Using edge time series to estimate FC at different levels of co-fluctuation for individual-level predictions
This project uses julearn for machine-learning and cross-validation. It is a library built on top of scikit-learn, and built with specific neuroscientific challenges such as cross-validation consistent deconfounding in mind. Check out its GitHub and documentation here:
- Github:
- Documentation:
The specific commit hash used is this one:
- 6c94a2d3682799e74e99db184c713797b7094d22
Thus to use the same version, you should probably install from GitHub using this commit hash.
Make a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv /path/to/newvenv
source /path/to/newvenv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
Then go to the location at which you want to install julearn:
git clone
cd julearn
git checkout 6c94a2d3682799e74e99db184c713797b7094d22
pip install .
Afterwards you can install etspredict. Again, go to the location at which you want to install it. Then:
git clone
cd etspredict
pip insall -r requirements.txt
pip install .
In order to actually run code, you will need to obtain access to data from the human connectome project neuroimaging data and behavioural data (;
Denoised time series should be placed at etspredict/etspredict/data/hcp_ya and etspredict/etspredict/data/hcp_aging for the hcp young adult and aging datasets respectively.