All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Distributed task management for Guice cassandra-rabbitmq product. This enables several James servers to share a consistent view of tasks being currently executed.
- JAMES-2563 Health check for ElasticSearch
- JAMES-2904 Authentication and SSL support for Cassandra backend
- JAMES-2904 Authentication and SSL support for ElasticSearch backend
- Multiple changes have been made to enhance ElasticSearch performance:
- Use of routing keys to collocate documents per mailbox
- Under some configuration, html was not extracted before document indexing
- Removed unnecessary fields from mailbox mapping
- Disable dynamic mapping thanks to a change of the header structure
- Read related upgrade instructions
- JAMES-2855 Multiple library/plugin/docker images/build tool upgrades
- By default the cassandra keyspace creation by James is now disabled by default. This allow to have credentials limited to a keyspace. It can be enabled by setting cassandra.keyspace.create=true in the file.
- Usernames are assumed to be always lower cased. Many users recently complained about mails non received when sending to upper cased local recipients. We decided to simplify the handling of case for local recipients and users by always storing them lower cased.
- Unhealthy health checks now return HTTP 503 instead of 500, degraded now returns 200 instead of 500. See JAMES-2576.
- JAMES-2828 & JAMES-2929 bugs affecting JDBCMailRepository usage with PostgresSQL thanks to Jörg Thomas & Sergey B
- JAMES-2936 Creating a mailbox using consecutive delimiter character leads to creation of list of unnamed mailbox
- JAMES-2911 Unable to send mail from James using an SMTP gateway
- JAMES-2944 Inlined attachments should be wrapped in multipart/related by JMAP draft
- JAMES-2941 Return NO when an IMAP command unexpectedly fails
- JAMES-2943 Deleting auto detected domain should fail
- JAMES-2957 dlp.Dlp matcher should parse emails containing attachments
- JAMES-2958 Limit domain name size to not longer than 255 characters
- JAMES-2939 Prevent mixed case INBOX creation
- JAMES-2903 Rework default LOG4J log file for Spring
- JAMES-2739 fixed browse mails from queue over JMX
- JAMES-2375 DSNBounce mailet should provide a subject
- JAMES-2097 RemoteDelivery: Avoid retrying already succeeded recipients when sendPartial
- MAILBOX-392 Mailbox name validation upon mailbox creation is stricter: forbid
and empty sub-mailboxes names. - JAMES-2972 Incorrect attribute name in the mailet configuration thanks to jtconsol
- JAMES-2632 JMAP Draft GetMailboxes performance enhancements when retrieving all mailboxes of a user
- JAMES-2964 Forbid to create User quota/ Domain quota/ Global quota using negative number
- Classes marked as deprecated whose removal was planned after 3.4.0 release (See JAMES-2703). This includes:
- SieveDefaultRepository. Please use SieveFileRepository instead.
- JDBCRecipientRewriteTable, XMLRecipientRewriteTable, UsersRepositoryAliasingForwarding, JDBCAlias mailets. Please use RecipientRewriteTable mailet instead.
- JDBCRecipientRewriteTable implementation. Please use JPARecipientRewriteTable instead.
- JamesUsersJdbcRepository, DefaultUsersJdbcRepository. Please use JpaUsersRepository instead.
- MailboxQuotaFixed matcher. Please use IsOverQuota instead.
- UsersFileRepository, which was marked as deprecated for years
- We accordingly removed deprecated methods within UsersRepositoryManagementMBean exposed over JMX (unsetAlias, getAlias, unsetForwardAddress, getForwardAddress). RecipientRewriteTables should be used instead.
- The distributed James server product (relying on Guice, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ and optionally Swift) now needs at least RabbitMQ 3.8.
- Tika prior 1.22 is subject to multiple CVEs. We recommend the upgrade.
- Add in-memory docker image
- Support of AWS S3 as blobstore
- WebAdmin routes for mapping management (AddAddressMapping, AddRegexMapping, ListMappings), previously only manageable by CLI
- Metrics for Deleted Message Vault
- More metrics for BlobStore (new delete & deleteBucket configuration)
- (experimental) New implementation of the deleted message vault on top of an object store, not relying anymore on a repository. This avoids exposing messages via webAdmin. Messages previously stored in the vault will be lost.
