
13 hours ago |
plantuml/331 |
Generate diagrams from textual description |
6436 |
1955 |
243 |
8 months ago |
react-native-push-notification/332 |
React Native Local and Remote Notifications |
6419 |
990 |
52 |
5 years ago |
AndroidPerformanceMonitor/333 |
A transparent ui-block detection library for Android. (known as BlockCanary) |
6386 |
1766 |
18 |
a month ago |
jmeter/334 |
Apache JMeter |
6381 |
4093 |
49 |
a month ago |
storm/335 |
Mirror of Apache Storm |
6380 |
1661 |
184 |
3 years ago |
nanohttpd/336 |
Tiny, easily embeddable HTTP server in Java. |
6378 |
812 |
48 |
11 months ago |
Toasty/337 |
The usual Toast, but with steroids 💪 |
6376 |
1494 |
157 |
2 years ago |
android-floating-action-button/338 |
Floating Action Button for Android based on Material Design specification |
6344 |
1256 |
40 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
RoundedImageView/339 |
A fast ImageView that supports rounded corners, ovals, and circles. |
6304 |
1062 |
336 |
1 year, 8 months ago |
ion/340 |
Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading |
6285 |
908 |
8 |
a day ago |
LSPosed/341 |
LSPosed Framework |
6275 |
2433 |
110 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
mybatis-generator-gui/342 |
mybatis-generator界面工具,让你生成代码更简单更快捷 |
6270 |
2544 |
87 |
2 days ago |
react-native-video/343 |
A |
6263 |
1243 |
536 |
9 hours ago |
testcontainers-java/344 |
Testcontainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container. |
6247 |
909 |
325 |
21 hours ago |
react-native-svg/345 |
SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects. |
6246 |
1533 |
510 |
4 months ago |
processing/346 |
Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE) |
6237 |
4246 |
20 |
11 hours ago |
tomcat/347 |
Apache Tomcat |
6232 |
1707 |
201 |
an hour ago |
datahub/348 |
The Metadata Platform for the Modern Data Stack |
6231 |
1612 |
29 |
a day ago |
karate/349 |
Test Automation Made Simple |
6230 |
739 |
137 |
10 months ago |
haven/350 |
Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors |
6224 |
976 |
1429 |
9 hours ago |
graylog2-server/351 |
Free and open source log management |
6178 |
2333 |
45 |
1 year, 8 days ago |
ansj_seg/352 |
ansj分词.ict的真正java实现.分词效果速度都超过开源版的ict. 中文分词,人名识别,词性标注,用户自定义词典 |
6162 |
1879 |
4 |
9 months ago |
SDE-Interview-Questions/353 |
Most comprehensive list 📋 of tech interview questions 📘 of companies scraped from Geeksforgeeks, CareerCup and Glassdoor. |
6152 |
1844 |
36 |
1 year, 11 months ago |
BookReader/354 |
📕 "任阅" 网络小说阅读器,3D翻页效果、txt/pdf/epub书籍阅读、Wifi传书~ |
6144 |
1326 |
359 |
3 years ago |
Android-Image-Cropper/355 |
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery. |
6140 |
1440 |
119 |
4 years ago |
SwipeBackLayout/356 |
An Android library that help you to build app with swipe back gesture. |
6119 |
1448 |
267 |
19 days ago |
javacv/357 |
Java interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and more |
6117 |
759 |
19 |
9 hours ago |
aeron/358 |
Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport |
6117 |
1066 |
196 |
6 years ago |
MaterialEditText/359 |
EditText in Material Design |
6053 |
685 |
345 |
3 hours ago |
error-prone/360 |
Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors |
6047 |
890 |
212 |
18 hours ago |
lawnchair/361 |
No clever tagline needed. |
6040 |
1358 |
219 |
2 years ago |
material/362 |
A library to bring fully animated Material Design components to pre-Lolipop Android. |
6037 |
1222 |
5 |
10 months ago |
EffectiveAndroidUI/363 |
Sample project created to show some of the best Android practices to work in the Android UI Layer. The UI layer of this project has been implemented using MVP or MVVM (without binding engine) to show how this patterns works. This project is used during the talk "EffectiveAndroidUI". |
6031 |
707 |
93 |
5 years ago |
physical-web/364 |
The Physical Web: walk up and use anything |
6028 |
1918 |
87 |
5 years ago |
remusic/365 |
仿网易云音乐 安卓版,netease android,音乐播放器 在线 下载 |
6010 |
1420 |
29 |
5 years ago |
NumberProgressBar/366 |
A beautiful, slim Android ProgressBar. |
5996 |
1566 |
111 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
async-http-client/367 |
Asynchronous Http and WebSocket Client library for Java |
5988 |
1922 |
2247 |
13 hours ago |
trino/368 |
Official repository of Trino, the distributed SQL query engine for big data, formerly known as PrestoSQL (https://trino.io) |
5982 |
3032 |
72 |
8 hours ago |
pentaho-kettle/369 |
Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle |
5980 |
1684 |
472 |
2 months ago |
rest-assured/370 |
Java DSL for easy testing of REST services |
5972 |
1048 |
118 |
7 months ago |
JFoenix/371 |
JavaFX Material Design Library |
5970 |
2017 |
91 |
5 years ago |
dynamic-load-apk/372 |
DL : dynamic load framework in android |
5970 |
1614 |
5 |
3 years ago |
androidmvp/373 |
MVP Android Example |
5953 |
3089 |
3 |
2 years ago |
spring-cloud-examples/374 |
Spring Cloud 学习案例,服务发现、服务治理、链路追踪、服务监控等 |
5940 |
3485 |
6 |
a month ago |
rabbitmq-tutorials/375 |
Tutorials for using RabbitMQ in various ways |
5938 |
2006 |
34 |
5 months ago |
xUtils3/376 |
Android orm, bitmap, http, view inject... |
5895 |
1274 |
42 |
7 days ago |
zfile/377 |
在线云盘、网盘、OneDrive、云存储、私有云、对象存储、h5ai、上传、下载 |
5893 |
932 |
70 |
5 hours ago |
j2objc/378 |
A Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime. |
5888 |
1165 |
208 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
richeditor-android/379 |
RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android. |
5883 |
1006 |
89 |
2 years ago |
Android-skin-support/380 |
Android-skin-support is an easy dynamic skin framework to use for Android, Only one line of code to integrate it. Android 换肤框架, 极低的学习成本, 极好的用户体验. "一行"代码就可以实现换肤, 你值得拥有!!! |
5881 |
4066 |
231 |
6 hours ago |
aws-doc-sdk-examples/381 |
Welcome to the AWS Code Examples Repository. This repo contains code examples used in the AWS documentation, AWS SDK Developer Guides, and more. For more information, see the Readme.rst file below. |
5873 |
1524 |
377 |
28 days ago |
netty-socketio/382 |
Socket.IO server implemented on Java. Realtime java framework |
5824 |
2725 |
896 |
3 hours ago |
alluxio/383 |
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud |
5822 |
1567 |
187 |
17 days ago |
jsonschema2pojo/384 |
Generate Java types from JSON or JSON Schema and annotate those types for data-binding with Jackson, Gson, etc |
5821 |
2349 |
12 |
5 months ago |
Spring-Cloud-Platform/385 |
🔥🔥🔥国内首个Spring Cloud微服务化RBAC的管理平台,核心采用Spring Boot 2.4、Spring Cloud 2020.0.0 & Alibaba,前端采用d2-admin中台框架。 🔝 🔝 记得上边点个star 关注更新 |
5801 |
1313 |
236 |
3 years ago |
material-calendarview/386 |
A Material design back port of Android's CalendarView |
5795 |
2687 |
111 |
a day ago |
zeppelin/387 |
Web-based notebook that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more. |
5790 |
1793 |
350 |
12 days ago |
motan/388 |
A cross-language remote procedure call(RPC) framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services. |
5786 |
3613 |
4031 |
7 hours ago |
beam/389 |
Apache Beam is a unified programming model for Batch and Streaming data processing. |
5769 |
2978 |
71 |
4 years ago |
springside4/390 |
A Spring Framework based, pragmatic style JavaEE application reference architecture. |
5767 |
1177 |
118 |
4 years ago |
BoomMenu/391 |
A menu which can ... BOOM! - Android |
5751 |
2273 |
8 |
1 year, 12 days ago |
FEBS-Shiro/392 |
Spring Boot 2.4.2,Shiro1.6.0 & Layui 2.5.6 权限管理系统。 |
5725 |
783 |
8 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
from-java-to-kotlin/393 |
From Java To Kotlin - Your Cheat Sheet For Java To Kotlin |
5718 |
932 |
246 |
4 months ago |
config/394 |
configuration library for JVM languages using HOCON files |
5716 |
847 |
57 |
4 years ago |
InfiniteCycleViewPager/395 |
Infinite cycle ViewPager with two-way orientation and interactive effect. |
5711 |
960 |
14 |
4 years ago |
u2020/396 |
A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries. |
5705 |
2404 |
155 |
3 days ago |
MinecraftForge/397 |
Modifications to the Minecraft base files to assist in compatibility between mods. |
5694 |
1192 |
23 |
6 years ago |
DiskLruCache/398 |
Java implementation of a Disk-based LRU cache which specifically targets Android compatibility. |
5682 |
1530 |
310 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
springfox/399 |
Automated JSON API documentation for API's built with Spring |
5681 |
2877 |
80 |
2 years ago |
springBoot/400 |
springboot 框架与其它组件结合如 jpa、mybatis、websocket、security、shiro、cache等 |
1917 |
328 |
29 |
4 months ago |
XBanner/401 |
🔥【图片轮播】支持图片无限轮播,支持AndroidX、自定义指示点、显示提示文字、切换动画、自定义布局,一屏多显、视频图片混合轮播等功能 |
1913 |
386 |
36 |
a month ago |
EasyProtector/402 |
一行代码检测XP/调试/多开/模拟器/root |
1910 |
589 |
61 |
2 months ago |
jvm-sandbox-repeater/403 |
A Java server-side recording and playback solution based on JVM-Sandbox |
1902 |
327 |
38 |
2 years ago |
poli/404 |
An easy-to-use BI server built for SQL lovers. Power data analysis in SQL and gain faster business insights. |
1901 |
349 |
2 |
a month ago |
XUpdate/405 |
🚀A lightweight, high availability Android version update framework.(一个轻量级、高可用性的Android版本更新框架) |
1894 |
551 |
17 |
1 year, 7 months ago |
PLMCodeTemplate/406 |
给部门制定的代码框架模板 |
1887 |
581 |
279 |
a day ago |
connectbot/407 |
ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android. |
1887 |
634 |
37 |
a day ago |
wvp-GB28181-pro/408 |
WEB VIDEO PLATFORM是一个基于GB28181-2016标准实现的网络视频平台,支持NAT穿透,支持海康、大华、宇视等品牌的IPC、NVR、DVR接入。支持国标级联,支持rtsp/rtmp等视频流转发到国标平台,支持rtsp/rtmp等推流转发到国标平台。 |
1886 |
489 |
55 |
3 years ago |
QRCodeReaderView/409 |
Modification of ZXING Barcode Scanner project for easy Android QR-Code detection and AR purposes |
1881 |
412 |
7 |
6 months ago |
ponymusic/410 |
Android online music player use okhttp&gson&material design |
1878 |
1131 |
49 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
smart-sso/411 |
springboot SSO 单点登录,OAuth2实现,支持App登录,支持分布式 |
1876 |
410 |
59 |
3 years ago |
android-segmented-control/412 |
ios UISegmentedControl for android |
1875 |
450 |
16 |
4 years ago |
jianshi/413 |
A Full-Stack mobile app, including Android & Server, Simple-Poem 简诗. You can write poem in graceful & traditional Chinese style. |
1874 |
885 |
18 |
3 years ago |
superCleanMaster/414 |
1873 |
1292 |
3 |
4 years ago |
QuestionAnsweringSystem/415 |
QuestionAnsweringSystem是一个Java实现的人机问答系统,能够自动分析问题并给出候选答案。 |
1871 |
183 |
164 |
2 years ago |
snowflake/416 |
Graphical SFTP client and terminal emulator with helpful utilities |
1857 |
423 |
66 |
5 years ago |
DatePicker/417 |
Useful and powerful date picker for android |
1841 |
614 |
30 |
2 years ago |
SeimiCrawler/418 |
一个简单、敏捷、分布式的支持SpringBoot的Java爬虫框架;An agile, distributed crawler framework. |
1838 |
287 |
74 |
a month ago |
protostuff/419 |
Java serialization library, proto compiler, code generator |
1836 |
253 |
13 |
2 months ago |
commonmark-java/420 |
Java library for parsing and rendering CommonMark (Markdown) |
