From b6e790a28b87a2af22c14315b8970f506a963d89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: odow <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 12:08:39 +1200
Subject: [PATCH] Many updates and simplifications

 docs/make.jl                                  |   1 +
 .../tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.csv  | 338 +++++++++---------
 .../tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.jl   | 195 ++++------
 3 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 297 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index c52062d7bd3..54ea801b60b 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ const _PAGES = [
+            "tutorials/algorithms/",
         "Applications" => [
diff --git a/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.csv b/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.csv
index dfae1396ab3..d74486700ee 100644
--- a/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.csv
+++ b/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.csv
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
diff --git a/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.jl b/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.jl
index 535f4f07bc2..ae81a346369 100644
--- a/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.jl
+++ b/docs/src/tutorials/algorithms/rolling_horizon.jl
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ import StatsPlots
 # optimization window and the move forward.
 # **Optimization Window** (optimization_window): It defines how many periods
-# (e.g., hours) we will optimize each time. For this example, we set the default
+# (for example, hours) we will optimize each time. For this example, we set the default
 # value in 48h, meaning we will optimize two days each time.
 optimization_window = 48
-# **Move Forward** (move_forward): It defines how many periods (e.g., hours) we
+# **Move Forward** (move_forward): It defines how many periods (for example, hours) we
 # will move forward to optimize the next optimization window. For this example,
 # we set the default value in 24h, meaning we will move 1 day ahead each time.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ move_forward = 24
 # Note that the move forward parameter must be lower or equal to the
 # optimization window parameter to work correctly.
-@assert optimization_window >= move_forward "optimization_window must be greater or equal to move_forward"
+@assert optimization_window >= move_forward
 # Let's explore the input data in file [rolling_horizon.csv](rolling_horizon.csv).
 # We have a total time horizon of a week (i.e., 168h), an electricity demand,
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ move_forward = 24
 filename = joinpath(@__DIR__, "rolling_horizon.csv")
 time_series =, DataFrames.DataFrame);
-# We define the solar investment (e.g., 150 MW) to determine the solar
+# We define the solar investment (for example, 150 MW) to determine the solar
 # production during the operation optimization step.
 # In addition, we can determine some basic information about the rolling
@@ -150,168 +150,106 @@ time_series.solar_MW = solar_investment * time_series.solar_pu
 ## input data calculation for the Rolling Horizon
 total_time_length = size(time_series, 1)
-number_of_windows = ceil(Int, total_time_length / move_forward)
-println("number of windows:", number_of_windows)
+println("number of windows:", ceil(Int, total_time_length / move_forward))
-p1 = Plots.plot(
-    time_series.t,
-    [time_series.demand_MW, time_series.solar_MW];
-    ylabel = "MW",
-    label = ["demand" "solar"],
-    color = [:ivory4 :darkorange1],
+x_series = 1:total_time_length
+y_series = [time_series.demand_MW, time_series.solar_MW]
+plot_1 = Plots.plot(x_series, y_series; label = ["demand" "solar"])
+plot_2 = Plots.plot(x_series, y_series; label = false)
+window = [0, optimization_window]
+Plots.vspan!(plot_1, window; alpha = 0.25, label = false)
+Plots.vspan!(plot_2, move_forward .+ window; alpha = 0.25, label = false)
+text_1 = Plots.text("optimization\n  window 1", :top, :left, 8)
+Plots.annotate!(plot_1, 18, time_series.solar_MW[12], text_1)
+text_2 = Plots.text("optimization\n  window 2", :top, :left, 8)
+Plots.annotate!(plot_2, 42, time_series.solar_MW[12], text_2)
+    plot_1,
+    plot_2;
+    layout = (2, 1),
     linewidth = 3,
-    ylims = (0, solar_investment),
     xticks = 0:12:total_time_length,
-Plots.vspan!(p1, [1, optimization_window]; alpha = 0.25, label = "")
-    p1,
-    18,
-    time_series[12, :solar_MW],
-    Plots.text("optimization\n   window 1", :top, :left, 8),
-p2 = Plots.plot(
-    time_series.t,
-    [time_series.demand_MW, time_series.solar_MW];
     xlabel = "Hours",
     ylabel = "MW",
-    label = ["" ""],
-    color = [:ivory4 :darkorange1],
-    linewidth = 3,
-    ylims = (0, solar_investment),
-    xticks = 0:12:total_time_length,
-    p2,
-    [move_forward, move_forward + optimization_window];
-    alpha = 0.25,
-    label = "",
-    p2,
-    42,
-    time_series[12, :solar_MW],
-    Plots.text("optimization\n   window 2", :top, :left, 8),
-    p2,
-    [1; move_forward],
-    [100; 100];
-    arrow = 2,
-    label = "",
-    c = :black,
-Plots.annotate!(p2, 5, 130, Plots.text(" move\nforward", :top, :left, 8))
-Plots.plot(p1, p2; layout = (2, 1))
 # ## Rolling horizon first window
-# We first sample the initial input data and get the parameter values for the
-# first optimization window.
-# We also create a helper index `t_minus_1` to get easy access to the previous
-# hour using the function `mod1`.
-## Create data of the first window
-time_series_filter = 1:optimization_window
-availability = time_series.solar_pu[time_series_filter]
-demand = time_series.demand_MW[time_series_filter]
-## Create index t and t-1
-t = 1:optimization_window
-t_minus_1 =
-    mod1.(optimization_window:(2*optimization_window-1), optimization_window)
 # We have all the information we need to create and optimize the first window in
 # the model.
 model = Model(() -> POI.Optimizer(HiGHS.Optimizer()))
-@variable(model, 0 <= i)
-@variable(model, 0 <= r[t])
-@variable(model, 0 <= p[t] <= 150)
-@variable(model, 0 <= s[t] <= 40)
-@variable(model, 0 <= c[t] <= 10)
-@variable(model, 0 <= d[t] <= 10)
-@variable(model, D[t] in Parameter.(demand[t]))
-@variable(model, A[t] in Parameter.(availability[t]))
-@variable(model, So in Parameter(0.0))
-@constraint(model, balance, p[t] .+ r[t] .+ d[t] .== D[t] .+ c[t])
+@variables(model, begin
+    i == solar_investment
+    0 <= r[1:optimization_window]
+    0 <= p[1:optimization_window] <= 150
+    0 <= s[1:optimization_window] <= 40
+    0 <= c[1:optimization_window] <= 10
+    0 <= d[1:optimization_window] <= 10
+    ## Initialize empty parameters. These values will get updated layer
+    D[t in 1:optimization_window] in Parameter(0)
+    A[t in 1:optimization_window] in Parameter(0)
+    So in Parameter(0)
-    storage[t in 2:optimization_window],
-    s[t] == s[t-1] + 0.9 * c[t] - d[t] / 0.9
+    begin
+        p .+ r .+ d .== D .+ c
+        s[1] == So + 0.9 * c[1] - d[1] / 0.9
+        [t in 2:optimization_window], s[t] == s[t-1] + 0.9 * c[t] - d[t] / 0.9
+        r .<= A .* i
+    end
-@constraint(model, init_storage, s[1] == So + 0.9 * c[1] - d[1] / 0.9)
-@constraint(model, max_ava, r[t] .<= A[t] * i)
-@objective(model, Min, 100 * i + sum(50 * p[t]))
-fix(i, solar_investment; force = true)
+@objective(model, Min, 100 * i + 50 * sum(p))
 # After the optimization, we can store the results in vectors. It's important to
 # note that despite optimizing for 48 hours (the default value), we only store
-# the values for the "move forward" parameter (e.g., 24 hours or one day using
-# the default value). This approach ensures that there is a buffer of additional
-# periods or hours beyond the "move forward" parameter to prevent the storage
-# from depleting entirely at the end of the specified hours.
