Basic algorithms in JS based on a udemy course This is my implementation of the algoirthms mentioned in a Udemy course
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Algorithms implemented are
Implement a function which prints numbers 1 through the number argument with following rules.
- print word "Fizz" if the number is divisible by 3,
- print the word "Buzz" if the number is divisible by 5,
- print the word "FizzBuzz" if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5.
- print the number as is otherwise.
example : fizzBuzz(16) should output 1,2,"Fizz,4,"Buzz","Fizz",7,8,"Fizz","Buzz",11,"Fizz",13,14,"FizzBuzz",16
Implement a function that takes a string and a shiftNumber and return another string according to following rules.
- Each character is replaced by the character which is shiftNum positions ahead from the current character in the alphabet "abc....z" sequence
- Alphabet sequence repeats itself before and after "abc.....z"
- shiftNum can be positive (indicates forward counting) or negative ( indicated backwards counting)
- shiftNum can be any integer like 100 or -100.
Example: caesarCipher("abc", 2) should output "cde"
caesarCipher("abc",-2) should output "yza"
Implement a function that returns true or false if the supplied string is a palindrome.
Implement a function that takes two parameters, a noteText and a magazineText. Returns true if all the words in the note can be built from the words in the magazine text. returns false otherwise.
For example: "this will be reversed" will output "reversed be will this"