1834 |
799 |
1 |
21 days ago |
PublicCMS/421 |
200多万行代码修改 持续迭代7年 现代化java cms,轻松支撑千万数据、千万PV;支持静态化,服务器端包含; 目前已经拥有全球0.0004%(w3techs提供的数据)的用户,语言支持中、繁、日、英;是一个已走向海外的成熟CMS产品 |
1831 |
313 |
1 |
6 years ago |
ProductTour/422 |
ProductTour is android sample project implementing a parallax effect welcome page using ViewPager and PageTransformer, similar to the one found in Google's app like Sheet, Drive, Docs... |
1830 |
133 |
54 |
6 days ago |
Hyperion-Android/423 |
App Debugging & Inspection Tool for Android |
1828 |
223 |
101 |
6 months ago |
flexmark-java/424 |
CommonMark/Markdown Java parser with source level AST. CommonMark 0.28, emulation of: pegdown, kramdown, markdown.pl, MultiMarkdown. With HTML to MD, MD to PDF, MD to DOCX conversion modules. |
1819 |
508 |
40 |
6 years ago |
android-percent-support-extend/425 |
a extends lib for android-percent-support(Google百分比布局库的扩展) |
1800 |
662 |
108 |
2 months ago |
marytts/426 |
MARY TTS -- an open-source, multilingual text-to-speech synthesis system written in pure java |
1799 |
578 |
13 |
2 months ago |
algorithms-sedgewick-wayne/427 |
Solutions to all the exercises of the Algorithms book by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne |
1796 |
723 |
49 |
8 years ago |
android-viewflow/428 |
A horizontal view scroller library for Android |
1792 |
513 |
72 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
open-event-organizer-android/429 |
Open Event Mobile App for Organizers and Entry Managers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eventyay.organizer |
1785 |
378 |
3 |
5 months ago |
AndroidProcesses/430 |
1784 |
304 |
504 |
6 days ago |
flutter-intellij/431 |
Flutter Plugin for IntelliJ |
1782 |
433 |
50 |
2 months ago |
spring-retry/432 |
None |
1775 |
534 |
80 |
3 months ago |
secor/433 |
Secor is a service implementing Kafka log persistence |
1775 |
221 |
20 |
2 months ago |
BigImageViewPager/434 |
🔥🔥🔥 BigImage ImageView ViewPager 支持超长图、超大图的图片浏览器,优化内存,支持手势放大、下拉关闭、查看原图、加载百分比、保存图片等功能。现已支持androidx。 |
1773 |
399 |
27 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
Fancybuttons/435 |
Icons, Borders, Radius ... for Android buttons |
1769 |
369 |
5 |
9 months ago |
DeepVision/436 |
在我很多项目中用到的CV算法推理框架应用。 |
1768 |
942 |
286 |
a month ago |
testng/437 |
TestNG testing framework |
1768 |
205 |
17 |
4 years ago |
qualitymatters/438 |
Android Development Culture |
1766 |
577 |
29 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
sia-task/439 |
微服务任务调度框架 |
1765 |
291 |
6 |
4 years ago |
welcome-android/440 |
A customizable welcome screen |
1764 |
340 |
377 |
9 days ago |
grobid/441 |
A machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents |
1764 |
124 |
5 |
3 years ago |
stampede/442 |
The ToroDB solution to provide better analytics on top of MongoDB and make it easier to migrate from MongoDB to SQL |
1759 |
1754 |
3 |
14 days ago |
spring-security-oauth/443 |
Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth": |
1758 |
818 |
259 |
5 years ago |
FBReaderJ/444 |
Official FBReaderJ project repository |
1756 |
232 |
24 |
4 years ago |
PaletteImageView/445 |
懂得智能配色的ImageView,还能给自己设置多彩的阴影哦。(Understand the intelligent color matching ImageView, but also to set their own colorful shadow Oh!) |
1745 |
309 |
139 |
5 months ago |
jcommander/446 |
Command line parsing framework for Java |
1744 |
262 |
32 |
2 years ago |
lancet/447 |
A lightweight and fast AOP framework for Android App and SDK developers |
1730 |
360 |
29 |
6 years ago |
TimePickerDialog/448 |
An Android time picker library. |
1729 |
736 |
408 |
22 days ago |
framework/449 |
Vaadin 6, 7, 8 is a Java framework for modern Java web applications. |
1727 |
1099 |
43 |
2 years ago |
staffjoy/450 |
微服务(Microservices)和云原生架构教学案例项目,基于Spring Boot和Kubernetes技术栈 |
1724 |
116 |
1 |
8 months ago |
Logout4Shell/451 |
Use Log4Shell vulnerability to vaccinate a victim server against Log4Shell |
1715 |
232 |
4 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
FingerprintIdentify/452 |
👍 Android Fingerprint Verification SDK |
1711 |
916 |
74 |
16 hours ago |
drill/453 |
Apache Drill is a distributed MPP query layer for self describing data |
1707 |
317 |
56 |
4 years ago |
ViewPagerLayoutManager/454 |
ViewPager like LayoutManager which supports some awesome animations and infinite scroll. |
1705 |
354 |
449 |
5 days ago |
Slide/455 |
Slide is an open-source, ad-free Reddit browser for Android. |
1705 |
1461 |
69 |
13 hours ago |
ambari/456 |
Mirror of Apache Ambari |
1703 |
585 |
3 |
8 days ago |
spring-boot-best-practice/457 |
Spring Boot 最佳实践,包括自动配置、核心原理、源码分析、国际化支持、调试、日志集成、热部署等。 |
1700 |
384 |
58 |
8 days ago |
dynmap/458 |
A set of Minecraft mods that provide a real time web-based map system for various Minecraft server implementations. |
1699 |
797 |
17 |
3 years ago |
ssm-demo/459 |
🍌Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis+easyUI实现简单的后台管理系统 |
1692 |
889 |
1 |
4 years ago |
spring-boot-demo/460 |
Spring Boot的基础教程,由浅入深,一步一步学习Spring Boot,最后学到的不单单是基础!Spring Cloud基础教程请看:https://github.com/roncoo/spring-cloud-demo |
1688 |
556 |
12 |
2 years ago |
TouTiao/461 |
精仿今日头条 |
1685 |
575 |
57 |
10 days ago |
remote-desktop-clients/462 |
VNC, RDP, SPICE, and oVirt/RHEV/Proxmox Clients for Android and Blackberry 10 |
1682 |
219 |
26 |
3 years ago |
Recovery/463 |
a crash recovery framework.(一个App异常恢复框架) |
1680 |
290 |
83 |
5 months ago |
stagemonitor/464 |
an open source solution to application performance monitoring for java server applications |
1679 |
301 |
179 |
9 days ago |
SkyTube/465 |
Copylefted libre / open source YouTube player for Android |
1679 |
510 |
138 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
jmxtrans/466 |
jmxtrans |
1677 |
246 |
4 |
2 years ago |
MultipleStatusView/467 |
一个支持多种状态的自定义View,可以方便的切换到:加载中视图、错误视图、空数据视图、网络异常视图、内容视图。 |
1676 |
431 |
18 |
4 months ago |
java-sec-code/468 |
Java web common vulnerabilities and security code which is base on springboot and spring security |
1675 |
439 |
17 |
7 years ago |
FlatUI/469 |
Android FlatUI Kit |
1674 |
481 |
26 |
19 days ago |
Android-Plugin-Framework/470 |
Android插件框架,免安装运行插件APK ,支持独立插件和非独立插件 |
1674 |
309 |
129 |
13 days ago |
jdbi/471 |
jdbi is designed to provide convenient tabular data access in Java; including templated SQL, parameterized and strongly typed queries, and Streams integration |
1673 |
373 |
45 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
SandHook/472 |
Android ART Hook/Native Inline Hook/Single Instruction Hook - support 4.4 - 11.0 32/64 bit - Xposed API Compat |
1672 |
232 |
6 |
2 years ago |
GlidePalette/473 |
Android Lollipop Palette is now easy to use with Glide |
1672 |
368 |
0 |
5 months ago |
SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter/474 |
An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into Sections with headers and/or footers. Each Section can have its state controlled individually. |
1668 |
444 |
45 |
7 years ago |
chromeview/475 |
Proof of concept Android WebView implementation based on Chromium code |
1665 |
906 |
13 |
5 years ago |
spring-boot-microservices/476 |
Spring Boot Template for Micro services Architecture - Show cases how to use Zuul for API Gateway, Spring OAuth 2.0 as Auth Server, Multiple Resource (Web Services) Servers, Angular Web App, Eureka dor registration and Discover and Hystrix for circuit breaker |
1664 |
314 |
11 |
2 years ago |
MultipleTheme/477 |
Android换肤/夜间模式的Android框架,配合theme和换肤控件框架可以做到无缝切换换肤(无需重启应用和当前页面)。 This framework of Android app support multiple theme(such as day/night mode) and needn’t finish current application or current activity when you switch theme-mode. |
1660 |
348 |
125 |
21 days ago |
kairosdb/478 |
Fast scalable time series database |
1660 |
352 |
7 |
4 months ago |
TheMVP/479 |
An Android MVP Architecture Diagram Framwork. |
1660 |
664 |
7 |
5 months ago |
android-examples/480 |
[Examples] Simple basic isolated apps, for budding android devs. |
1658 |
206 |
49 |
7 months ago |
elassandra/481 |
Elassandra = Elasticsearch + Apache Cassandra |
1656 |
336 |
0 |
4 years ago |
talon-twitter-holo/482 |
[Deprecated] The Holo version of my popular Android Talon for Twitter app, 100% open-source |
1647 |
187 |
1 |
2 years ago |
Just-Another-Android-App/483 |
An Android base app with loads of cool libraries/configuration NOT MAINTAINED |
1643 |
580 |
53 |
2 years ago |
VirusBroadcast/484 |
A java virus broadcast simulation |
1642 |
216 |
18 |
3 years ago |
SlideUp-Android/485 |
SlideUp is a small library that allows you to add sweet slide effect to any view. |
1638 |
699 |
6 |
12 days ago |
BigDataGuide/486 |
大数据学习,从零开始学习大数据,包含大数据学习各阶段学习视频、面试资料 |
1636 |
523 |
352 |
15 hours ago |
autopsy/487 |
Autopsy® is a digital forensics platform and graphical interface to The Sleuth Kit® and other digital forensics tools. It can be used by law enforcement, military, and corporate examiners to investigate what happened on a computer. You can even use it to recover photos from your camera's memory card. |
1629 |
254 |
81 |
5 days ago |
trime/488 |
同文安卓輸入法平臺3.x/Android-rime/Rime Input Method Engine for Android |
1620 |
278 |
16 |
5 years ago |
Android-Pay/489 |
A pay library for Android, and which support Wechat pay and Ali pay. And developer can easily use Wechat pay in two lines of code. And developer can easily use Ali pay in three lines of code. 支持微信和支付宝两种主流支付的集成库, 两行代码实现微信支付, 三行代码实现支付宝支付 |
1618 |
357 |
122 |
3 years ago |
smart-location-lib/490 |
Android library project that lets you manage the location updates to be as painless as possible |
1611 |
278 |
79 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
JASONETTE-Android/491 |
📡 Native App over HTTP, on Android |
1609 |
313 |
0 |
5 years ago |
VerticalSlideFragment/492 |
vertical slide to switch to the next fragment page, looks like vertical viewpager |
1607 |
704 |
19 |
4 years ago |
SpringBlog/493 |
A simple blogging system implemented with Spring Boot + Hibernate + MySQL + Bootstrap4. |
1607 |
311 |
27 |
4 years ago |
RecyclerBanner/494 |
用RecyclerView实现无限轮播图,有普通版和3d版 |
1601 |
479 |
2 |
3 years ago |
KingTV/495 |
📺 【暂停维护】高仿全民直播(全民TV),项目采用 MVP + RXJava + Retrofit + OKHttp + Material Design + Dagger2 + Base + Glide + GreenDao构建。因为全民TV已经凉了,导致App已经连不上了。在这里特意向你推荐MVPFrame: https://github.com/jenly1314/MVPFrame 和你值得拥有的MVVMFrame快速开发框架: https://github.com/jenly1314/MVVMFrame |
1595 |
725 |
28 |
15 hours ago |
jshERP/496 |
华夏ERP基于SpringBoot框架和SaaS模式,立志为中小企业提供开源好用的ERP软件,目前专注进销存+财务功能。主要模块有零售管理、采购管理、销售管理、仓库管理、财务管理、报表查询、系统管理等。支持预付款、收入支出、仓库调拨、组装拆卸、订单等特色功能。拥有库存状况、出入库统计等报表。同时对角色和权限进行了细致全面控制,精确到每个按钮和菜单。 |
1594 |
1600 |
80 |
2 months ago |
lemon/497 |
开源OA |
1592 |
159 |
47 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
rapidoid/498 |
Rapidoid - Extremely Fast, Simple and Powerful Java Web Framework and HTTP Server! |
1590 |
342 |
0 |
4 years ago |
PhotoNoter/499 |
📓Material Design风格的开源照片笔记。(MVP+Dagger2+RxJava+AspectJ+Dex处理) |
1587 |
306 |
24 |
5 years ago |
