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single-page-app for NATS using decentralised auth-callout


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This is a skeleton single-page-app using vite, react, and nats via rxjs. Components are:


Create new application+users in your OIDC IdP with:

  • authentication flow PKCE.
  • redirect uri(s):, http://localhost:5173/callback
  • post_redirect uri(s):, http://localhost:5173

Installation (local development)

  1. Fill in a .env.local as per the .env.template file, and add an entry for VITE_NATS_NOBODY_CREDS_B64. e.g.,

    creds=`vault read -field=creds -format=table nats/creds/operator/my-op/account/my-acct/user/nobody | base64`
    echo "VITE_NATS_NOBODY_CREDS_B64=${creds}" >> .env.local
  2. Install and run: npm install && npm run dev

Installation (helm-chart)

Add the 'jr200' public helm-charts repo:

helm repo add jr200
helm repo update

Pull down a copy of the values.yml

helm show values jr200/nats-skeleton-spa > values.yml

Configure the following in the values.yml:

Parameter Description Default Value
devDebug Enable development debugging for the application. false
config.authIdp.uri OIDC identity provider URI. ''
config.authIdp.clientId OIDC client ID for authentication. ''
config.authIdp.scope Scopes for OIDC authentication. openid email offline_access
config.authIdp.redirectUri Redirect URI after authentication. ''
config.authIdp.postLogoutRedirectUri Post-logout redirect URI. ''
config.nats.ssl Use SSL for NATS connection. true
config.nats.uri NATS server URI. nats.nats.svc:4222
config.nginx.ssl Enable SSL in NGINX. true
config.nginx.errorLogLevel NGINX error log level. info
ingress.enabled Enable ingress controller for the service. false
ingress.className Ingress class to use (e.g., HAProxy). ''
ingress.annotations Annotations for the ingress resource. {}
ingress.hosts Hosts for the ingress resource. ''
ingress.tls.secretName Name of the TLS secret for ingress. ''
extraEnv Extra environment variables to add to the container. []

The nobody user credentials can be hardcoded in extraEnv[0]{.name['VITE_NATS_NOBODY_CREDS_B64'], .value['...']}, or alternatively supplied using vault and vault-actions. If the latter, also configure the following:

Parameter Description Default Value
vault.enabled Enable Vault integration. false
vault.url URL of the Vault server. https://vault.vault.svc
vault.authMount Vault auth mount point for Kubernetes. auth/kubernetes
vault.nobodyReaderRole Role in Vault for the SPA to assume. my-nats-skeleton-spa-role
vault.nobodyAccount Account for Vault's credentials. nats/creds/operator/my-op/account/my-acct/user/nobody
vault-actions.enabled Enable or disable Vault actions for policy management. false
vault-actions.hookConfiguration.hook Hook phase for Vault actions (pre-install, post-install). pre-install
vault-actions.bootstrapToken Bootstrap token for Vault actions. null
vault-actions.secretName Name of the secret for Vault actions bootstrap. va-bootstrap-secret
vault-actions.policyName Name of the created policy for Vault agent injector. my-nats-skeleton-spa-policy
