- Done: re-map the gl axes to the more understandable "Z-up" logic
- Fixed: camera movement issues
- Fixed: backbone localstorage persistence
- Fixed: add settings persistence
- Fixed: views refresh when creating new file
- Fixed: cannot save ProjectFile(s)
- Fixed: issue with old model still appearing if there was a script error
- Done: make the settings view actually set the settings
- Fixed: save & load (ui side)
- Fixed: grid/shadowing issues
- Fixed: save & load (ui side)
- Fixed: grid/shadowing issues
- Fixed: add "console" view to see error output from script compiling
- Done: allow resizing of main views
- Done: add various usefull enhancements to the code editor
- Done: cleanup "App" code (as in , the Marionette.App instance)
- Done: make grid , well, "gridier"
- Fixed: add "syntaxic sugar" on top of csg.js
- Fixed: add search & replace functionality for code
- Fixed: add "include" statement to reference other files
- Done: correctly define level of indentation for scripts
- Done: handle edited but unsaved files correctly
- Done: improve view controls
- Done: add finer grain option for csg compiling
- Done: add help and examples , accessible within the ui
- Fixed: only open one editor at once
- Fixed: add light rotation with camera
- Fixed: cylinder doesn't move?
- Fixed: recent project list viewing
- Done: add theme support
- Done: add a "BOM" (bill of materials) type system
- Done: add openscad-like hull()
- Done: code editor stays in front of other windows
- Done: (Re) Add background processing for speedup
- Done: define clearly the notions of part & assembly
- Done: windows Cakefile
- Done: change axes size.
- Fixed: add "actual" file browser
- Fixed: project deletion bug
- Fixed: panning
- Done: find a way to create a library like system
- Done: add log system
- Done: allow passing in array of 2d shapes to hull
- Done: code Editor too big
- Fixed: bom issues
- Done: "change" event triggering in case of compile failure
- Done: using the coffeescad.org domain name
- Done: object translation applied to original object not a copy
- Done: aspect ratio of rendered object is relative to browser window.
- Done: parse error in src/app/config.coffee
- Done: add "structural" object rendering
- Done: shadows
- Done: add option to set grid numbering on the border of the grid
- Done: grid transparency issues
- Fixed: display correct line number for errors
- Done: display log messages AND errors
- Done: make code editor window transparent
- Done: add auto save
- Fixed: solve Z-fighting issues
- Fixed: grid numbering blurriness in the distance
- Fixed: object (3d) visual style applying for complex hiearchies
- Done: move to LESS for stylesheets
- Done: dev
- Done: code folding
- Done: code Editor indentation problems
- Fixed: correct self shadowing/ object to object shadows
- Done: add code editor theming
- Fixed: localstorage projects list erasion issue
- Fixed: crash in project overwrite (etc) dialog
- Done: add save/load of COMPILED assembly
- Fixed: style sheet compile failure
- Done: add option to reset settings to defaults
- Fixed: browserStore project's list clearing bug
- Fixed: add option to "dump" a full store
- Fixed: thumbnails system
- Done: parameters
- Done: improve display of dimensions when selecting an object
- Fixed: add volume calculation for objects
- Fixed: add "crease edge"+"outline" detection shader
- Done: subtracting an intersecting shape
- Fixed: issue with black screen at visual editor startup
- Fixed: issue with visual editor lateral offset in firefox
- Fixed: add option to turn outlines on /off
- Fixed: axis overlay display
- Fixed: slight outline bluriness issue after resize
- Fixed: lessc compiling on recent version of node/less
- Fixed: switching between orthographic and perspecitve
- Done: move view settings : ortho, left right etc to main toolbar
- Fixed: bug with auto reloaded project -> new project -> compile not updating in stl and bom exporters
- Fixed: bug : axis overlay should also be changed when switching view modes