By default the output of the code is an HDF5 file, with filename
Optionally several pickle files (pickle is Python's internal object serialization module), roughly equivalent to IDL SAVE files, can be output. These may be convenient, but are not very portable.
The output HDF5 file contains datasets
for the input observational data and the MCMC sampling chains.
A significant amount of metadata is stored as JSON in dataset attributes.
Anything that could not be JSON serialized during writing will have been pickled instead,
with the pickle stored as string data in place of the JSON.
The HDF5 files can read back into python using
import as reader
filename = "<outfilestring>_<timestamp>_mcmc.h5"
results, obs, model = reader.results_from(filename)
which gives a results
dictionary, the obs
dictionary containing the data to which the model was fit,
and the model
object used in the fitting.
The results
dictionary contains
the production MCMC chains from emcee or the chains and weights from dynesty,
basic descriptions of the model parameters,
and the run_params
Some additional ancillary information is stored, such as code versions, runtimes, MCMC acceptance fractions,
and model parameter positions at various phases of of the code.
There is also a string version of the parameter file used.
The results dictionary contains the information needed to regenerate the sps object used in generating SEDs.
sps = reader.get_sps(res)
It can sometimes be difficult to reconstitute the model object if it is complicated, for example if it was built by using or referencing files or data that are no longer available. For this reason it is suggested that references to filenames in parameter files be made command-line arguments
It is possible to output prospector results as python "pickle" files.
The results pickle is a serialization of the results dictionary,
and has <timestamp>_mcmc
appended onto the output file string specified when the code was run,
where timestamp
is in UT seconds.
It uses only basic scientific python types (e.g. dictionaries, lists, and numpy arrays).
It should therefore be readable on any system with Python and Numpy installed.
This can be accomplished with
import pickle
filename = "<outfilestring>_<timestamp>_mcmc"
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
result = pickle.load(f)
A second pickle file containing the model object has the extension <timestamp>_model
It is a direct serialization of the model object used during fitting, and is thus useful for regenerating posterior samples of the SED,
or otherwise exploring properties of the model.
However, this requires Python and a working Prospector installation of a version compatible with the one used to generate the model pickle. If that is possible, then the following code will read the model pickle:
import pickle
model_file = "<outfilestring>_<timestamp>_model"
with open(model_file, 'rb') as mf:
mod = pickle.load(mf)
If Powell optimization was performed, this pickle also contains the optimization results (as a list of Scipy OptimizerResult objects).
Several methods for visualization of the results are included in the module.
First, the results file can be read into useful dictionaries and objects using
import as reader
filename = "<outfilestring>_<timestamp>_mcmc"
results, obs, model = reader.results_from(filename)
See the help for
for a description of the returned objects.
It is often desirable to plot the parameter traces for the MCMC chains. That is, one wants to see the evolution of the parameter values as a function of MCMC iteration. This is useful to check for convergence. It can be done easily for both emcee and dynesty results by
tracefig = reader.traceplot(results)
Another useful thing is to look at the "corner plot" of the parmeters. If one has the package, then
cornerfig = reader.subcorner(results, showpars=model.theta_labels()[:5])
will return a corner plot of the first 5 free parameters of the model.
If showpars
is omitted then all free parameters will be plotted.
There are numerous other options to the subcorner
method, which is a thin wrapper on,
but they are documented (help(reader.subcorner)
Finally, one often wants to look at posterior samples in the space of the data, or perhaps the maximum a posteriori parameter values. Taking the MAP as an example, this would be accomplished by
import np
# Find the index of the maximum a posteriori sample
ind_max = results["lnprobability"].argmax()
if res["chain"].ndim > 2:
# emcee
walker, iteration = np.unravel_index(ind_max, results["lnprobability"].shape)
theta_max = results["chain"][walker, iteration, :]
elif res["chain"].ndim == 2:
# dynesty
theta_max = results["chain"][indmax, :]
# We need the SPS object to generate a model
sps = reader.get_sps(results)
# now generate the SED for the max. a post. parameters
spec, phot, x = model.predict(theta_max, obs=obs, sps=sps)
# Plot the data and the MAP model on top of each other
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
if obs['wave'] is None:
wave = sps.wavelengths
wave = obs['wavelength']
pl.plot(wave, obs['spectrum'], label="Spec Data")
pl.plot(wave, spec, label="MAP model spectrum")
if obs['filters'] is not None:
pwave = [f.wave_effective for f in obs["filters"]]
pl.plot(pwave, obs['maggies'], label="Phot Data")
pl.plot(pwave, phot, label="MAP model photometry")
However, if all you want is the MAP model this may be stored for you,
without the need to regenerate the sps
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
best = res["bestfit"]
a = model.params["zred"] + 1
pl.plot(a * best["restframe_wavelengths"], best['spectrum'], label="MAP spectrum")
if obs['filters'] is not None:
pwave = [f.wave_effective for f in obs["filters"]]
pl.plot(pwave, best['photometry'], label="MAP photometry")