Arbitrum WBTC Compound Watcher This bot watches for changes in the Compound USDC pool. Specifically, for withdrawals of WBTC In the future it will monitor any network and any pool, depending on the settings How to use it? 0. Copy this repo and create a .env file in the root directory 1. Go to BotFather (search BotFather in Telegram) and create a new bot 2. Copy the token and paste it into the .env file. <TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN> 3. Start a chat with your new bot or send it any message 4. Open a browser and go to 5. You'll see a JSON response where you can find your chat_id. Add it to the .env file (<TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID>) 6. RUN THE SCRIPT VIA npx hardhat run scripts/watch.ts --network arbitrum