+# the values for the "move forward" parameter (for example, 24 hours or one day
+# using the default value). This approach ensures that there is a buffer of
+# additional periods or hours beyond the "move forward" parameter to prevent the
+# storage from depleting entirely at the end of the specified hours.
-objective_function_per_window = zeros(number_of_windows)
+objective_function_per_window = Float64[]
 renewable_production = zeros(total_time_length)
 storage_level = zeros(total_time_length)
-# Store results from the first window
-renewable_production[1:move_forward] = value.(model[:r])[1:move_forward]
-storage_level[1:move_forward] = value.(model[:s])[1:move_forward]
-objective_function_per_window[1] = objective_value(model)
-println("Objective function first window: ", objective_function_per_window[1])
 # ### Rolling horizon for the following windows
 # For the following windows on the horizon, we:
-# 1. Update the parameter values from the input data for that window
-# 2. Update the parameters in the models using the ParametricOptInterface.jl
-# 3. Solve the model for that window
-# 4. Store the results
-# Although this is a small problem, the benefits of using
-# ParametricOptInterface.jl can be seen in the simplex iterations in the first
-# window compared to the ones in the subsequent ones.
+# 1. Update the parameters in the models using the ParametricOptInterface.jl
+# 2. Solve the model for that window
+# 3. Store the results
-for window in 2:number_of_windows
-    # Update window data
-    window_start = Int(1 + (window - 1) * move_forward)
-    window_end = Int(window_start + optimization_window - 1)
-    time_series_filter = mod1.(window_start:window_end, total_time_length)
-    availability = time_series.solar_pu[time_series_filter]
-    demand = time_series.demand_MW[time_series_filter]
-    initial_storage = storage_level[window_start-1]
-    # Update parameters in the model
-    MOI.set.(model, POI.ParameterValue(), model[:D], demand)
-    MOI.set.(model, POI.ParameterValue(), model[:A], availability)
-    MOI.set(model, POI.ParameterValue(), model[:So], initial_storage)
-    # Optimize again
+for offset in 0:move_forward:total_time_length-1
+    ## Step 1: update the parameter values over the optimization_window
+    for t in 1:optimization_window
+        row = mod1(offset + t, size(time_series, 1))
+        set_parameter_value(model[:D][t], time_series[row, :demand_MW])
+        set_parameter_value(model[:A][t], time_series[row, :solar_pu])
+    end
+    set_parameter_value(model[:So], get(storage_level, offset, 0))
+    ## Step 2: solve the model
-    # Store results for each window
-    window_end_output =
-        minimum([Int(window_start + move_forward - 1) total_time_length])
-    output_filter = window_start:window_end_output
-    last_output_value =
-        minimum([move_forward (window_end_output - window_start + 1)])
-    renewable_production[output_filter] = value.(model[:r])[1:last_output_value]
-    storage_level[output_filter] = value.(model[:s])[1:last_output_value]
-    objective_function_per_window[window] = objective_value(model)
+    ## Step 3: store the results of the move_forward values
+    push!(objective_function_per_window, objective_value(model))
+    for t in 1:move_forward
+        renewable_production[offset+t] = value(model[:r][t])
+        storage_level[offset+t] = value(model[:s][t])
+    end
 # We can explore the outputs in the following graphs:
-    objective_function_per_window;
+    objective_function_per_window ./ 10^3;
     label = false,
     linewidth = 3,
     xlabel = "Window",
-    ylabel = "\$",
-    title = "Objective Function per Window",
+    ylabel = "[000'] \$",
@@ -322,6 +260,7 @@ Plots.plot(
     linewidth = 3,
     xlabel = "Hours",
     ylabel = "MW",
+    xticks = 0:12:total_time_length,
 # **Final remark**: [ParametricOptInterface.jl](@ref) offers an easy way to