- Migration to ElasticSearch 6.3
- Blob export to LinShare
- Native DKIM support for outgoing mails. The mailets from james-jdkim have been included in main James project.
- Zookeeper component. This will be removed after 3.4 release. If you have development skills, and are willing to maintain this component, please reach us.
- Karaf OSGi implementation. It was not compiled nor tested for a year. We didn't get any feedback about that and we don't have the resources nor the skills to maintain it any more.
- Metrics for BlobStore
- New Guice product using Cassandra RabbitMQ ElasticSearch, OpenStack Swift and optional LDAP dependency (experimental)
- JPA SMTP dockerFile contributed by matzepan
- Listing healthchecks, thanks to Madhu Bhat
- Configuring the ElasticSearch clusterName
- Logging and Metrics now supports Elasticsearch 6 (previously only Elasticsearch 2 was supported)
- Implementation of the RabbitMQ EventBus
- DeadLetter APIs and memory implementation for storing events that failed delivery
- RecipientRewriteTable Aliases and associated WebAdmin routes
- EventBus DeadLetter reDeliver routes on top of WebAdmin
- EventBus DeadLetter Cassandra implementation
- WebAdmin routes for restoring and exporting deleted messages from the Deleted Messages Vault
- PreDeletionHook extension mechanism
- MAILBOX-350 Potential invalid UID <-> MSN mapping upon IMAP COPY
- Possibility to better zoom in Grafana boards
- default ElasticSearch shards & replica configured values
- Move & copy batch sizes are now loaded from configuration
- WebAdmin ReIndexing API had been reworked
- MailboxListener and mailbox event system were reworked. Custom listeners will need to be adapted. Please see Upgrade instuctions.
- Docker images are now using a JRE instead of a JDK
- Replacement of the old mailbox event system with the EventBus
- Progressive use of reactor for concurrency management (in progress)
- Drop HBase and JCR components (mailbox and server/data).
- Tika prior 1.20 is subject to multiple CVEs. We recommend the upgrade
- Mail filtering configured via the JMAP protocol
- WebAdmin exposed mail re-indexing tasks
- WebAdmin exposed health checks. This includes:
- Possibility to perform a single healthcheck, thanks to mschnitzler
- Cassandra health checks thanks to matzepan
- IMAP MOVE commend (RFC-6851) On top of JPA. Thanks to mschnitzler
- JPA support for Sieve script storage thanks to Sebast26
- Sieve script upload via the CLI thanks to matzepan
- Mailet DOC: Exclude from documentation annotation thanks to mschnitzler
configuration option Thanks to matzepanRecipentDomainIs
matchers by athulyaraj
- Multiple libraries updates
- Migration from Cassandra 2 to Cassandra 3
- Mail::getSender was deprecated. Mail::getMaybeSender offers better Null Sender support. Java 8 default API method was used to not break compatibility.
- HBase and JCR components (mailbox and server/data). This will be removed as part of 3.3.0. If you have development skills, and are willing to maintain these components, please reach us.
- Drop partially implemented Kafka distributed events
- SpamAssassin prior 3.4.2 is subject to multiple CVEs. We recommend the upgrade
- Tika prior 1.19.1 is subject to multiple CVEs. We recommend the upgrade
- Delegating folders
- Introduce an object store
- Configurable listeners
- MDN (Message Disposition notification) parsing and handling
- SpamAssassin support with per user reports
- Search in attachments
- Data Leak Prevention
- JPA SMTP Guice product
- Cassandra migration process
- Structured logging
- RPM packaging (in addition to deb packaging)
- Move to Java 8
- Improve Mail Repositories handling, including a nice web API
- Improve Mail Queues handling, including a nice web API
- Improve RRT (Recipient Rewrite Table) implementation
- Quota handling improvments, and in particular users can receive an email when they are near the limit of their quota
- Many performances enhancement, in particular on Cassandra backend
- Documentation updates
- Fix CVE-2017-12628: java deserialization issue exposed by JMX
Too many untracked changes, sorry. But you can have a look at our latest news: James posts
Refer too Old changelog