diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c83eee72d..42c9d304a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ function FormController($scope) {
+All contributions are welcome! We're trying to use [git flow](http://danielkummer.github.io/git-flow-cheatsheet/)
+so please base any merge request on the **development** branch instead of **master**.
Form types
Schema Form currently supports the following form field types:
@@ -178,15 +187,40 @@ General options most field types can handle:
title: "Street", //Title of field, taken from schema if available
notitle: false, //Set to true to hide title
description: "Street name", //A description, taken from schema if available
- validationMessage: "Oh noes, please write a proper address" //A custom validation error message
+ validationMessage: "Oh noes, please write a proper address", //A custom validation error message
+ onChange: "valueChanged(form.key,modelValue)", //onChange event handler, expression or function
+ feedback: false //inline feedback icons
-Validation Messages
+### onChange
+The ```onChange``` option can be used with most fields and its value should be
+either an angular expression, as a string, or a function. If its an expression
+it will be evaluated in the parent scope of the ```sf-schema``` directive with
+the special locals ```modelValue``` and ```form```. If its a function that will
+be called with ```modelValue``` and ```form``` as first and second arguments.
+$scope.form = [
+ {
+ key: "name",
+ onChange: "updated(modelValue,form)"
+ },
+ {
+ key: "password",
+ onChange: function(modelValue,form) {
+ console.log("Password is",modelValue);
+ }
+ }
+### Validation Messages
Per default all error messages but "Required" comes from the schema validator
[tv4](https://github.com/geraintluff/tv4), this might or might not work for you.
-If you supply a ´´´validationMessage´´´ proṕerty in the form definition, and if its value is a
+If you supply a ```validationMessage``` property in the form definition, and if its value is a
string that will be used instead on any validation error.
If you need more fine grained control you can supply an object instead with keys matching the error
@@ -204,6 +238,34 @@ Ex.
+### Inline feedback icons
+*input* and *textarea* based fields get inline status icons by default. A check
+when everything is valid and a cross when there are validation errors.
+This can be turned off or configured to other icons. To turn off just
+set ```feedback``` to false. If set to a string that string is evaluated by
+a ```ngClass``` in the decorators scope. If not set att all the default value
+is ```{ 'glyphicon': true, 'glyphicon-ok': hasSuccess(), 'glyphicon-remove': hasError() }```
+ex. displaying an asterisk on required fields
+ $sope.form = [
+ {
+ key: "name",
+ feedback: "{ 'glyphicon': true, 'glyphicon-asterisk': form.requires && !hasSuccess && !hassError() ,'glyphicon-ok': hasSuccess(), 'glyphicon-remove': hasError() }"
+ }
+Useful things in the decorators scope are
+| Name | Description|
+| hasSuccess() | *true* if field is valid and not pristine |
+| hasError() | *true* if field is invalid and not pristine |
+| ngModel | The controller of the ngModel directive, ex. ngModel.$valid |
+| form | The form definition for this field |
Specific options per type
@@ -346,8 +408,23 @@ function FormCtrl($scope) {
+Post process function
-All contributions are welcome! We're trying to use [git flow](http://danielkummer.github.io/git-flow-cheatsheet/)
-so please base any merge request on the **development** branch instead of **master**.
+If you like to use ```["*"]``` as a form, or aren't in control of the form definitions
+but really need to change or add something you can register a *post process*
+function with the ```schemaForm``` service provider. The post process function
+gets one argument, the final form merged with the defaults from the schema just
+before it's rendered, and should return a form.
+Ex. Reverse all forms
+ schemaForm.postProcess(function(form){
+ form.reverse();
+ return form;
+ })
diff --git a/dist/bootstrap-decorator.min.js b/dist/bootstrap-decorator.min.js
index 0f0d3ed34..5b7eb686e 100644
--- a/dist/bootstrap-decorator.min.js
+++ b/dist/bootstrap-decorator.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
')}]),angular.module("schemaForm").config(["schemaFormDecoratorsProvider",function(e){var t="directives/decorators/bootstrap/";e.createDecorator("bootstrapDecorator",{textarea:t+"textarea.html",fieldset:t+"fieldset.html",section:t+"section.html",conditional:t+"section.html",actions:t+"actions.html",select:t+"select.html",checkbox:t+"checkbox.html",checkboxes:t+"checkboxes.html",number:t+"default.html",passord:t+"default.html",submit:t+"submit.html",button:t+"submit.html",radios:t+"radios.html",radiobuttons:t+"radio-buttons.html","default":t+"default.html"},[function(e){return e.readonly&&e.key&&"fieldset"!==e.type?t+"readonly.html":void 0}]),e.createDirectives({textarea:t+"textarea.html",select:t+"select.html",checkbox:t+"checkbox.html",checkboxes:t+"checkboxes.html",number:t+"default.html",submit:t+"submit.html",button:t+"submit.html",text:t+"default.html",date:t+"default.html",password:t+"default.html",input:t+"default.html",radios:t+"radios.html",radiobuttons:t+"radio-buttons.html"})}]).directive("sfFieldset",function(){return{transclude:!0,scope:!0,templateUrl:"directives/decorators/bootstrap/fieldset-trcl.html",link:function(e,t,r){e.title=e.$eval(r.title)}}});
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