Based on the updated medical insurance policy of Industrial Park Fund Management Center, students in our university currently have the following three kinds of insurance:
- Basic medical insurance: It is organized by Suzhou Industrial Park Fund Management Center and costs 120 RMB per person per year. Insurance duration is from annual January 1st to December 31st(new students’ accounting date is from the registration day to December 31st next year).
- Commercial supplementary medical insurance: It is organized by Suzhou Industrial Park Fund Management Center which costs students 15 RMB per person per year. Insurance duration is from annual January 1st to December 31st (new students’ accounting date is from the registration day to December 31st next year).
- Commercial insurance: It is funded by university who purchases from insurance company after tendering procedures. The cost is 45 per person per year. Insurance duration is from September 1st to August 31st next year. (New students’ accounting date is from the registration day to university).
To know detailed regulations of 'Commercial supplementary medical insurance', you can refer to the link below: XJTLU Local Student Insurance Q&A
- The medical fees will be deducted from the Non-tuition Fee System at the end of the academic year.
- 2019 Intake students who received medical treatment after the enrollment in either Suzhou or previous residence place should submit the medical materials to our one-stop front desk for reimbursement. The university will deliver these document to SIP Provident Fund Center in the next year after your citizen cards were done, so please wait patiently.
- Old students who received medical treatment in their hometowns in summer holiday are recommended to submit the receipts and relevant medical documents to One-stop Center. Since the documents will be only processed manually, please submit the documents before 27th Sep.
- The materials required for reimbursement should contain: A. Outpatient: invoices (if treatment occurred in household residence, please submit the copy of household register) B. Inpatient: invoice, detailed expense, discharge summary, and both sides copy of National ID, Bank card(if treatment occurred in household residence, please submit the copy of household register)
- According to the related policy on medical insurance manually reimbursement, only the invoices within 3 months can be reimbursed successfully. So please hand in your medical invoice to one-stop as soon as possible.
- If SIPSPF makes modifications on the policies, please be subject to them.
If there is any question, please ask for help in the following ways:
- Send emails to [email protected]
- Call 0512-88161854
- 基础医疗保险:由苏州园区公积金中心组织,学生本人出资。根据园区最新政策,费用为每人每年 120 元,保险期限为每年的 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日(新生的起算日可放宽到入学当年的开学日)。
- 工业园区商业补充医疗保险:由苏州园区公积金中心组织,学生本人出资。费用为每人每年 23 元,保险期限为每年的 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日(新生的起算日可放宽到入学当年的开学日)。
- 商业保险:作为医疗保险的补充,由学校出资,通过招标向保险公司购买。保险期限为每年的 9 月 1 日至次年的 8 月 31 日(新生的起算日可放宽到入学当年的开学日)。
- 上述三份保险会由学校统一为全体在校学生组织购买,无需单独提出申请,其中个人自付的费用会在代收费系统中统一结算;
- 19 级新生的医保卡将于明年 3 月份前发放,在医保卡发放之前,入校之后(8 月 24 日正式报到之后)如果在苏州或者原户籍地就医,请及时将医保报销材料交到一站式,实际报销需等到市民卡制作完成之后,具体报销结果请耐心等待(约次年3月份)。
- 非新生在暑假期间如有在原户籍地就医,请于 9 月 27 日 17:00 PM 前将相关材料交至学生一站式服务中心进行手工报销,以免错过报销有效期。
- 医保报销材料主要 a. 门诊:发票(如在户籍地就医需要户口本首页和学生本人页复印件) b. 住院:发票,费用清单和出院小结(或出院记录),身份证和银行卡正反面复印件(如在户籍地就医需要户口本首页和学生本人页复印件)。
- 公积金中心报销政策为,3 个月内发票可以报销,所以在学期中,请需要手工报销医疗费的学生务必提前将有效期中的医疗票据等交至一站式。
- 公积金中心政策如有更新请以新政策为准。
如有疑问, 请咨询学生一站式服务中心
- E-mail:[email protected]
- Tel: 0512-88161854
One stop student service centre
Student Affairs Office
9th Sep, 2019