SmoothCheckBox/500 |
🍡 A custom CheckBox with animation for Android. |
2544 |
112 |
158 |
10 months ago |
lbry-android/501 |
The LBRY Android app |
2535 |
564 |
13 |
20 days ago |
android-database-sqlcipher/502 |
Android SQLite API based on SQLCipher |
2534 |
1312 |
22 |
14 days ago |
Openfire/503 |
An XMPP server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. |
2519 |
758 |
241 |
2 years ago |
paho.mqtt.android/504 |
MQTT Android |
2513 |
399 |
11 |
9 months ago |
ANR-WatchDog/505 |
A simple watchdog that detects Android ANR (Application Not Responding) error and throws a meaningful exception |
2513 |
510 |
45 |
7 years ago |
Android-ItemTouchHelper-Demo/506 |
Basic example of using ItemTouchHelper to add drag & drop and swipe-to-dismiss to RecyclerView. |
2513 |
1144 |
190 |
a day ago |
logback/507 |
The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java. |
2511 |
363 |
3 |
4 hours ago |
TagMo/508 |
None |
2505 |
599 |
0 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
ViewServer/509 |
Local server for Android's HierarchyViewer |
2493 |
492 |
38 |
1 year, 11 months ago |
html-textview/510 |
TextView to display simple HTML |
2493 |
275 |
35 |
2 years ago |
ReactiveNetwork/511 |
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables |
2480 |
475 |
37 |
1 year, 11 months ago |
Telecine/512 |
Record full-resolution video on your Android devices. |
2479 |
1054 |
41 |
8 years ago |
android-pulltorefresh/513 |
DEPRECATED This project aims to provide a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android. |
2478 |
522 |
74 |
7 years ago |
AndroidTagGroup/514 |
🍀A beautiful android tag group widget. |
2476 |
335 |
8 |
2 years ago |
AndroidGodEye/515 |
An app performance monitor(APM) , like "Android Studio profiler", you can easily monitor the performance of your app real time in browser |
2474 |
173 |
5 |
2 years ago |
condom/516 |
一个超轻超薄的Android工具库,阻止三方SDK中常见的有害行为,而不影响应用自身的功能。(例如严重影响用户体验的『链式唤醒』) |
2467 |
440 |
481 |
2 hours ago |
zeebe/517 |
Distributed Workflow Engine for Microservices Orchestration |
2465 |
501 |
132 |
3 years ago |
Album/518 |
🍉 Album and Gallery for Android platform. |
2460 |
113 |
22 |
27 days ago |
skija/519 |
Java bindings for Skia |
2456 |
627 |
31 |
5 years ago |
SopCastComponent/520 |
该项目不再维护,仅供学习参考 |
2447 |
624 |
17 |
6 years ago |
Material-Movies/521 |
[Deprecated] An application about movies with material design |
2443 |
1056 |
166 |
a day ago |
Omni-Notes/522 |
Open source note-taking application for Android |
2436 |
1193 |
172 |
19 days ago |
spring-data-jpa/523 |
Simplifies the development of creating a JPA-based data access layer. |
2434 |
1051 |
34 |
8 months ago |
weixin-popular/524 |
微信SDK JAVA (公众平台、开放平台、 商户平台、 服务商平台) |
2434 |
1084 |
56 |
1 year, 11 months ago |
susi_server/525 |
SUSI.AI server backend - the Artificial Intelligence server for personal assistants https://api.susi.ai |
2426 |
398 |
34 |
6 years ago |
android-priority-jobqueue/526 |
A Job Queue specifically written for Android to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. |
2424 |
409 |
33 |
5 years ago |
FreeFlow/527 |
A layout engine for Android that decouples layouts from the View containers that manage scrolling and view recycling. FreeFlow makes it really easy to create custom layouts and beautiful transition animations as data and layouts change |
2419 |
247 |
15 |
4 years ago |
android-material-design-icon-generator-plugin/528 |
This plugin help you to set material design icon to your project. |
2410 |
297 |
26 |
3 years ago |
tape/529 |
A lightning fast, transactional, file-based FIFO for Android and Java. |
2400 |
927 |
226 |
a day ago |
osmdroid/530 |
OpenStreetMap-Tools for Android |
2398 |
114 |
131 |
a month ago |
dolby_beta/531 |
杜比大喇叭的β版迎来了重大的革新,合并了UnblockMusic Pro的所有功能且更加强大,同时UnblockMusicPro_Xposed项目将会停止维护,让我们欢送这位老朋友! |
2398 |
389 |
2 |
4 days ago |
MyPerf4J/532 |
High performance Java APM. Powered by ASM. Try it. Test it. If you feel its better, use it. |
2397 |
200 |
21 |
2 years ago |
RxCache/533 |
Reactive caching library for Android and Java |
2396 |
1659 |
34 |
20 days ago |
stickers/534 |
This repository contains the iOS and Android sample apps and API for creating third party sticker packs for WhatsApp. |
2392 |
382 |
77 |
3 months ago |
swagger2markup/535 |
A Swagger to AsciiDoc or Markdown converter to simplify the generation of an up-to-date RESTful API documentation by combining documentation that’s been hand-written with auto-generated API documentation. |
2390 |
224 |
31 |
1 year, 7 months ago |
X2C/536 |
Increase layout loading speed 200% |
2380 |
191 |
5 |
9 days ago |
react-native-bootsplash/537 |
🚀 Show a splash screen during app startup. Hide it when you are ready. |
2379 |
320 |
8 |
5 years ago |
JJSearchViewAnim/538 |
A cool search view animation library |
2370 |
392 |
34 |
2 months ago |
ZXingLite/539 |
🔥 ZXing的精简极速版,优化扫码和生成二维码/条形码,内置闪光灯等功能。扫描风格支持:微信的线条样式,支付宝的网格样式。几句代码轻松拥有扫码功能 ,ZXingLite让集成更简单。(扫码识别速度快如微信) |
2361 |
433 |
105 |
8 days ago |
thymeleaf/540 |
Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments. |
2343 |
569 |
42 |
3 months ago |
AndroidCamera/541 |
🔥🔥🔥自定义Android相机(仿抖音 TikTok),其中功能包括视频人脸识别贴纸,美颜,分段录制,视频裁剪,视频帧处理,获取视频关键帧,视频旋转,添加滤镜,添加水印,合成Gif到视频,文字转视频,图片转视频,音视频合成,音频变声处理,SoundTouch,Fmod音频处理。 Android camera(imitation Tik Tok), which includes video editor,audio editor,video face recognition stickers, segment recording,video cropping, video frame processing, get the first video frame, key frame, video rotation, add filter Mirror ,add watermark ,add gif to video, add text to video, picture to video, audio and video synthesis, audio change processing, SoundTouch, Fmod audio processing. |
2340 |
484 |
46 |
5 years ago |
material-ripple/542 |
Android L Ripple effect wrapper for Views |
2336 |
298 |
0 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
FlowLayout/543 |
A flow layout for Android with auto-spacing. |
2329 |
428 |
68 |
5 months ago |
JZVideo/544 |
高度自定义的安卓视频框架 MediaPlayer exoplayer ijkplayer ffmpeg |
2326 |
924 |
95 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
yugong/545 |
阿里巴巴去Oracle数据迁移同步工具(全量+增量,目标支持MySQL/DRDS) |
2325 |
944 |
21 |
5 years ago |
TProfiler/546 |
TProfiler是一个可以在生产环境长期使用的性能分析工具 |
2318 |
585 |
6 |
9 hours ago |
unirest-java/547 |
Unirest in Java: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library. |
2316 |
808 |
49 |
2 years ago |
EasyTransaction/548 |
A distribute transaction solution(分布式事务) unified the usage of TCC , SAGA ,FMT (seata/fescar AutoCompensation), reliable message, compensate and so on; |
2314 |
149 |
29 |
6 months ago |
Pixiv-Shaft/549 |
Pixiv第三方Android客户端 |
2313 |
1521 |
108 |
10 days ago |
flume/550 |
Mirror of Apache Flume |
2306 |
421 |
104 |
2 years ago |
CameraFragment/551 |
A simple easy-to-integrate Camera Fragment for Android |
2305 |
881 |
30 |
16 days ago |
Smack/552 |
A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs |
2305 |
284 |
36 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
tray/553 |
a SharedPreferences replacement for Android with multiprocess support |
2296 |
324 |
67 |
a month ago |
http-kit/554 |
http-kit is a minimalist, event-driven, high-performance Clojure HTTP server/client library with WebSocket and asynchronous support |
2285 |
545 |
31 |
5 years ago |
FlycoDialog_Master/555 |
An Android Dialog Lib simplify customization. |
2271 |
1160 |
50 |
2 years ago |
Java/556 |
java项目实战练习 |
2269 |
797 |
373 |
a month ago |
DataSphereStudio/557 |
DataSphereStudio is a one stop data application development& management portal, covering scenarios including data exchange, desensitization/cleansing, analysis/mining, quality measurement, visualization, and task scheduling. |
2268 |
1812 |
79 |
6 days ago |
deeplearning4j-examples/558 |
Deeplearning4j Examples (DL4J, DL4J Spark, DataVec) |
2257 |
284 |
28 |
7 hours ago |
markor/559 |
Text editor - Notes & ToDo (for Android) - Markdown, todo.txt, plaintext, math, .. |
2244 |
328 |
38 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
NavigationTabStrip/560 |
Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction. |
2243 |
567 |
2 |
5 years ago |
Euclid/561 |
User Profile Interface Animation |
2242 |
698 |
233 |
2 days ago |
unidbg/562 |
Allows you to emulate an Android native library, and an experimental iOS emulation |
2240 |
586 |
36 |
7 years ago |
android-ripple-background/563 |
A beautiful ripple animation for your app |
2232 |
590 |
15 |
3 years ago |
C-OCR/564 |
C-OCR是携程自研的OCR项目,主要包括身份证、护照、火车票、签证等旅游相关证件、材料的识别。 项目包含4个部分,拒识、检测、识别、后处理。 |
2230 |
680 |
39 |
2 years ago |
spring-boot-plus/565 |
🔥 Spring-Boot-Plus is a easy-to-use, high-speed, high-efficient,feature-rich, open source spring boot scaffolding. 🚀 |
2229 |
406 |
51 |
11 months ago |
jasypt-spring-boot/566 |
Jasypt integration for Spring boot |
2228 |
586 |
18 |
6 years ago |
h2o-2/567 |
Please visit https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3 for latest H2O |
2227 |
453 |
1 |
3 years ago |
HelloDaemon/568 |
Android 服务保活/常驻 (Android service daemon using JobScheduler) |
2223 |
724 |
23 |
5 years ago |
LookLook/569 |
A amazing reading app |
2220 |
467 |
11 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
WeiXinRecordedDemo/570 |
仿微信视频拍摄UI, 基于ffmpeg的视频录制编辑 |
2220 |
1382 |
105 |
a day ago |
avro/571 |
Apache Avro is a data serialization system. |
2220 |
399 |
43 |
3 years ago |
Leonids/572 |
A Particle System for standard Android UI: http://plattysoft.github.io/Leonids/ |
2219 |
344 |
16 |
a day ago |
spring-cloud-tencent/573 |
Spring Cloud Tencent is a Spring Cloud based Service Governance Framework provided by Tencent. |
2214 |
941 |
53 |
2 years ago |
zkui/574 |
A UI dashboard that allows CRUD operations on Zookeeper. |
2209 |
463 |
3 |
6 years ago |
Android-Clean-Boilerplate/575 |
This is starter template for writing Android apps using Clean architecture |
2204 |
513 |
428 |
1 year, 21 days ago |
materialistic/576 |
A material-design Hacker News Android reader |
2203 |
357 |
38 |
1 year, 7 months ago |
RangeSeekBar/577 |
A beautiful and powerful SeekBar what supports single、 range、steps、vetical、custom( 一款美观强大的支持单向、双向范围选择、分步、垂直、高度自定义的SeekBar) |
2201 |
728 |
16 |
4 months ago |
community/578 |
开源论坛、问答系统,现有功能提问、回复、通知、最新、最热、消除零回复功能。功能持续更新中…… 技术栈 Spring、Spring Boot、MyBatis、MySQL/H2、Bootstrap |
2201 |
371 |
9 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
RoundCornerProgressBar/579 |
[Android] Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android |
2199 |
688 |
110 |
a month ago |
brave/580 |
Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend services. |
2197 |
781 |
146 |
8 months ago |
AppAuth-Android/581 |
Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers. |
2196 |
1197 |
39 |
2 years ago |
seckill/582 |
the source code of seckill with development documentation ⚡ |
2193 |
334 |
37 |
2 days ago |
rsocket-java/583 |
Java implementation of RSocket |
2191 |
323 |
18 |
4 months ago |
Horizon/584 |
