Dados coletados por Andryw Marques para fazer esse estudo. Detalhes sobre a coleta no artigo.
Data collected by Andryw Marques to this study. Details about how the data was collected it in the article.
Each data is a lastfm user described as the artists he/she listened 5 times or more during 6 months in 2012. During this time, an artist is new if he/she was not listened before in the 6 months, otherwise its old.
There are 11,989 users.
The main features are
* user <chr> Username
* ecletic <dbl> How ecletic the user is, a measure proposed by Andryw.
* media_pop <dbl> log10 average of the listened artists popularity.
* mediana_pop <dbl> median of the same.
* dp_pop <dbl> standard deviation of the same.
* news <dbl> How many new artists were listened during the 6 months.
* old <dbl> How many old artists were listened during the 6 months.