from hab studio:
from hab studio:
there are two options...
to load infra nodes with failed runs:
for _ in {1..500} ; do m=$((RANDOM % 4)); n=$((RANDOM % 25)); generate_chef_run_failure_example | jq --arg msg "Error $n occurred" --arg type "Chef::ExampleError$m" '.error.message = $msg | .error.class = $type' | send_chef_data_raw https://A2-URL $TOKEN; done
note: play with the args to generate more varied data
from hab studio:
from hab studio:
from hab studio:
there are three options...
chef_load_compliance_scans -N100 -D4 -M3 -T1000
100 nodes, scanning for the past 4 days, max of 3 node scans per day, no more than 1000 total scans. modify the numbers on each of those options to meet your needs.
runs the above command with the following easy default options:
-N50 -D10 -M1 -T500
will send the reports located in
to your dev environment. these reports are populated with fields such as chef_server, organization, policy_name. these reports are especially useful when you need to test search bar functionality for multiple search fields or resource scoped access ingest match rules.
from hab studio:
run load_scan_jobs
this should be done by downloading profiles from the "Available" tab under the Compliance->Profiles
use the
functionality to get your temporary aws credentials -
get your credentials:
cat ~/.aws/credentials
use the api to add integrations using these credentials:
curl -s --insecure -H "api-token: $token_value" https://a2-dev.test/api/v0/nodemanagers -d '{
"name": "my aws api integration with session token",
"type": "aws-api",
"instance_credentials": [],
"credential_data": [
{"key": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "value": "your-aws-access-key" },
{"key": "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "value": "your-aws-secret-key" },
{"key": "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN", "value": "your-aws-token" }
Note: to add an ec2 integration for aws, change type from "aws-api" to "aws-ec2"
If testing in an instance running in AWS, you can use the "read creds from cloud env" option to make things easier.
from hab studio:
ensure you have jq
there are four options...
By default, 50 records of the infra servers and orgs will be added with the prefix
respectively. *Only for servers & organizations testing does not get cookbooks, roles, data bags, environments etc data. -
infra_service_load_sample_data -N 100 -S infra-server -O infra-org
100 records of the infra servers and orgs will be added, modify the numbers on each of those options to meet your needs. *Only for servers & organizations testing does not get cookbooks, roles, data bags, environments etc data.
internal steps it will add the chef infra server detail running on AWS ec2 instance and will allow you to get data like cookbooks, roles, data bags, environments etc.
This will spin up the local chef infra server and it will add the data resides at chef-repo folder using
knife upload
- Ensure Chef Infra Server is running. If it is not start it with
- Then run
to delete the postgres scanjobs data:
A2_URL='https://a2-dev.test' A2_TOKEN='token_val' components/compliance-service/scripts/
to delete the elasticsearch data:
curl -s http://localhost:10141/_cat/indices/comp*?h=i | while read compliance_index; do curl -X DELETE http://localhost:10141/$compliance_index; done
we don't have hab studio when we're trying to load data into a built instance of automate, so we have to do things a bit differently.
modify components/ingest-service/chef-load-data/chef-load.toml
to point to the desired automate instance and include an ingest token:
data_collector_url = "https://a2-url/data-collector/v0"
data_collector_token = "token"
modify .studio/chef-load
's prepare_chef_load function to be only:
function prepare_chef_load() {
cp components/ingest-service/chef-load-data/chef-load.toml /tmp/chef-load.toml
install_if_missing core/busybox-static netstat;
install_if_missing chef/chef-load chef-load;
source .studio/chef-load
follow the instructions for "Modifying the hab studio functions to talk to another automate url" then:
Troubleshooting If your event feed guitar string graph does not show up locally in the UI run:
go_update_component config-mgmt-service
from your hab studio:
for _ in {1..500} ; do m=$((RANDOM % 4)); n=$((RANDOM % 25)); generate_chef_run_failure_example | jq --arg msg "Error $n occurred" --arg type "Chef::ExampleError$m" '.error.message = $msg | .error.class = $type' | send_chef_data_raw https://A2-URL $TOKEN; done
note: play with the args to generate more varied data
follow the instructions for "Modifying the hab studio functions to talk to another automate url"
components/compliance-service/test_data/audit_reports/ https://a2-url token_value
follow the instructions for "Modifying the hab studio functions to talk to another automate url"
same instructions as dev env
create a credential with your chef AD username and your key (~/.ssh/id_rsa)
create a node with fqdn localhost
, attach the credential (https://a2-url/compliance/scan-jobs/nodes/add)
create a scan job using that node and profiles installed