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android |
2189 |
908 |
0 |
4 years ago |
android-ocr/585 |
Experimental optical character recognition app |
2189 |
415 |
86 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
BGAPhotoPicker-Android/586 |
Android 图片选择、预览、九宫格图片控件、拖拽排序九宫格图片控件 |
2188 |
622 |
49 |
7 years ago |
HoloEverywhere/587 |
2185 |
1059 |
0 |
2 years ago |
openjdk/588 |
Do not send pull requests! Automated Git clone of various OpenJDK branches |
2179 |
170 |
33 |
2 years ago |
mortar/589 |
A simple library that makes it easy to pair thin views with dedicated controllers, isolated from most of the vagaries of the Activity life cycle. |
2179 |
274 |
89 |
27 days ago |
pdfsam/590 |
PDFsam, a desktop application to split, merge, mix, rotate PDF files and extract pages |
2177 |
545 |
165 |
6 months ago |
android-inapp-billing-v3/591 |
A lightweight implementation of Android In-app Billing Version 3 |
2173 |
253 |
9 |
5 years ago |
PanoramaImageView/592 |
An imageView can auto scroll with device rotating. |
2171 |
271 |
7 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
ExpandableLayout/593 |
An expandable layout container for Android |
2169 |
786 |
85 |
3 years ago |
jieba-analysis/594 |
结巴分词(java版) |
2166 |
330 |
25 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
WMRouter/595 |
WMRouter是一款Android路由框架,基于组件化的设计思路,有功能灵活、使用简单的特点。 |
2163 |
630 |
2 |
9 hours ago |
pac4j/596 |
Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT... |
2162 |
209 |
13 |
3 years ago |
ViewInspector/597 |
View Inspection Toolbar for Android Development |
2157 |
236 |
24 |
5 years ago |
BlockCanaryEx/598 |
make performance bottleneck detection easily when app blocked |
2150 |
305 |
46 |
3 days ago |
react-native-view-shot/599 |
Snapshot a React Native view and save it to an image |
2144 |
474 |
103 |
2 years ago |
NiceVieoPlayer/600 |
IjkPlayer/MediaPlayer+TextureView,支持列表,完美切换全屏、小窗口的Android视频播放器 |
4193 |
1634 |
107 |
13 days ago |
libsvm/601 |
None |
4192 |
696 |
57 |
6 years ago |
android-autofittextview/602 |
A TextView that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds. |
4177 |
654 |
687 |
1 year, 18 days ago |
linuxdeploy/603 |
Install and run GNU/Linux on Android |
4164 |
1461 |
192 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
tx-lcn/604 |
LCN distributed transaction framework, compatible with dubbo, spring cloud and Motan framework, supports various relational databases |
4154 |
359 |
71 |
a month ago |
Recaf/605 |
The modern Java bytecode editor |
4153 |
674 |
61 |
3 years ago |
JKeyboardPanelSwitch/606 |
For resolve the layout conflict when keybord & panel are switching (Android键盘面板冲突 布局闪动处理方案) |
4152 |
551 |
29 |
3 years ago |
ShineButton/607 |
This is a UI lib for Android. Effects like shining. |
4149 |
939 |
968 |
an hour ago |
pinot/608 |
Apache Pinot - A realtime distributed OLAP datastore |
4141 |
919 |
54 |
6 days ago |
DKVideoPlayer/609 |
Android Video Player. 安卓视频播放器,封装MediaPlayer、ExoPlayer、IjkPlayer。模仿抖音并实现预加载,列表播放,悬浮播放,广告播放,弹幕,视频水印,视频滤镜 |
4137 |
591 |
20 |
4 years ago |
CoordinatorTabLayout/610 |
Combination of TabLayout and CoordinatorLayout./TabLayout和CoordinatorLayout相结合的折叠控件 |
4123 |
491 |
23 |
3 years ago |
AndroidWiFiADB/611 |
IntelliJ/AndroidStudio plugin which provides a button to connect your Android device over WiFi to install, run and debug your applications without a USB connected. |
4114 |
1244 |
166 |
a day ago |
Conversations/612 |
Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android |
4113 |
2431 |
24 |
7 hours ago |
JSON-java/613 |
A reference implementation of a JSON package in Java. |
4111 |
798 |
50 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
BGABanner-Android/614 |
引导界面滑动导航 + 大于等于1页时无限轮播 + 各种切换动画轮播效果 |
4108 |
1531 |
784 |
6 days ago |
azkaban/615 |
Azkaban workflow manager. |
4106 |
1735 |
0 |
2 months ago |
SpringBoot-Shiro-Vue/616 |
提供一套基于Spring Boot-Shiro-Vue的权限管理思路.前后端都加以控制,做到按钮/接口级别的权限。(当前新版本已移除shiro依赖,简化了配置) |
4102 |
833 |
44 |
5 years ago |
StepView/617 |
Step by step,just use HorizontalStepView,VerticalStepView. step indicator,flow indicator,timeline,order process,express status |
4093 |
1697 |
61 |
2 years ago |
java-algorithms-implementation/618 |
Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Java |
4092 |
1667 |
219 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
datax-web/619 |
DataX集成可视化页面,选择数据源即可一键生成数据同步任务,支持RDBMS、Hive、HBase、ClickHouse、MongoDB等数据源,批量创建RDBMS数据同步任务,集成开源调度系统,支持分布式、增量同步数据、实时查看运行日志、监控执行器资源、KILL运行进程、数据源信息加密等。 |
4087 |
1273 |
14 |
3 years ago |
dddsample-core/620 |
This is the new home of the original DDD Sample app (previously hosted at sf.net).. |
4080 |
715 |
25 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
CircleIndicator/621 |
A lightweight indicator like in nexus 5 launcher |
4078 |
531 |
72 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
Tangram-Android/622 |
Tangram is a modular UI solution for building native page dynamically including Tangram for Android, Tangram for iOS and even backend CMS. This project provides the sdk on Android. |
4078 |
291 |
144 |
a month ago |
objectbox-java/623 |
Fast lightweight Java Database for storing and syncing objects in Mobile & IoT |
4076 |
446 |
239 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
OpenHub/624 |
An open source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise. |
4075 |
2186 |
18 |
2 years ago |
mybatis/625 |
mybatis源码中文注释 |
4070 |
1235 |
229 |
a day ago |
bisq/626 |
A decentralized bitcoin exchange network |
4057 |
629 |
15 |
5 years ago |
ViewPagerCards/627 |
ViewPager cards inspired by Duolingo |
4051 |
639 |
10 |
5 years ago |
LoadingDrawable/628 |
Some beautiful android loading drawable, can be combined with any view as the LoadingView or the ProgressBar. Besides, some Drawable can customize the loading progress too. |
4050 |
930 |
73 |
4 months ago |
GCViewer/629 |
Fork of tagtraum industries' GCViewer. Tagtraum stopped development in 2008, I aim to improve support for Sun's / Oracle's java 1.6+ garbage collector logs (including G1 collector) |
4040 |
2776 |
23 |
2 years ago |
InternetArchitect/630 |
年薪百万互联网架构师课程文档及源码(公开部分) |
4035 |
987 |
1282 |
11 hours ago |
rstudio/631 |
RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R |
4034 |
939 |
14 |
5 years ago |
Phoenix/632 |
Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh |
4027 |
1041 |
137 |
18 days ago |
moco/633 |
Easy Setup Stub Server |
4026 |
848 |
81 |
5 years ago |
FloatingActionButton/634 |
[DEPRECATED] Android floating action button |
4021 |
801 |
38 |
6 months ago |
AndroidHttpCapture/635 |
AndroidHttpCapture网络诊断工具 是一款Android手机抓包软件 主要功能包括:手机端抓包、PING/DNS/TraceRoute诊断、抓包HAR数据上传分享。你也可以看成是Android版的"Fiddler" (^o^)/~ |
4017 |
1213 |
4 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
java-learning/636 |
旨在打造在线最佳的 Java 学习笔记,含博客讲解和源码实例,包括 Java SE 和 Java Web |
4016 |
430 |
29 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
simplify/637 |
Android virtual machine and deobfuscator |
4011 |
487 |
128 |
8 hours ago |
vespa/638 |
The open big data serving engine. https://vespa.ai |
4010 |
905 |
51 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
easy-rules/639 |
The simple, stupid rules engine for Java |
4009 |
552 |
27 |
3 years ago |
Bolts-Android/640 |
Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier. |
3999 |
1076 |
70 |
a month ago |
react-native-webrtc/641 |
The WebRTC module for React Native |
3999 |
635 |
99 |
4 years ago |
FloatWindow/642 |
Andorid 任意界面悬浮窗,实现悬浮窗如此简单 |
3989 |
1133 |
13 |
3 months ago |
IJPay/643 |
IJPay 让支付触手可及,封装了微信支付、QQ支付、支付宝支付、京东支付、银联支付、PayPal 支付等常用的支付方式以及各种常用的接口。不依赖任何第三方 mvc 框架,仅仅作为工具使用简单快速完成支付模块的开发,可轻松嵌入到任何系统里。右上角点下小星星✨ |
3986 |
1323 |
468 |
8 hours ago |
AmazeFileManager/644 |
Material design file manager for Android |
3975 |
536 |
54 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
BadgeView/645 |
支持自由定制外观、拖拽消除的MaterialDesign风格Android BadgeView |
3965 |
877 |
22 |
4 years ago |
RxJavaSamples/646 |
RxJava 2 和 Retrofit 结合使用的几个最常见使用方式举例 |
3963 |
802 |
44 |
4 years ago |
ExpandableTextView/647 |
Android's TextView that can expand/collapse like the Google Play's app description |
3962 |
1334 |
653 |
13 days ago |
pmd/648 |
An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer. |
3952 |
676 |
109 |
4 years ago |
TwinklingRefreshLayout/649 |
RefreshLayout that support for OverScroll and better than iOS. 支持下拉刷新和上拉加载的RefreshLayout,自带越界回弹效果,支持RecyclerView,AbsListView,ScrollView,WebView |
3946 |
611 |
24 |
2 years ago |
CC/650 |
业界首个支持渐进式组件化改造的Android组件化开源框架,支持跨进程调用。Componentize your android project gradually. |
3944 |
709 |
6 |
4 months ago |
XUI/651 |
💍A simple and elegant Android native UI framework, free your hands! (一个简洁而优雅的Android原生UI框架,解放你的双手!) |
3941 |
1843 |
224 |
4 years ago |
jstorm/652 |
Enterprise Stream Process Engine |
3936 |
652 |
462 |
a month ago |
Gadgetbridge/653 |
We are on codeberg.org now! https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge - Gadgetbridge - A free and cloudless replacement for your gadget vendors' closed source Android applications. Supports Pebble, Mi Band, Liveview, HPlus and more. |
3933 |
1141 |
8 |
5 years ago |
XCL-Charts/654 |
Android图表库(XCL-Charts is a free charting library for Android platform.),基于Android Canvas来绘制各种图表,使用简便,定制灵活。目前支持3D/非3D/背向式/横向/竖向柱形图(Bar Chart)、3D/非3D饼图(Pie Chart)、堆叠图(Stacked Bar Chart)、面积图(Area Chart)、 折线图(Line Chart)、曲线图(Spline Chart)、环形图(Dount Chart)、南丁格尔玫瑰图(Rose Chart)、仪表盘(Dial Chart)、刻度盘(Gauge Chart)、雷达图(Radar Chart)、漏斗图(Funnel Chart)、圆形图(Circle Chart)、弧线比较图、散点图(Scatter Chart)、气泡图(Bubble Chart)、范围条形图(RangeBar Chart)等图表。其它特性还包括支持图表缩放、手势移动、点击响应、动画效果、多轴显示、图表参考线、混合图表及同数据源不同图表类型切换等。 |
3928 |
609 |
42 |
3 days ago |
kafdrop/655 |
Kafka Web UI |
3927 |
6072 |
31 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
AndroidTutorialForBeginners/656 |
Step by step to build Android apps using Android Studio |
3915 |
540 |
62 |
a month ago |
javacpp/657 |
The missing bridge between Java and native C++ |
3914 |
535 |
69 |
4 years ago |
android-iconify/658 |
Android integration of multiple icon providers such as FontAwesome, Entypo, Typicons,... |
3910 |
787 |
120 |
2 months ago |
querydsl/659 |
Unified Queries for Java |
3909 |
745 |
2 |
2 months ago |
jodd/660 |
Jodd! Lightweight. Java. Zero dependencies. Use what you like. |
3892 |
554 |
64 |
4 days ago |
lwjgl3/661 |
LWJGL is a Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL, Vulkan, bgfx), audio (OpenAL, Opus), parallel computing (OpenCL, CUDA) and XR (OpenVR, LibOVR, OpenXR) applications. |
3883 |
1390 |
34 |
10 months ago |
hmily/662 |
Distributed transaction solutions |
3883 |
405 |
29 |
1 year, 21 days ago |
BigImageViewer/663 |
Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso. Even with gif and webp support! 🍻 |
3879 |
730 |
17 |
8 months ago |
epic/664 |
Dynamic java method AOP hook for Android(continution of Dexposed on ART), Supporting 5.0~11 |
3877 |
2219 |
16 |
28 days ago |
