Jqf is a CLI JSON processor with JavaScript function syntax.
Show documentation: https://jqf.kamataryo.com
Node.js > 16
$ npm install jqf --global
With npx
$ echo '{"hello": "world"}' | npx jqf 'x => x.hello'
npx: installed 10 in 4.419s
$ echo '{"hello": "world"}' | jqf 'x => x.hello'
Array processing example with find
$ echo '["apple", "orange", "banana"]' | jqf --raw-string-output '
fruits => fruits
.find(fruit => fruit[0] === "a")
Non JSON output (example if you tried to return a function literal):
$ echo '{}' | jqf '() => (x => x)'
Merge stdin streams:
# The merged streams with line-breaks will be placed ordered arguments.
$ cat <(echo '{"value":1}') <(echo '{"value":2}') | \
jqf '(x, y) => x.value + y.value'
sub commands: NOTE sub commands ignore input with multiple streams described above and treat only 1st argument.
# equivalent with `jqf 'arr => arr.map(num => num + 1)'
$ echo '[1,2]' | jqf map --minify 'num => num + 1'
$ echo '[1,2,3]' | jqf reduce '(prev, val) => prev + val' '0'
Security inside sandbox:
$ echo '{}' | jqf '() => require("fs").readFileSync("/path/to/secret")'
[error] require is not defined
[error] The argument should be a valid executable JavaScript function.
NOTE: see also safe-eval package for sandbox features.
$ jqf -h
Usage: jqf [method] [options] "<JavaScript function...>"
Process stdin JSON string with JavaScript function.
-V, --version output the version number
-r, --raw-string-output no quotations with string output
-m, --minify minify output JSON
-h, --help output usage information
$ jqf 'obj => obj.value'
$ jqf map 'arr => arr.id'
$ jqf find 'arr => arr.id === 1'
$ jqf filter 'arr => !arr'
$ jqf some 'arr => arr % 2 === 0'
$ jqf every 'arr => arr % 2 === 0'
$ jqf reduce '(prev, item) => /* reduce */' '"value"'
$ jqf reduceRight '(prev, item) => /* reduce */' '"value"'
$ jqf flatMap 'arr => arr'
$ jqf keys
$ jqf values
$ jqf entries
$ jqf fromEntries
$ git clone [email protected]:kamataryo/jqf.git
$ cd jqf
$ bun install
$ bun test
$ bun run build
$ cd website
$ bun install
$ bun start
$ bun run build
Issues and pull requests are welcome.
This project is inspired by great CLI JSON processing tool, jq.