This project was taken down by a DMCA request from Radio-Canada. It is no longer maintained. The API that was used to fetch the data is also no longer available. The frontend is now fetching data from a GraphQL API.
RIP Radio-Canada Mini, 2021-2024.
If you'd like to see what the project looked like, you can still see it on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
This was an attempt at making a French version of the CBC Lite website:
Fetching data from the Radio-Canada API at build time, Eleventy creates pages for every news stories on the main sections.
- Establish minimal list of lineups to fetch data from ✅
- Hosted on Github, deployed and served by Vercel ✅
- Return 10 news stories from the main lineups ✅
- Minimalist, unintrusive design ✅
- Trigger build with cron, calling the build hook from Vercel ✅
- Page template - one page for each news story
- Deploy on Netlify:
- List main lineups
- Each lineup generate a page
- Build site to refresh the data every 30 min: webhook from Vercel is called every 30 min with cron - idea is from Dana Byerly - see this article for details
- Indicate last build time LAST BUILD: {{ buildtime.timestamp | dateToISO }} from Whimsical
- Dark mode / light more, with auto switch and button
- Ignore longforms and atypical documents that are sometimes included in lineups mozilla/nunjucks#676
- Generate a list of every pages/lineups (sitemap)
- Integrate images that are returned by the endpoints: load only if users click
- /about page to explain project:
- Correctly format dates to human readable
- Fetch two pages to deliver more articles