shiro/665 |
Apache Shiro |
3873 |
1221 |
75 |
2 years ago |
greys-anatomy/666 |
Java诊断工具 |
3873 |
394 |
51 |
4 years ago |
hawk/667 |
✔️ Secure, simple key-value storage for Android |
3872 |
4604 |
1894 |
a day ago |
runelite/668 |
Open source Old School RuneScape client |
3872 |
570 |
438 |
5 months ago |
powermock/669 |
PowerMock is a Java framework that allows you to unit test code normally regarded as untestable. |
3869 |
693 |
145 |
3 years ago |
ahbottomnavigation/670 |
A library to reproduce the behavior of the Bottom Navigation guidelines from Material Design. |
3867 |
823 |
302 |
a month ago |
frontend-maven-plugin/671 |
"Maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-node-plugin to end all maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-plugins." A Maven plugin that downloads/installs Node and NPM locally, runs NPM install, Grunt, Gulp and/or Karma. |
3854 |
347 |
119 |
26 days ago |
Conductor/672 |
A small, yet full-featured framework that allows building View-based Android applications |
3853 |
1148 |
196 |
7 days ago |
JSqlParser/673 |
JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern |
3816 |
615 |
146 |
8 days ago |
pig/674 |
↥ ↥ ↥ 点击关注更新,基于 Spring Cloud 2021 、Spring Boot 2.7、 OAuth2 的 RBAC 权限管理系统 |
3814 |
717 |
443 |
4 hours ago |
armeria/675 |
Your go-to microservice framework for any situation, from the creator of Netty et al. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard. |
3808 |
853 |
147 |
6 years ago |
roboguice/676 |
Google Guice on Android, version 3.0 [RETIRED] |
3800 |
949 |
13 |
an hour ago |
mockserver/677 |
MockServer enables easy mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS with clients written in Java, JavaScript and Ruby. MockServer also includes a proxy that introspects all proxied traffic including encrypted SSL traffic and supports Port Forwarding, Web Proxying (i.e. HTTP proxy), HTTPS Tunneling Proxying (using HTTP CONNECT) and SOCKS Proxying (i.e. dynamic port forwarding). |
3797 |
632 |
167 |
5 years ago |
MaterialSearchView/678 |
Cute library to implement SearchView in a Material Design Approach |
3796 |
619 |
155 |
2 years ago |
malmo/679 |
Project Malmo is a platform for Artificial Intelligence experimentation and research built on top of Minecraft. We aim to inspire a new generation of research into challenging new problems presented by this unique environment. --- For installation instructions, scroll down to Getting Started below, or visit the project page for more information: |
3795 |
683 |
16 |
2 months ago |
JustTrustMe/680 |
An xposed module that disables SSL certificate checking for the purposes of auditing an app with cert pinning |
3792 |
340 |
109 |
9 hours ago |
picocli/681 |
Picocli is a modern framework for building powerful, user-friendly, GraalVM-enabled command line apps with ease. It supports colors, autocompletion, subcommands, and more. In 1 source file so apps can include as source & avoid adding a dependency. Written in Java, usable from Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, etc. |
3788 |
284 |
46 |
9 days ago |
failsafe/682 |
Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for the JVM |
3787 |
858 |
71 |
7 days ago |
spring-authorization-server/683 |
Spring Authorization Server |
3785 |
2436 |
30 |
6 years ago |
learning-spark/684 |
Example code from Learning Spark book |
3782 |
650 |
378 |
5 hours ago |
incubator-seatunnel/685 |
SeaTunnel is a distributed, high-performance data integration platform for the synchronization and transformation of massive data (offline & real-time). |
3773 |
557 |
133 |
1 year, 7 months ago |
RichText/686 |
Android平台下的富文本解析器,支持Html和Markdown |
3771 |
1310 |
259 |
a day ago |
graphhopper/687 |
Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server. |
3771 |
704 |
22 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
SmartCropper/688 |
🔥 A library for cropping image in a smart way that can identify the border and correct the cropped image. 智能图片裁剪框架。自动识别边框,手动调节选区,使用透视变换裁剪并矫正选区;适用于身份证,名片,文档等照片的裁剪。 |
3766 |
552 |
0 |
18 days ago |
concurrent/689 |
这是RedSpider社区成员原创与维护的Java多线程系列文章。 |
3762 |
1540 |
26 |
a month ago |
ForestBlog/690 |
一个简单漂亮的SSM(Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis)博客系统 |
3738 |
774 |
82 |
6 years ago |
sticky-headers-recyclerview/691 |
[UNMAINTAINED] Sticky Headers decorator for Android's RecyclerView |
3735 |
196 |
58 |
a day ago |
Aegis/692 |
A free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step verification tokens. |
3729 |
934 |
85 |
1 year, 1 day ago |
CircleProgress/693 |
CircleProgress, DonutProgress, ArcProgress |
3718 |
862 |
75 |
4 years ago |
NoHttp/694 |
🍋 Android实现Http标准协议框架,支持多种缓存模式,底层可动态切换OkHttp、URLConnection。 |
3713 |
378 |
1 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
spruce-android/695 |
Spruce Animation Library |
3705 |
636 |
27 |
2 years ago |
GuideView/696 |
东半球最好用的新手引导库,能够快速为任何一个View创建一个遮罩层,支持单个页面,多个引导串联展示,支持为高亮区域设置不同的图形,支持引导动画,方便扩展,良好支持fragment |
3705 |
937 |
213 |
a month ago |
jitsi/697 |
Jitsi is an audio/video and chat communicator that supports protocols such as SIP, XMPP/Jabber, IRC and many other useful features. |
3702 |
2104 |
397 |
7 hours ago |
traccar/698 |
Traccar GPS Tracking System |
3700 |
463 |
67 |
a month ago |
open-location-code/699 |
Open Location Code is a library to generate short codes, called "plus codes", that can be used as digital addresses where street addresses don't exist. |
3699 |
1489 |
4 |
a month ago |
microservices-platform/700 |
基于SpringBoot2.x、SpringCloud和SpringCloudAlibaba并采用前后端分离的企业级微服务多租户系统架构。并引入组件化的思想实现高内聚低耦合,项目代码简洁注释丰富上手容易,适合学习和企业中使用。真正实现了基于RBAC、jwt和oauth2的无状态统一权限认证的解决方案,面向互联网设计同时适合B端和C端用户,支持CI/CD多环境部署,并提供应用管理方便第三方系统接入;同时还集合各种微服务治理功能和监控功能。模块包括:企业级的认证系统、开发平台、应用监控、慢sql监控、统一日志、单点登录、Redis分布式高速缓存、配置中心、分布式任务调度、接口文档、代码生成等等。 |
1914 |
227 |
433 |
1 year, 12 days ago |
airsonic/701 |
📡 ☁️ 🎶Airsonic, a Free and Open Source community driven media server (fork of Subsonic and Libresonic) |
1911 |
492 |
35 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
PinchImageView/702 |
体验非常好的Android图片手势控件。 |
1910 |
589 |
61 |
2 months ago |
jvm-sandbox-repeater/703 |
A Java server-side recording and playback solution based on JVM-Sandbox |
1910 |
921 |
15 |
2 months ago |
sqli/704 |
orm sql interface, Criteria, CriteriaBuilder, ResultMapBuilder |
1909 |
450 |
77 |
3 months ago |
servicecomb-pack/705 |
Apache ServiceComb Pack is an eventually data consistency solution for micro-service applications. ServiceComb Pack currently provides TCC and Saga distributed transaction co-ordination solutions by using Alpha as a transaction coordinator and Omega as an transaction agent . |
1907 |
239 |
75 |
9 months ago |
lanterna/706 |
Java library for creating text-based GUIs |
1906 |
270 |
11 |
20 days ago |
ratel/707 |
命令行斗地主! |
1901 |
349 |
2 |
a month ago |
XUpdate/708 |
🚀A lightweight, high availability Android version update framework.(一个轻量级、高可用性的Android版本更新框架) |
1899 |
786 |
9 |
2 months ago |
scm-biz-suite/709 |
供应链中台系统基础版,集成零售管理, 电子商务, 供应链管理, 财务管理, 车队管理, 仓库管理, 人员管理, 产品管理, 订单管理, 会员管理, 连锁店管理, 加盟管理, 前端React/Ant Design, 后端Java Spring+自有开源框架,全面支持MySQL, PostgreSQL, 全面支持国产数据库南大通用GBase 8s,通过REST接口调用,前后端完全分离。 |
1899 |
430 |
19 |
4 months ago |
kafka-monitor/710 |
Xinfra Monitor monitors the availability of Kafka clusters by producing synthetic workloads using end-to-end pipelines to obtain derived vital statistics - E2E latency, service produce/consume availability, offsets commit availability & latency, message loss rate and more. |
1898 |
239 |
19 |
3 years ago |
AdaptiveTableLayout/711 |
Library that makes it possible to read, edit and write CSV files |
1893 |
533 |
121 |
7 months ago |
ninja/712 |
Ninja is a full stack web framework for Java. Rock solid, fast and super productive. |
1885 |
493 |
357 |
13 hours ago |
firebase-android-sdk/713 |
Firebase Android SDK |
1881 |
412 |
7 |
6 months ago |
ponymusic/714 |
Android online music player use okhttp&gson&material design |
1878 |
1003 |
29 |
7 months ago |
spring-cloud-code/715 |
🔥《重新定义Spring Cloud实战》实体书对应源码,欢迎大家Star点赞收藏 |
1876 |
965 |
92 |
a day ago |
elasticsearch-hadoop/716 |
🐘 Elasticsearch real-time search and analytics natively integrated with Hadoop |
1875 |
174 |
10 |
3 years ago |
TinyDancer/717 |
An android library for displaying fps from the choreographer and percentage of time with two or more frames dropped |
1866 |
507 |
144 |
21 days ago |
scouter/718 |
Scouter is an open source APM (Application Performance Management) tool. |
1861 |
336 |
58 |
5 years ago |
SuspensionIndexBar/719 |
仿美团选择城市、微信通讯录、饿了么点餐列表的导航悬停分组索引列表。 |
1859 |
538 |
43 |
4 months ago |
WSLiveDemo/720 |
音视频,直播SDK,rtmp推流,录制视频,滤镜。百万用户,线上迭代半年,已经稳定。 |
1857 |
423 |
66 |
5 years ago |
DatePicker/721 |
Useful and powerful date picker for android |
1857 |
159 |
202 |
5 hours ago |
tlaplus/722 |
TLC is an explicit state model checker for specifications written in TLA+. The TLA+Toolbox is an IDE for TLA+. |
1855 |
262 |
0 |
2 years ago |
garland-view-android/723 |
≡ GarlandView seamlessly transitions between multiple lists of content. Made by @Ramotion |
1854 |
301 |
0 |
2 years ago |
material-design-data/724 |
关于 Material Design 的一切资料都在这里 |
1853 |
133 |
75 |
24 days ago |
mcaselector/725 |
A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export. |
1853 |
331 |
29 |
6 months ago |
Xpatch/726 |
免Root实现app加载Xposed插件工具。This is a tool to repackage apk file, then the apk can load any xposed modules installed in the device. It is another way to hook an app without root device. |
1850 |
333 |
14 |
5 years ago |
MVVMLight/727 |
A toolkit help to build Android MVVM Application |
1848 |
878 |
78 |
9 months ago |
flinkStreamSQL/728 |
基于开源的flink,对其实时sql进行扩展;主要实现了流与维表的join,支持原生flink SQL所有的语法 |
1847 |
276 |
52 |
9 months ago |
ECTranslation/729 |
Android Studio Plugin,Translate English to Chinese. Android Studio 翻译插件,可以将英文翻译为中文. |
1845 |
236 |
0 |
10 months ago |
scissors/730 |
✂ Android image cropping library |
1842 |
350 |
6 |
5 years ago |
FlipViewPager.Draco/731 |
This project aims to provide a working page flip implementation for usage in ListView. |
1841 |
629 |
2 |
5 months ago |
system-design-interviews/732 |
None |
1840 |
165 |
14 |
2 years ago |
Rosie/733 |
Rosie is an Android framework to create applications following the principles of Clean Architecture. |
1838 |
287 |
74 |
a month ago |
protostuff/734 |
Java serialization library, proto compiler, code generator |
1838 |
267 |
52 |
1 year, 5 months ago |
CacheWebView/735 |
Custom implement Android WebView cache, offline website, let cahe config more simple and flexible |
1837 |
213 |
27 |
7 months ago |
AirMapView/736 |
A view abstraction to provide a map user interface with various underlying map providers |
1836 |
365 |
43 |
9 months ago |
rootbeer/737 |
Simple to use root checking Android library and sample app |
1834 |
799 |
1 |
21 days ago |
PublicCMS/738 |
