This is a skeleton single-page-app using vite, react, and nats via rxjs. Components are:
- Third-party OIDC IdP, tested using Zitadel.
- jr200/vault-actions to bootstrap roles and policies in vault
- jr200/nats-iam-broker decentralised auth-callout component configured to work with the same OIDC IdP.
- vault-agent-sidecar-injector to inject the sentinel account credentials (needed for the decentralised auth-callout).
- RxJS wrapper for NATS provider (for now, from - thanks for sharing!)
Create new application+users in your OIDC IdP with:
- authentication flow PKCE.
- redirect uri(s):
- post_redirect uri(s):
Fill in a
as per the.env.template
file, and add an entry forVITE_NATS_NOBODY_CREDS_B64
. e.g.,creds=`vault read -field=creds -format=table nats/creds/operator/my-op/account/my-acct/user/nobody | base64` echo "VITE_NATS_NOBODY_CREDS_B64=${creds}" >> .env.local
Install and run:
npm install && npm run dev
Add the 'jr200' public helm-charts repo:
helm repo add jr200
helm repo update
Pull down a copy of the values.yml
helm show values jr200/nats-skeleton-spa > values.yml
Configure the following in the values.yml:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
devDebug |
Enable development debugging for the application. | false |
config.authIdp.uri |
OIDC identity provider URI. | '' |
config.authIdp.clientId |
OIDC client ID for authentication. | '' |
config.authIdp.scope |
Scopes for OIDC authentication. | openid email offline_access |
config.authIdp.redirectUri |
Redirect URI after authentication. | '' |
config.authIdp.postLogoutRedirectUri |
Post-logout redirect URI. | '' |
config.nats.ssl |
Use SSL for NATS connection. | true |
config.nats.uri |
NATS server URI. | nats.nats.svc:4222 |
config.nginx.ssl |
Enable SSL in NGINX. | true |
config.nginx.errorLogLevel |
NGINX error log level. | info |
ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress controller for the service. | false |
ingress.className |
Ingress class to use (e.g., HAProxy). | '' |
ingress.annotations |
Annotations for the ingress resource. | {} |
ingress.hosts |
Hosts for the ingress resource. | '' |
ingress.tls.secretName |
Name of the TLS secret for ingress. | '' |
extraEnv |
Extra environment variables to add to the container. | [] |
The nobody
user credentials can be hardcoded in extraEnv[0]{.name['VITE_NATS_NOBODY_CREDS_B64'], .value['...']}
, or alternatively supplied using vault and vault-actions. If the latter, also configure the following:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
vault.enabled |
Enable Vault integration. | false |
vault.url |
URL of the Vault server. | https://vault.vault.svc |
vault.authMount |
Vault auth mount point for Kubernetes. | auth/kubernetes |
vault.nobodyReaderRole |
Role in Vault for the SPA to assume. | my-nats-skeleton-spa-role |
vault.nobodyAccount |
Account for Vault's credentials. | nats/creds/operator/my-op/account/my-acct/user/nobody |
vault-actions.enabled |
Enable or disable Vault actions for policy management. | false |
vault-actions.hookConfiguration.hook |
Hook phase for Vault actions (pre-install, post-install). | pre-install |
vault-actions.bootstrapToken |
Bootstrap token for Vault actions. | null |
vault-actions.secretName |
Name of the secret for Vault actions bootstrap. | va-bootstrap-secret |
vault-actions.policyName |
Name of the created policy for Vault agent injector. | my-nats-skeleton-spa-policy |
- Netflix RxJS talk:
- RxJS NATS library:
- RxJS Pokemon Deck Tutorial: