Demo - Omega
Built Using -
- Gatsby
- TailwindCSS
- PostCSS
- Sharp for Image Optimization
- Helmet for SEO
- Disqus for comments
Omega supports MDX as blog posts.
To create a post -
git clone
cd Gatsby Blog Starter
npm i
gatsby develop
to run the dev server- To create a blog post -
- Create a folder inside
folder with name of your post - Inside the folder, create a file called
where postName is the name of your post. - Put all images related to that post in
folder. - Each Blog Post supports MDX and allows you to add an image inline using MDX syntax.
- Each Blog Post requires a frontmatter consisting of title, author, date and image (image is the main blog image used)
- Create a folder inside
- The standard URL for your blogpost would be
- To allow users to comment and react on your post -
- Sign up on Disqus and create a new site
- Copy that site's shortname and add it to
- Update title, description on
- Update keywords for blogposts and landing page.
- Dark Mode
- CMS using contentful or wordpress API
- Pagination for home page and filter
- Subsribe and Newsletter integration