200多万行代码修改 持续迭代7年 现代化java cms,轻松支撑千万数据、千万PV;支持静态化,服务器端包含; 目前已经拥有全球0.0004%(w3techs提供的数据)的用户,语言支持中、繁、日、英;是一个已走向海外的成熟CMS产品 |
1830 |
1389 |
71 |
2 months ago |
aws-lambda-developer-guide/739 |
The AWS Lambda Developer Guide |
1830 |
190 |
4 |
9 days ago |
react-native-localize/740 |
🌍 A toolbox for your React Native app localization |
1829 |
180 |
73 |
10 months ago |
Cimoc/741 |
漫画阅读器 |
1829 |
560 |
2 |
5 years ago |
Titanic/742 |
(DEPRECATED) Android experiment showing a sinking TextView |
1828 |
691 |
93 |
5 days ago |
fitnesse/743 |
FitNesse -- The Acceptance Test Wiki |
1827 |
568 |
10 |
3 years ago |
JavaLambdaInternals/744 |
深入理解Java函数式编程和Streams API |
1827 |
1903 |
13 |
2 months ago |
mybatis-plus-samples/745 |
MyBatis-Plus Samples |
1824 |
205 |
48 |
4 months ago |
soter/746 |
A secure and quick biometric authentication standard and platform in Android held by Tencent. |
1823 |
881 |
12 |
10 years ago |
Notes/747 |
小米便签社区开源版(Community edition of XM notepad/MIUI notes) |
1823 |
591 |
45 |
2 months ago |
AisenWeiBo/748 |
新浪微博第三方Android客户端 |
1819 |
508 |
40 |
6 years ago |
android-percent-support-extend/749 |
a extends lib for android-percent-support(Google百分比布局库的扩展) |
1817 |
235 |
13 |
2 months ago |
EVCache/750 |
A distributed in-memory data store for the cloud |
1817 |
215 |
176 |
22 hours ago |
GraphScope/751 |
🔨 🍇 💻 🚀 GraphScope: A One-Stop Large-Scale Graph Computing System from Alibaba 来自阿里巴巴的一站式大规模图计算系统 图分析 图查询 图机器学习 |
1816 |
358 |
1 |
2 years ago |
android-interview-guide/752 |
An interview guide for Android development engineers. |
1814 |
436 |
35 |
3 years ago |
AsymmetricGridView/753 |
Android ListView that mimics a GridView with asymmetric items. Supports items with row span and column span |
1813 |
745 |
2 |
4 years ago |
wechat-api/754 |
🗯 wechat-api by java7. |
1809 |
808 |
18 |
2 years ago |
funiture/755 |
慕课网课程推荐 Java并发编程与高并发解决方案:http://coding.imooc.com/class/195.html Java开发企业级权限管理系统:http://coding.imooc.com/class/149.html github: https://github.com/kanwangzjm/funiture, spring项目,权限管理、系统监控、定时任务动态调整、qps限制、sql监控(邮件)、验证码服务、短链接服务、动态配置等 |
1806 |
252 |
3 |
3 years ago |
FloatingView/756 |
FloatingView can make the target view floating above the anchor view with cool animation |
1806 |
287 |
38 |
3 years ago |
FrescoImageViewer/757 |
Customizable Android full screen image viewer for Fresco library supporting "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures. Made by Stfalcon |
1803 |
757 |
20 |
28 days ago |
thinking-in-spring-boot-samples/758 |
小马哥书籍《Spring Boot 编程思想》示例工程 |
1802 |
295 |
165 |
4 months ago |
Telegram-FOSS/759 |
Unofficial, FOSS-friendly fork of the original Telegram client for Android |
1800 |
157 |
61 |
3 days ago |
FlatLaf/760 |
FlatLaf - Swing Look and Feel (with Darcula/IntelliJ themes support) |
1799 |
578 |
13 |
2 months ago |
algorithms-sedgewick-wayne/761 |
Solutions to all the exercises of the Algorithms book by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne |
1797 |
157 |
2 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
shortbread/762 |
Android library that creates app shortcuts from annotations |
1797 |
415 |
1 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
oryx/763 |
Oryx 2: Lambda architecture on Apache Spark, Apache Kafka for real-time large scale machine learning |
1796 |
383 |
22 |
7 years ago |
CircleRefreshLayout/764 |
a custom pull-to-refresh layout which contains a interesting animation |
1796 |
723 |
49 |
8 years ago |
android-viewflow/765 |
A horizontal view scroller library for Android |
1790 |
346 |
2 |
7 days ago |
jcasbin/766 |
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Java |
1787 |
321 |
12 |
9 days ago |
erupt/767 |
🚀 纯 Java 注解,单个类文件,快速开发 Admin 管理后台。不生成任何代码、零前端代码、零 CURD、自动建表、注解式API、自定义服务逻辑,支持所有主流数据库,支持自定义页面,支持多数据源,提供二十几类业务组件,十几种展示形式,支持逻辑删除,动态定时任务,前端后端分离等。核心技术:Spring Boot、JPA、Reflect、TypeScript、NG-ZORRO等。 开源不易,记得右上角点个star鼓励作者~ |
1785 |
249 |
41 |
4 years ago |
smooth-app-bar-layout/768 |
Smooth version of Google Support Design AppBarLayout |
1780 |
373 |
221 |
a day ago |
pravega/769 |
Pravega - Streaming as a new software defined storage primitive |
1777 |
430 |
8 |
5 years ago |
android-shapeLoadingView/770 |
高仿新版58 加载动画 |
1776 |
675 |
151 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
java-apns/771 |
Java Apple Push Notification Service Provider |
1775 |
498 |
0 |
6 years ago |
LollipopShowcase/772 |
A simple app to showcase Androids Material Design and some of the cool new cool stuff in Android Lollipop. RecyclerView, CardView, ActionBarDrawerToggle, DrawerLayout, Animations, Android Compat Design, Toolbar |
1773 |
399 |
27 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
Fancybuttons/773 |
Icons, Borders, Radius ... for Android buttons |
1767 |
542 |
15 |
6 years ago |
base-adapter-helper/774 |
Abstraction for the usual BaseAdapter "ViewHolder" pattern |
1763 |
227 |
3 |
5 years ago |
ENViews/775 |
🌟A cool dynamic view library |
1758 |
986 |
165 |
23 hours ago |
bc-java/776 |
Bouncy Castle Java Distribution (Mirror) |
1756 |
407 |
16 |
2 years ago |
TranslateApp/777 |
📝 A translations app without interruptions, copy words and translate directly, show result by top view. |
1756 |
587 |
20 |
5 years ago |
OpenCVForAndroid/778 |
目标检测&目标追踪&人脸检测&人脸识别 |
1756 |
413 |
371 |
3 days ago |
UniversalMediaServer/779 |
A DLNA, UPnP and HTTP(S) Media Server. |
1752 |
268 |
35 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
GlideImageView/780 |
基于Glide V4.9.0封装的图片加载库,可以监听加载图片时的进度 |
1743 |
698 |
21 |
3 days ago |
pdfbox/781 |
Mirror of Apache PDFBox |
1742 |
443 |
14 |
7 years ago |
NotBoringActionBar/782 |
News Stand app makes the ActionBar not boring! |
1742 |
807 |
22 |
4 months ago |
FEBS-Cloud/783 |
基于Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE、Spring Cloud OAuth2 & Spring Cloud Alibaba & Element 微服务权限系统,开箱即用。 |
1738 |
255 |
44 |
6 months ago |
AlphaPlayer/784 |
AlphaPlayer is a video animation engine. |
1737 |
460 |
407 |
1 year, 6 days ago |
open-keychain/785 |
OpenKeychain is an OpenPGP implementation for Android. |
1734 |
704 |
308 |
3 years ago |
react-native-fcm/786 |
react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification |
1734 |
1040 |
191 |
12 days ago |
spring-session/787 |
Spring Session |
1730 |
315 |
59 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
material-intro/788 |
A simple material design app intro with cool animations and a fluent API. |
1730 |
914 |
5 |
3 years ago |
spring-cloud/789 |
《Spring Cloud微服务-全栈技术与案例解析》和《Spring Cloud微服务 入门 实战与进阶》配套源码 |
1729 |
317 |
44 |
2 years ago |
SwipeBack/790 |
SwipeBack is an android library that can finish a activity by using gesture. |
1728 |
330 |
40 |
5 years ago |
update/791 |
清晰灵活简单易用的应用更新库 |
1728 |
759 |
34 |
a month ago |
xxl-sso/792 |
A distributed single-sign-on framework.(分布式单点登录框架XXL-SSO) |
1722 |
176 |
10 |
6 years ago |
EffectiveAndroid/793 |
This sample project shows how to apply MVP and Clean architecture on an Android app |
1719 |
1264 |
44 |
5 days ago |
spring-kafka/794 |
Provides Familiar Spring Abstractions for Apache Kafka |
1718 |
370 |
35 |
6 years ago |
AndroidChangeSkin/795 |
一种完全无侵入的换肤方式,支持插件式和应用内,无需重启Activity. |
1715 |
518 |
1 |
1 year, 8 months ago |
Document/796 |
📘 各种编程学习资料 (Android C C++ DataBase HTML5 JavaWeb ios python uml 人工智能 操作系统 数学 数据结构 程序员需要的技术 程序设计 编译原理 计算机组成与结构 计算机网络 设计模式 软件工程 面试经验) |
1714 |
758 |
24 |
3 years ago |
android-art-res/797 |
the source code in research art of android development |
1712 |
325 |
17 |
a month ago |
GifView/798 |
Library for playing gifs on Android |
1712 |
383 |
4 |
3 years ago |
dimens_sw/799 |
Android UI适配方案 |
1710 |
454 |
69 |
9 months ago |
neurolab-android/800 |
NeuroLab Android https://github.com/fossasia/neurolab-android/raw/apk/neurolab-dev-debug.apk |
1423 |
358 |
169 |
14 days ago |
tabula-java/801 |
Extract tables from PDF files |
1421 |
211 |
36 |
23 days ago |
TTS/802 |
None |
1415 |
382 |
34 |
2 years ago |
leveldb/803 |
Port of LevelDB to Java |
1415 |
853 |
541 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
flutter_webview_plugin/804 |
Community WebView Plugin - Allows Flutter to communicate with a native WebView. |
1414 |
197 |
136 |
6 months ago |
ha-bridge/805 |
Home automation bridge that emulates a Philips Hue light system and can control other systems such as a Vera, Harmony Hub, Nest, MiLight bulbs or any other system that has an http/https/tcp/udp interface. This is a compact impl to run on small format computers. This is impl started from this project https://github.com/armzilla/amazon-echo-ha-bridge. |
1410 |
331 |
18 |
3 years ago |
MVCHelper/806 |
实现下拉刷新,滚动底部自动加载更多,分页加载,自动切换显示网络失败布局,暂无数据布局,支持任意view,支持切换主流下拉刷新框架,真正的android MVC架构,listview,RecyclerView,refresh,loadmore |
1410 |
633 |
1109 |
2 hours ago |
mage/807 |
Magic Another Game Engine |
1409 |
631 |
51 |
11 hours ago |
maps/808 |
A Mapbox react native module for creating custom maps |
1409 |
410 |
5 |
15 days ago |
AndroidStudy/809 |
🔥 Android学习知识点总结 Jetpack、MVVM、Kotlin、ViewPager2、JUC多线程等,欢迎star! |
1407 |
805 |
36 |
5 years ago |
beauty_ssm/810 |
优雅的SSM(Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis)框架 |
1405 |
567 |
64 |
4 months ago |
jsprit/811 |
jsprit is a java based, open source toolkit for solving rich vehicle routing problems |
1404 |
397 |
54 |
6 years ago |
MaterialTabs/812 |
Custom Tabs with Material Design effects |
1401 |
5 |
5 |
7 years ago |
ots15-companion/813 |
Opentech Event app |
1400 |
286 |
34 |
1 year, 22 days ago |
git-commit-id-maven-plugin/814 |
Maven plugin which includes build-time git repository information into an POJO / *.properties). Make your apps tell you which version exactly they were built from! Priceless in large distributed deployments... :-) |
1398 |
347 |
28 |
3 years ago |
Android-ParallaxHeaderViewPager/815 |
1397 |
402 |
8 |
7 years ago |
LDrawer/816 |
Android drawer icon with material design animation |
1397 |
663 |
17 |
7 days ago |
Springboot-Notebook/817 |
Springboot-Notebook 一个以 springboot 为基础开发框架, 整合 Redis 、Mysql 、 Rabbitmq 、ES 、MongoDB、sharding-jdbc 分库分表、zookeeper 、web人脸识别 、实时消息推送 、SQL优化、注册中心 、数据脱敏 等互联网主流技术, 文章图解理论配合实战案例,实现开发中常见功能点的综合项目。 本着拿来即用的原则,助力于减少开发者在工作中的学习成本。 |
1396 |
120 |
10 |
2 months ago |
flow-core-x/818 |
Powerful and user-friendly CI / CD server with high availability, parallel build, agent scaling |
1394 |
127 |
6 |
4 months ago |
phrase/819 |
Phrase is an Android string resource templating library |
1392 |
168 |
13 |
4 years ago |
mkloader/820 |
Beautiful and smooth custom loading views |
1392 |
52 |
27 |
4 years ago |
tailor/821 |
Cross-platform static analyzer and linter for Swift. |
1391 |
373 |
28 |
6 years ago |
Android-AlertView/822 |
仿iOS的AlertViewController |
1389 |
171 |
8 |
5 years ago |
Particle/823 |
It's a cool animation which can use in splash or somewhere else. |
1387 |
361 |
26 |
a month ago |
sonarqube-community-branch-plugin/824 |
A plugin that allows branch analysis and pull request decoration in the Community version of Sonarqube |
1386 |
742 |
22 |
3 years ago |
httpclientutil/825 |
该项目基于HttpClient-4.4.1封装的一个工具类。提供了更为简单的GET、POST及上传下载等功能。同时支持插件式配置Http-Header(包含自定义header)、配置SSL和Proxy等。 |
1380 |
495 |
0 |
2 years ago |
android-FingerprintDialog/826 |
Migrated: |
1382 |
120 |
1 |
5 years ago |
AnimatorDurationTile/827 |
A quick settings tile to quickly set the animator duration scale. |
1378 |
295 |
2 |
4 months ago |
servo/828 |
Netflix Application Monitoring Library |
1378 |
302 |
70 |
3 months ago |
jnativehook/829 |
Global keyboard and mouse listeners for Java. |
1376 |
338 |
2 |
2 years ago |
QBox/830 |
🐈 RxJava+Retrofit+Okhttp+Glide + A life tool App, contains modules: news; jokes; constellation fortune; LED; weather; calendar; two-dimensional code, and more ... 小秋魔盒是一个生活工具 App,主要功能有:新闻资讯;微信精选美文;笑话趣图;星座运势;LED字幕;天气;日历;二维码;手电筒;老黄历。在开发中尽可能多的用了目前比较流行的框架和库。 |
1376 |
189 |
1 |
a month ago |
TitleBar/831 |
Android 标题栏框架,从此布局属性不用记 |
1375 |
286 |
32 |
30 days ago |
bootique/832 |
Bootique is a minimally opinionated platform for modern runnable Java apps. |
1373 |
328 |
27 |
4 years ago |
HeaderAndFooterRecyclerView/833 |
A RecyclerView solution, support addHeaderView、addFooterView |
1370 |
245 |
26 |
4 years ago |
AlignTextView/834 |
字体对齐的textview |
1369 |
206 |
214 |
3 months ago |
gh4a/835 |
Github client for Android |
1367 |
212 |
12 |
5 years ago |
Amigo/836 |
A hotfix library for Android platform, and not just this... |
1367 |
226 |
14 |
3 months ago |
android-morphing-button/837 |
Android Morphing Button |
1364 |
314 |
0 |
2 years ago |
JD-Test/838 |
仿京东app 全新组件化架构升级 |
1363 |
253 |
73 |
a month ago |
react-native-geolocation-service/839 |
React native geolocation service for iOS and android |
1368 |
249 |
0 |
2 years ago |
BezierMaker/840 |
🔥 通过de Casteljau算法绘制贝塞尔曲线,并计算它的切线,实现1-7阶贝塞尔曲线的形成动画。 |
1361 |
285 |
5 |
21 hours ago |
mica/841 |
Spring Cloud 微服务开发核心工具集。工具类、验证码、http、redis、ip2region、xss 等,开箱即用。 🔝 🔝 记得右上角点个star 关注更新! |
1358 |
942 |
263 |
3 years ago |
cordova-plugin-background-mode/842 |
Keep app running in background |
1358 |
461 |
17 |
3 years ago |
canal_mysql_nosql_sync/843 |
基于canal 的 mysql 与 redis/memcached/mongodb 的 nosql 数据实时同步方案 案例 demo canal client |
1354 |
266 |
21 |
7 years ago |
Android-StepsView/844 |
Android-StepsView |
1346 |
81 |
37 |
4 days ago |
manifold/845 |
Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more. |
1346 |
221 |
13 |
4 years ago |
RecyclerTabLayout/846 |
An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView. |
1346 |
369 |
17 |
4 years ago |
strman-java/847 |
A Java 8 string manipulation library. |
1344 |
209 |
13 |
6 months ago |
reflectasm/848 |
High performance Java reflection |
1340 |
202 |
7 |
5 years ago |
MaterialBadgeTextView/849 |
As the name describes, this is an Android library that you can use to show new messages badge and new features badge. |
1340 |
181 |
13 |
1 year, 8 days ago |
RecyclerView-FastScroll/850 |
A simple FastScroller for Android's RecyclerView |
1339 |
468 |
115 |
30 days ago |
CountryCodePickerProject/851 |
Country Code Picker (CCP) is an android library which provides an easy way to search and select country or international phone code. Also supports Android EditText phone mask and international phone validation. |
1341 |
222 |
10 |
1 year, 10 months ago |
Paginate/852 |
Library for creating simple pagination functionality upon RecyclerView and AbsListView |
1334 |
169 |
16 |
6 years ago |
FloatingSearchView/853 |
Yet another floating search view implementation, also known as persistent search. |
1333 |
1037 |
11 |
7 days ago |
geotools/854 |
Official GeoTools repository |
1331 |
345 |
3 |
12 days ago |
AndroidAll/855 |
Android 程序员需要掌握的技术栈:数据结构算法、程序架构、设计模式、性能优化、Kotlin、NDK、Jetpack,以及常用的开源框架源码分析如 Flutter、Router、RxJava、Glide、LeakCanary、Dagger2、Retrofit、OkHttp、ButterKnife 等 |
1329 |
453 |
5 |
3 days ago |
sonic-server/856 |
🎉Back end of Sonic cloud real machine testing platform. Sonic云真机测试平台后端服务。 |
1328 |
262 |
30 |
5 months ago |
zt-zip/857 |
ZeroTurnaround ZIP Library |
1327 |
259 |
11 |
2 years ago |
UpdatePlugin/858 |
可任意定制的app更新组件。 |
1322 |
344 |
14 |
7 days ago |
itext7/859 |
iText 7 for Java represents the next level of SDKs for developers that want to take advantage of the benefits PDF can bring. Equipped with a better document engine, high and low-level programming capabilities and the ability to create, edit and enhance PDF documents, iText 7 can be a boon to nearly every workflow. |
1321 |
188 |
6 |
6 months ago |
EasyFlipView/860 |
💳 A quick and easy flip view through which you can create views with two sides like credit cards, poker cards etc. |
1321 |
146 |
24 |
3 years ago |
Cipher.so/861 |
A simple way to encrypt your secure data like passwords into a native .so library. |
1320 |
277 |
14 |
3 years ago |
MaterialDateRangePicker/862 |
A material Date Range Picker based on wdullaers MaterialDateTimePicker |
1320 |
369 |
2 |
5 years ago |
AndroidMultiChannelBuildTool/863 |
安卓多渠道打包工具 |
1319 |
138 |
37 |
3 months ago |
FloatingActionButtonSpeedDial/864 |
A Floating Action Button Speed Dial implementation for Android that follows the Material Design specification (https://material.io/components/buttons-floating-action-button#types-of-transitions) |
1318 |
430 |
8 |
5 years ago |
ColorfulNews/865 |
A news-reading App (MVP+Dagger2+RxJava+Retrofit2+Material Design) |
1317 |
147 |
1 |
30 days ago |
HaE/866 |
HaE - Highlighter and Extractor, 赋能白帽 高效作战 |
1317 |
156 |
143 |
11 months ago |
jsweet/867 |
A Java to JavaScript transpiler. |
1316 |
182 |
9 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
AnimatedPieView/868 |
// 一个好吃的甜甜圈? |
1316 |
140 |
1 |
4 months ago |
EventHub/869 |
An open source event analytics platform |
1316 |
575 |
26 |
8 years ago |
android-actionbar/870 |
DEPRECATED Android Action Bar Implementation |
1315 |
925 |
1 |
2 years ago |
RandomImage/871 |
一个能够获取随机图片的 Api,使用 SpringBoot 构建 |
1314 |
471 |
34 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
pi4j-v1/872 |
Java I/O library for Raspberry Pi (GPIO, I2C, SPI, UART) |
1310 |
246 |
10 |
3 years ago |
firing-range/873 |
None |
1308 |
431 |
0 |
1 year, 9 months ago |
android-utils/874 |
It contains most of the Android utility classes. |
1307 |
231 |
8 |
5 years ago |
PreLollipopTransition/875 |
Simple tool which help you to implement activity and fragment transition for pre-Lollipop devices. |
1306 |
576 |
0 |
4 years ago |
kkkajs/876 |
my js project |
1304 |
218 |
1 |
2 years ago |
GifLoadingView/877 |
Some loading GIF . |
1303 |
306 |
15 |
6 years ago |
WaveView/878 |
A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar. |
1299 |
223 |
35 |
4 years ago |
RoboBinding/879 |
A data-binding Presentation Model(MVVM) framework for the Android platform. |
1301 |
535 |
251 |
3 months ago |
spring-statemachine/880 |
Spring Statemachine is a framework for application developers to use state machine concepts with Spring. |
1299 |
294 |
8 |
5 years ago |
XDroid/881 |
轻量级Android快速开发框架 |
1296 |
155 |
11 |
1 year, 8 months ago |
SimpleRatingBar/882 |
A simple RatingBar that you can easier to customize image and animations |
1296 |
213 |
6 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
live-transcribe-speech-engine/883 |
Live Transcribe is an Android application that provides real-time captioning for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. This repository contains the Android client libraries for communicating with Google's Cloud Speech API that are used in Live Transcribe. |
1296 |
394 |
6 |
5 years ago |
Android-SwipeToDismiss/884 |
Android swipe-to-dismiss mini-library and sample code |
1294 |
185 |
12 |
5 years ago |
AnimShopButton/885 |
A shopping cart button with a telescopic displacement rotation animation ...一个带伸缩位移旋转动画的购物车按钮 |
1294 |
197 |
11 |
5 years ago |
ParticleTextView/886 |
一个用粒子动画显示文字的 Android 自定义 View |
1293 |
282 |
6 |
2 years ago |
GoogleProgressBar/887 |
Android library to display progress like google does in some of his services. |
1292 |
162 |
9 |
4 years ago |
Crescento/888 |
Add curve at bottom of image views and relative layouts. |
1292 |
148 |
2 |
3 years ago |
coolMenu/889 |
A Cool Cards Menu Concept |
1290 |
260 |
41 |
4 years ago |
RapidFloatingActionButton/890 |
Quick solutions for Floating Action Button,RapidFloatingActionButton(RFAB) |
1288 |
117 |
21 |
2 years ago |
ea-async/891 |
EA Async implements async-await methods in the JVM. |
1286 |
324 |
554 |
a month ago |
CodenameOne/892 |
Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web. |
1286 |
339 |
355 |
3 days ago |
dependency-track/893 |
Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain. |
1285 |
827 |
167 |
2 years ago |
dr-elephant/894 |
Dr. Elephant is a job and flow-level performance monitoring and tuning tool for Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark |
1283 |
431 |
49 |
9 hours ago |
google-http-java-client/895 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java |
1282 |
493 |
2 |
3 months ago |
pysonar2/896 |
PySonar2: a semantic indexer for Python with interprocedual type inference |
1281 |
317 |
11 |
5 years ago |
RxjavaRetrofitDemo/897 |
A demo show how to use Retrofit with Rxjava |
1282 |
125 |
103 |
8 days ago |
Shelter/898 |
SThis repository is a mirror of https://gitea.angry.im/PeterCxy/Shelter |
1282 |
404 |
1 |
6 days ago |
FAANG/899 |
Competitive programming questions. |
1281 |
225 |
86 |
5 years ago |
pegdown/900 |
A pure-Java Markdown processor based on a parboiled PEG parser supporting a number of extensions |
898 |
122 |
7 |
5 years ago |
IconSwitch/901 |
🍭 Custom Android Switch widget |
896 |
142 |
22 |
2 months ago |
param-miner/902 |
None |
895 |
199 |
30 |
1 year, 1 month ago |
react-native-sensitive-info/903 |
Save sensitive data into Android's Shared Preferences with keystore encryption/iOS's Keychain for React Native |
893 |
432 |
4 |
7 years ago |
Volley-demo/904 |
An demonstration of Volley - HTTP library announced by google in I/O 2013. Illustrates, JSONRequest,StringRequest, Image caching. |
894 |
305 |
132 |
5 days ago |
imagej2/905 |
Open scientific N-dimensional image processing 🔬 🎇 |
893 |
98 |
1 |
2 years ago |
android-arscblamer/906 |
ArscBlamer is a command-line tool that can parse an Android app's resources.arsc file and extract useful, actionable information about its contents |
894 |
133 |
11 |
1 year, 6 months ago |
fresco-processors/907 |
An Android image processor library providing a variety of image transformations for Fresco. |
892 |
268 |
1 |
5 years ago |
PullToZoomInListView/908 |
An Android custom ListView with pull to zoom-in and parallax effect header like Path App. |
891 |
123 |
2 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
SearchMenuAnim/909 |
None |
889 |
74 |
1 |
5 years ago |
LowPoly/910 |
LowPoly For Android |
890 |
87 |
6 |
6 years ago |
Shuffle/911 |
An easy to use swiping-view for Android |
888 |
157 |
6 |
4 years ago |
MaterialPowerMenu/912 |
A demo of the power menu with Reveal and other animations |
887 |
199 |
14 |
2 years ago |
AndroidArchitecture/913 |
Recommended architecture by Android |
883 |
571 |
8 |
6 years ago |
dubbo-spring-boot-mybatis-redis/914 |
通过dubbo+spring boot+mybatis+redis等主流技术搭建成一套分布式服务框架 |
884 |
550 |
3 |
10 years ago |
androidpn/915 |
An open source project to provide push notification support for Android -- a xmpp based notification server and a client tool kit. |
886 |
180 |
5 |
6 years ago |
YahooNewsOnboarding/916 |
Demo of the onboarding animations of Yahoo News App |
883 |
543 |
5 |
3 years ago |
QuickNews/917 |
this is a news to the client |
884 |
121 |
6 |
6 years ago |
MVVM_Hacker_News/918 |
Android MVVM experiment project using the official Data Binding library |
882 |
394 |
8 |
6 years ago |
BadgeView/919 |
An extended TextView that mimics the iOS Springboard 'badges'. It can be overlaid on any other item. |
882 |
199 |
39 |
a month ago |
jave2/920 |
The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project |
881 |
141 |
12 |
7 days ago |
java-diff-utils/921 |
Diff Utils library is an OpenSource library for performing the comparison / diff operations between texts or some kind of data: computing diffs, applying patches, generating unified diffs or parsing them, generating diff output for easy future displaying (like side-by-side view) and so on. |
881 |
474 |
3 |
6 years ago |
camus/922 |
LinkedIn's previous generation Kafka to HDFS pipeline. |
881 |
269 |
47 |
4 years ago |
WheelView/923 |
An Android Widget for selecting items that rotate on a wheel. |
881 |
198 |
27 |
4 years ago |
Mizuu/924 |
Popular media indexer app for Android. No longer maintained. DEPRECATED. |
877 |
586 |
14 |
7 years ago |
XListView-Android/925 |
ListView supports pull refresh and pull up to load more feature. |
878 |
132 |
5 |
a month ago |
EasyHttp/926 |
Android 网络请求框架,简单易用,so easy |
878 |
242 |
402 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
opentasks/927 |
A task app for Android |
876 |
340 |
112 |
a month ago |
Mallet/928 |
MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text. |
875 |
113 |
0 |
5 years ago |
qart4j/929 |
QR code ASCII art for java |
873 |
282 |
1 |
7 years ago |
Android-PullLayout/930 |
仿UC天气下拉和微信下拉眼睛 |
875 |
238 |
0 |
3 years ago |
Basic/931 |
🙈 mvvm flow 协程 |
873 |
100 |
6 |
4 years ago |
BezierViewPager/932 |
BezierView |
872 |
157 |
6 |
6 years ago |
QQBubbleView/933 |
利用三阶贝塞尔曲线模仿QQ空间直播页面右下角的礼物冒泡特效 |
869 |
229 |
61 |
5 years ago |
seyren/934 |
An alerting dashboard for Graphite |
873 |
149 |
2 |
5 years ago |
SideBar/935 |
全新的快速索引导航栏,联系人字母排序侧边栏。 |
869 |
283 |
22 |
2 years ago |
AudioVideoRecordingSample/936 |
Simultaneous audio and video recording sample using MediaCodec/MediaMuxer |
868 |
411 |
13 |
4 years ago |
sso/937 |
cas单点登录系统,其中包括cas认证服务,配置中心,监控平台,服务管理的高可用项目 |
867 |
194 |
14 |
4 years ago |
ThemeSkinning/938 |
A library can easy to change your app's theme for android |
866 |
583 |
12 |
7 months ago |
logging-log4j1/939 |
Apache log4j1 |
866 |
458 |
12 |
2 years ago |
java-nio-server/940 |
A Java NIO Server using non-blocking IO all the way through. |
862 |
196 |
12 |
5 years ago |
WeexOne/941 |
Weex [one 一个]客户端 |
863 |
235 |
42 |
4 years ago |
MockLocationDetector/942 |
An android library to help detect mock locations |
863 |
290 |
74 |
7 years ago |
HorizontalVariableListView/943 |
Horizontal list view for Android which allows variable items widths |
863 |
256 |
34 |
a month ago |
browser/944 |
A simple Android webbrowser based on webview. |
862 |
68 |
8 |
2 years ago |
RuntimePermission/945 |
Simpliest way to ask runtime permissions on Android, no need to extend class or override permissionResult method, choose your way : Kotlin / Coroutines / RxJava / Java7 / Java8 |
861 |
327 |
9 |
4 years ago |
PullScrollView/946 |
1.仿照新浪微博Android客户端个人中心的ScrollView,下拉背景伸缩回弹效果。 2.ScrollView仿IOS回弹效果。 |
861 |
819 |
475 |
2 years ago |
smarthome/947 |
Eclipse SmartHome™ project |
861 |
200 |
32 |
6 days ago |
eventuate-tram-sagas/948 |
Sagas for microservices |
859 |
230 |
2 |
5 years ago |
A-MusicView/949 |
此项目已废弃 |
859 |
90 |
23 |
6 months ago |
progressbar/950 |
Terminal-based progress bar for Java / JVM |
858 |
260 |
8 |
4 years ago |
MVP-RxJava-Hybride/951 |
This is an Android MVP model good architecture design,Which also inherited the Android architecture and HTML 5 interaction。(这是一个Android MVP模型良好的架构设计,同时也做了Android和HTML 5交互架构,用到了RxJava+Retrofit+MVP+泛型缩减mvp+模板模式+命令模式+观察者模式+管理者模式 +简单工厂模式) |
856 |
290 |
16 |
6 years ago |
OkHttpFinal/952 |
OkHttp封装的一个简单易用HTTP请求 |
856 |
553 |
426 |
22 days ago |
Mobile-SDK-Android/953 |
DJI Mobile SDK for Android: http://developer.dji.com/mobile-sdk/ |
854 |
181 |
7 |
1 year, 8 months ago |
react-native-web-monorepo/954 |
Code sharing between iOS, Android & Web using monorepo |
852 |
219 |
2 |
4 years ago |
BuildingBlocks/955 |
Building Blocks - To help you quickly and easily take to build their own applications. |
852 |
164 |
74 |
6 months ago |
spatial4j/956 |
LocationTech Spatial4j: A Geospatial Library for Java |
848 |
523 |
14 |
9 years ago |
Argo/957 |
58.com轻量级web框架 |
849 |
308 |
25 |
4 years ago |
Final-Android-Resizer/958 |
A simple yet powerful resizer for Android Image resources |
848 |
226 |
75 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
univocity-parsers/959 |
uniVocity-parsers is a suite of extremely fast and reliable parsers for Java. It provides a consistent interface for handling different file formats, and a solid framework for the development of new parsers. |
845 |
194 |
75 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
uReplicator/960 |
Improvement of Apache Kafka Mirrormaker |
841 |
78 |
6 |
4 years ago |
AdaptableBottomNavigation/961 |
A simpler way for implementing the Bottom Navigation View on Android |
842 |
395 |
32 |
a month ago |
xxl-api/962 |
A api management platform.(API管理平台XXL-API) |
842 |
246 |
0 |
8 days ago |
java/963 |
Structurizr for Java |
843 |
110 |
70 |
1 year, 4 months ago |
heroic/964 |
The Heroic Time Series Database |
840 |
803 |
20 |
1 year, 7 months ago |
microservices-demo/965 |
Demo application to go with Blog on spring.io |
839 |
105 |
6 |
4 days ago |
BilibiliDown/966 |
(GUI-多平台支持) B站 哔哩哔哩 视频下载器。支持稍后再看、收藏夹、UP主视频批量下载 |
838 |
401 |
4 |
1 year, 11 months ago |
SkyEye/967 |
对java、scala等运行于jvm的程序进行实时日志采集、索引和可视化,对系统进行进程级别的监控,对系统内部的操作进行策略性的报警、对分布式的rpc调用进行trace跟踪以便于进行性能分析 |
837 |
386 |
80 |
3 months ago |
alipay-easysdk/968 |
Alipay Easy SDK for multi-language(java、c#、php、ts etc.) allows you to enjoy a minimalist programming experience and quickly access the various high-frequency capabilities of the Alipay Open Platform. |
837 |
296 |
92 |
1 year, 3 months ago |
excel-streaming-reader/969 |
An easy-to-use implementation of a streaming Excel reader using Apache POI |
836 |
43 |
19 |
2 months ago |
mammoth/970 |
Scale a single world horizontally across multiple Minecraft servers. |
836 |
126 |
27 |
2 years ago |
kuromoji/971 |
Kuromoji is a self-contained and very easy to use Japanese morphological analyzer designed for search |
839 |
300 |
13 |
2 years ago |
Bluetooth-LE-Library---Android/972 |
This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's AdRecord and RSSI value. It offers additional functionality for iBeacons. |
835 |
176 |
48 |
6 months ago |
CVE-2021-44228-Scanner/973 |
Vulnerability scanner and mitigation patch for Log4j2 CVE-2021-44228 |
833 |
147 |
1 |
5 years ago |
android-player/974 |
Android animation when entering new screen. |
833 |
245 |
104 |
a day ago |
tispark/975 |
TiSpark is built for running Apache Spark on top of TiDB/TiKV |
832 |
225 |
25 |
9 years ago |
Android-BitmapCache/976 |
Android-BitmapCache is a specialised cache, for use with Android Bitmap objects. |
830 |
111 |
3 |
6 years ago |
SwipeAwayDialog/977 |
DialogFragment swipeable away like Tinder UI. |
831 |
350 |
14 |
5 years ago |
android-lite-http/978 |
LiteHttp is a simple, intelligent and flexible HTTP framework for Android. With LiteHttp you can make HTTP request with only one line of code! It could convert a java model to the parameter and rander the response JSON as a java model intelligently. |
829 |
170 |
13 |
7 years ago |
DrawerArrowDrawable/979 |
Visual back-port of the rotating drawer-to-arrow drawable from Android L |
831 |
421 |
7 |
5 years ago |
mina/980 |
Mirror of Apache MINA |
829 |
111 |
4 |
6 years ago |
BezierLoadingView/981 |
Cool bezier loading view |
827 |
224 |
8 |
5 months ago |
IdCardOCR/982 |
身份证正反面识别,身份证扫描识别,二代身份证OCR识别,OCR极速识别身份证所有信息正反面均可。离线无需联网,极速秒扫。 |
827 |
174 |
88 |
3 months ago |
react-native-geolocation/983 |
Geolocation APIs for React Native |
823 |
75 |
1 |
6 months ago |
CS-study/984 |
🌎 진정한 컴퓨터공학도가 되기 위한 우리들의 지식 정리 공간 💥 |
822 |
152 |
15 |
1 year, 2 months ago |
ExoPlayerFilter/985 |
This library uses OpenGL Shaders to apply effects on ExoPlayer video at Runtime |
822 |
535 |
332 |
4 years ago |
ews-java-api/986 |
A java client library to access Exchange web services. The API works against Office 365 Exchange Online as well as on premises Exchange. |
816 |
129 |
9 |
3 years ago |
SwipeMenu/987 |
[DEPRECATED] A swipe menu for horizontal/vertical, support left/right and top/bottom directions |
821 |
124 |
4 |
6 years ago |
android-design-support-lib-sample/988 |
Just Sample how to use the android design support lib |
815 |
202 |
4 |
6 years ago |
CircleProgress/989 |
A circle progress animation view on Android |
816 |
71 |
2 |
2 years ago |
StatefulLayout/990 |
Android layout to show template for loading, empty, error etc. states |
818 |
510 |
775 |
a month ago |
spring-data-rest/991 |
Simplifies building hypermedia-driven REST web services on top of Spring Data repositories |
818 |
142 |
21 |
1 year, 10 days ago |
javafx-maven-plugin/992 |
Maven plugin for JavaFX |
815 |
147 |
15 |
5 months ago |
cv4j/993 |
The target is to set up a high quality and real-time image process and machine learning library which is implemented in pure java. The framework can run application on java desktop and android platform. |
815 |
126 |
28 |
a month ago |
twoyi/994 |
A lightweight Android container on Android |
814 |
226 |
6 |
6 years ago |
Android-ProgressFragment/995 |
Implementation of the fragment with the ability to display indeterminate progress indicator when you are waiting for the initial data. |
813 |
188 |
35 |
3 months ago |
Singularity/996 |
Scheduler (HTTP API and webapp) for running Mesos tasks—long running processes, one-off tasks, and scheduled jobs. #hubspot-open-source |
813 |
151 |
8 |
5 years ago |
FlippableStackView/997 |
An Android library introducing a stack of Views with the first item being flippable. |
812 |
164 |
19 |
3 months ago |
rome/998 |
Java library for RSS and Atom feeds |
811 |
212 |
2 |
10 months ago |
EasyReader/999 |
用知乎和gankio 网易新闻 豆瓣电影的API,模仿网易云音乐UI来完成一个基于Material Design +Rxjava + Retrofit + dagger2 + MVP构架的项目 |
811 |
183 |
5 |
5 years ago |
MixtureTextView/1000 |
支持Android图文混排、文字环绕图片等效果 |